Should We Recite the "Pledge of Allegiance?"

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Originally Posted by gilliam
*The flag of the United States represents the Constitution of the United States. If you don’t honor the flag, you don’t honor the Constitution.
I assume the members of the U.S. Supreme Court honor the flag. However, they do not honor the Constitution and they do not honor God.

They favor the massacre of tens of millions of innocent children, despite state laws to the contrary. And they prohibit praying in school.
Chris Jacobsen:
I assume the members of the U.S. Supreme Court honor the flag. However, they do not honor the Constitution and they do not honor God.

They favor the massacre of tens of millions of innocent children, despite state laws to the contrary. And they prohibit praying in school.
There is a way within the Consititution of replacing them with people you agree with. Of course, in a Republic you need to have enough people elected into the Senate with our beliefs to make that happen. And it won’t happen if we keep electing Democrats

The beauty of our Constitution is that we can have the government we want, if we spend the effort.
Sadly, I feel his Country is no longer about “Spending” effort to get good government, but about “Buying” votes so corrupt Government can remain in power. At the least, its been operating hardcore in this manner for about 60+ years

Disagree? Then explain to me how this Country is in the mess its in when the majority of voters want whats good for the Country, but yet their majoritive voices have become the unheard minority. :ehh:

Btw, I believe in saying the Pledge…I am acknowledging allegience and love of Country and not neccessarily love of Government and whatever particular administration is holding Office. For me, the Pledge acknowledges Gods divine providence for America, and my willingness to fight for THIS Country if it were to be invaded…not attacked but invaded… for an attack on another Country…I look to the Church and not my Government to inform me if such an attack is JUST or not. An invasion upon this Country is another thing altogether.
Btw, I believe in saying the Pledge…I am acknowledging allegience and love of Country and not neccessarily love of Government and whatever particular administration is holding Office.


For me, the Pledge acknowledges Gods divine providence for America, and my willingness to fight for THIS Country if it were to be invaded…not attacked but invaded… for an attack on another Country…I look to the Church and not my Government to inform me if such an attack is JUST or not. An invasion upon this Country is another thing altogether.

Here I think you are simply nit picking because for your own reasons you don’t want to fight for your country right now. 9/11 was larger than Pearl Harbor. Using your logic, we should not of struck back on Japan. Have no fear, as we have been told, over and over again, it isn’t a matter of if but when we will be attacked again. Chances are the next attack will be much larger than 9/11.

The fact that we are at war with a religion (radical Islam) and not a country really doesn’t make any difference. Our constitution is at stake here.

We are at war, and this is a war that will last possibly for generations.
Most Germans hated what the government was doing. Did this mean that they hated their country? No, it meant that they hated what Hitler was doing to and in the name of thier country. If anything, their love of country made them hate him more.
This statement is not really correct. Up until the end of the war the overwhelming majority of Germans did not hate Hitler or what he was doing. As they saw it, he took power in a country that was in the midst of a depression that made ours look like party time and in a few short years turned it into the strongest nation on earth. Believe it or not, Hitler was Time Magazine’s man of the year in 1938, largely because of how he had turned Germany around. It wasn’t until after the war that they turned on him and even then many only did it because they saw that if they did not condemn him the Allied-run Denazification courts would destroy them.

Are you Catholic? If so, let me tell you that the part of the pledge “under God” was thought of and pushed by the Knights of Columbus (In 1954, Congress after a campaign by the Knights of Columbus, added the words, ‘under God,’ to the Pledge. The Pledge was now both a patriotic oath and a public prayer.)

So, yes, you should recite the pledge. You are still American, and if you don’t like who is in office, vote for someone else. That is what being a citizen is. You should be working on all levels of your governement for Catholic causes. But, bottom line, you are an American and the pledge is to the Republic and everything that it stands for. It is not for any particular political party or president (I have to remind Republicans of this during Democratic years as well because they say things similar to what you are saying). So don’t let ANYONE tell you differently. This country belongs to you as much as it belongs to the Republicans, me or anyone else.

Francis Bellamy failed in his goal a long, long time ago.

Of course, you can always renounce your citizenship, and go hide in a cave I suppose. But remember, dispair is a sin.
I agree 100%.
Sorry, I haven’t seen the movie.

I have no defense for Lincoln. Sorry, the man was a politician and his goal was to keep the Union intact. Period. I do know some of Gen Lee, and I respect the memory of the man. He seemed to know what honor meant.
Lincoln was a God-fearing man that wasn’t afraid to put principle above politics. I agree that his primary goal was to keep the union intact but you are off base here.
Elaine's Cross:
Another example of the excessive militaristic attitude residing in the poplulace???

Didn’t the leaders of the Third Reich use some of the same putdowns for those who opposed their plans? Didn’t they also use some of the same inflammatory phrases (you’re either with us or against us) to rally the populace into a militaristic fervor?
It is not a militaristic attitude. It is simple logic. If you don’t want to live in this free country, you are free to live elsewhere. Otherwise, be part of the solution. Beating up your own country doesn’t make any logical sense.
AleGenoa, I find your posts very interesting. I love hearing the perspectives of people “outside” the immediate issue. You seem to have a better grasp of America’s founding history than I do. And I have lived here all my life. Do you think that the use of the term “endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights” would also qualify as a trend toward a “generic God”?
Europeans also have many challenges facing them these days, I have heard. The dimunition of Christian religions, the influx of Islam, etc. Since I am in a sort of “American bubble” and have trouble learning actual facts about the rest of the world, without media spin, I am interested in your perception of what is happening throughout Christendom. I think we in America tend to have a narrow view of the world, and as a Catholic, a member of the Universal Church, I am really interested in what is going on in the rest of Christ’s Body.

