Should women be treated as equals

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Someone recently railed against equality for women. Even to the extent that a university education is not something to be encouraged (hi @edgar).

Are there negatives in a woman earning a degree?

Where? Was it a troglodyte from beneath a bridge somewhere? Reminds me of John Cleese’s assertion in Monty Python and the Holy Grail that a “witch” had turned him into a newt. When those around him took note of the fact that he appeared human, he stammered out, “I got better.”

Some claims are best viewed as the gastric difficulties that they are.
I would say there are no negatives to a woman earning a degree that don’t also apply to men (e.g. large debt for a degree in a field that won’t offer a good salary).
It’s like…

If women weren’t allowed to hold degrees and pursue higher education and so on… how would I ever get learn to learn anything?

I’d be in a right fine mess, I tell you what…

🙂 🙃 🙂 🙃 🙂 🙃 🙂

Where? Was it a troglodyte from beneath a bridge somewhere? Reminds me of John Cleese’s assertion in Monty Python and the Holy Grail that a “witch” had turned him into a newt. When those around him took note of the fact that he appeared human, he stammered out, “I got better.”

Some claims are best viewed as the gastric difficulties that they are.
Aparently a degree is one of the most devastating contraceptives there are. Or so it was said.
Of course they should be.
Are there negatives in a woman earning a degree
Well that’s that then 🙂
…Next! 🍟🍹
I’ll have to ask my wife who just defended her PhD in Theology dissertation…on Jp2’s theological anthropology…but I’m pretty sure the answers are yes equals, no negatives to getting any degree.
Are there negatives in a woman earning a degree?
No, women should absolutely continue their education after high school, whether at university or a trade school. In the 1960’s, my mother was widowed in her early 40’s with a bunch of kids at home. If she hadn’t been able to go back to her pre-marriage career, we’d have been destitute.
Aparently a degree is one of the most devastating contraceptives there are. Or so it was said.
I haven’t heard that. Is it alluding to a women’s attitude or demands of a degree or advanced degree? I know it can be skewed, but I know many women with degrees form B.S. to PhD/MD. The majority have families (small to large). Of course when your pulling 80-120 hours a week in training, the only thing you want on a day off is sleep.
Congratulations to your wife.
No, women should absolutely continue their education after high school, whether at university or a trade school.
I am educated and female. Therefore I know that reading that apostrophe after the word ‘no’ is very important. If I took that apostrophe out, your sentence would have a very different context and meaning.
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You know, even in Saudi Arabia, there’re more women in university than men.
Of course women should be treated as equals. It’s ridiculous that some believe otherwise.

A degree acting as a contraceptive is a new one on me. Hopefully the poster alluded to in the OP will come and explain what they meant by it.
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What does the question have to do with being Catholic? Not sure why you are embarrassed to be Catholic either…
So will someone tell the Virgin Mary that she is inferior because she is a woman? I mean, all she ever did was being sinless, gave birth to God the Son, and is the absolute top Saint in human history.
Yes, there’s a certain comfort in being the more incompetent partner, I find.
And did the person suggesting this have rug burns on the knuckles of his hands as one might expect from a neanderthal?
There is a whole lot of precedent in the academic community for the idea that women would not benefit from a college education, and not by troglodytes either. This feeling was pervasive in the 1800’s and early 1900’s even up to the middle of the twentieth century. Far from hiding these notions, Harvard medical doctors and many others in Ivy League universities, particularly psychologists, published their ideas about the serious negative effects of educating women, including ruining their natural instinct for motherhood and developing monstrous brains. Reading this so-called scientific literature, which was based on Darwinian evolutionary theory, is a fascinating and incredible experience today. We have at last moved past such ignorance and discrimination in most quarters of the academic community although there are still people of different walks of life who hold to these outdated and preposterous notions.
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