“If you have been upset with Sunday Masses for 3 years, then you haven’t tried very hard to find a good abuse-free mass and/or parish. There are plenty of them in the Phoenix Diocese, and they’re not very hard to find.”
My My, isn’t that rather judgmental. I tried every Parish in Mesa where I live, a few in Tempe and a few in Phoenix - none were without abuses but I went to the one with the least.
“And as you know, when granting the Indult the bishop asked that folks continue to participate in their local parishes. Do you intend to honor that request?”
That is not exactly what he said, he said, what he said was,
“It is my wish that those attending this Mass be fully engaged in their own parishes for sacramental preparation, the religious education of their children, and their own spiritual growth and development”
Not that it is any of your business, but it means, for me, I go to confession at that parish. I don’t have children and that is the extent of my participation in the parish in the past, confesson and Mass. It was not a mandate and not a condition, just “his wish”.
Must you challenge everyone and everything? And until such a time that you have participated in some Tridentine Masses, I doubt you can really make much valid comment on them.
If you or anyone is content with your parish (with or without abuses) then I have not problem with that. I never said one was better for everyone, just for me and that was the whole intent of this poll. I believe that there is room for both to coexist. I am happy for you that you are content with your parish. When I lived in Sierra Vista, for the most part, I was “okay” with the Parish there. The priest was very meticulous in his liturgy, heard confessions before every Mass and except for holding hands during communion with the altar girls and callin the EMHC’s Eucharistic Ministers - there were no abuses to note. He gave the best homilies I have heard anywhere (probably because he was an ex Lutheran Minister and they are known for their long homilies )
“If you have been upset with Sunday Masses for 3 years, then you haven’t tried very hard to find a good abuse-free mass and/or parish. There are plenty of them in the Phoenix Diocese, and they’re not very hard to find.”
My My, isn’t that rather judgmental. I tried every Parish in Mesa where I live, a few in Tempe and a few in Phoenix - none were without abuses but I went to the one with the least.
“And as you know, when granting the Indult the bishop asked that folks continue to participate in their local parishes. Do you intend to honor that request?”
That is not exactly what he said, he said, what he said was,
“It is my wish that those attending this Mass be fully engaged in their own parishes for sacramental preparation, the religious education of their children, and their own spiritual growth and development”
Not that it is any of your business, but it means, for me, I go to confession at that parish. I don’t have children and that is the extent of my participation in the parish in the past, confesson and Mass. It was not a mandate and not a condition, just “his wish”.
Must you challenge everyone and everything? And until such a time that you have participated in some Tridentine Masses, I doubt you can really make much valid comment on them.
If you or anyone is content with your parish (with or without abuses) then I have not problem with that. I never said one was better for everyone, just for me and that was the whole intent of this poll. I believe that there is room for both to coexist. I am happy for you that you are content with your parish. When I lived in Sierra Vista, for the most part, I was “okay” with the Parish there. The priest was very meticulous in his liturgy, heard confessions before every Mass and except for holding hands during communion with the altar girls and callin the EMHC’s Eucharistic Ministers - there were no abuses to note. He gave the best homilies I have heard anywhere (probably because he was an ex Lutheran Minister and they are known for their long homilies )