As far as the pledge of allegiance goes, I have always had a certain wariness of it. But, I have always said it, and always considered myself a patriotic person. I used to tear up at the national anthem. Lately, though, I have had trouble mustering that kind of emotion. With abortion, and euthanasia, and “radical” judges passing judgements that force their own agendas on the rest of Americans… well, lets just say I’ve gotten a little disillusioned with the whole Proud to be an American thing. Yes, I love my country. No, I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. (is there any country without horrors in it’s past, present, future?) I pay my taxes and follow the rules. I support our troops and I am glad that we have also done great things in the world. My only problem would be if I am ever forced to choose between the one true God, the God who so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son…, and my country. No decision there. Then I will chuck the pledge, the anthem and the constitution into the great abyss where it will belong if such things are allowed to happen in this country supposedly founded on the principle of “freedom”. Hopefully, that would never happen.
Entertaining thoughts about chucking the consitition, the pledge and the anthem in the abyss is a bit premature. It is time to stop worrying about what* might* happen, and start working to ensure it never happens. American citizenship is hard the way being a Christian is hard. Take up the cross and the flag and bear them with dignity and stop thinking about what you might do if Satan takes full control. We can cross that bridge when or even if we ever reach it. Our job in the mean time is to fight Satan, not worry about him.

“Fear not.” - Pope John Paul II the Great
Entertaining thoughts about chucking the consitition, the pledge and the anthem in the abyss is a bit premature. It is time to stop worrying about what* might* happen, and start working to ensure it never happens. American citizenship is hard the way being a Christian is hard. Take up the cross and the flag and bear them with dignity and stop thinking about what you might do if Satan takes full control. We can cross that bridge when or even if we ever reach it. Our job in the mean time is to fight Satan, not worry about him.

“Fear not.” - Pope John Paul II the Great
As I do every day! 😉
Just a hypothetical rant, if you will. But there are seeds of such things being planted already. Like trying to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions, forcing pharmacists to dispense the morning after pill, legally starving people to death, etc. Don’t worry, I will go down fighting! 👍
If you can read this, thank a teacher.

If you can read it in English, thank a soldier
1 Peter 2:13-17. God bless America, and be thankful you live in a country where you can freely voice your concerns.
Yeah Hail America! Great job killing off all the Indians!

Nice work in the Philipines!

Wonderful approach in Laos!

Those people at Ludlow had it coming!

You all are dead on. Since genocide and wars of agression have given us the highest quality of life in the world, we should march around in jackboots and salute the flag!!!

And great approach to history! General Lee’s “gentlemanliness” and “honor” are much more important than the fact that he fought to preserve a system based on human bondage!
Yeah Hail America! Great job killing off all the Indians!

Nice work in the Philipines!

Wonderful approach in Laos!

Those people at Ludlow had it coming!

You all are dead on. Since genocide and wars of agression have given us the highest quality of life in the world, we should march around in jackboots and salute the flag!!!

And great approach to history! General Lee’s “gentlemanliness” and “honor” are much more important than the fact that he fought to preserve a system based on human bondage!
Makes you wonder why so many immigrants have always wanted to come to such a heinous place.

By the way, you’re free to export yourself somewhere else if you cannot morally justify paying taxes to support this monstrosity of a nation.
Makes you wonder why so many immigrants have always wanted to come to such a heinous place.
no, not really. I think I mentioned the quality of life. to the victor go the spoils. Historically when a king was oppressive it didn’t neccessarily stop people from wanting to marry into the royal family and get some of that money and power did it?
Yeah Hail America! Great job killing off all the Indians!

Nice work in the Philipines!

Wonderful approach in Laos!

Those people at Ludlow had it coming!

You all are dead on. Since genocide and wars of agression have given us the highest quality of life in the world, we should march around in jackboots and salute the flag!!!

And great approach to history! General Lee’s “gentlemanliness” and “honor” are much more important than the fact that he fought to preserve a system based on human bondage!
I think somebody here needs a hug.
no, not really. I think I mentioned the quality of life. to the victor go the spoils. Historically when a king was oppressive it didn’t neccessarily stop people from wanting to marry into the royal family and get some of that money and power did it?
I see. So all immigrants to America are selfish hogs looking to gain their share of the immoral spoils?

All people that support America are awful. All people that want to come to America are awful. I suppose the great ones are just the ones to point out how awful America is. How do you reconcile utilizing American resources? Isn’t there blood on your hands every time you open you brush your teeth or drive to the park?
Yeah Hail America! Great job killing off all the Indians!

Nice work in the Philipines!

Wonderful approach in Laos!

Those people at Ludlow had it coming!

You all are dead on. Since genocide and wars of agression have given us the highest quality of life in the world, we should march around in jackboots and salute the flag!!!

And great approach to history! General Lee’s “gentlemanliness” and “honor” are much more important than the fact that he fought to preserve a system based on human bondage!
Ah yes, the hate America first crowd.
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