Unsurprisingly there has been no response to this question from any of those who believe the mind is simply the activity of the brain. It suggests they may not be responsible for what they do, but why should they be exceptional in that respect?
Not identifying myself as part of that group,
but wanting to exercise my mind and
in the process reinforce and build up my neural connections,
I thought I’d try to put together some thoughts on the matter of matter.
Who is thinking, is the person. He/she utilizes his brain in doing so.
I’m a fan of seeing all this as a unity, which can be understood in accordiance to different structural frameworks:
On the one hand, we have what is currently described as matter: electrons, protons, atoms, molecules, proteins, nucleic acids, mitochondria, cellular membranes, cells, organs, organisms, species, life, the universe.
On the other, sensations, feelings, thoughts, memories, desires, relationships, families, societies, politics, economics, entertainment, humanity.
I ran out of hands, but we also have our very being and its connection to all else that is and the Source of all that is. Associated with this realm are the manifestations of this relational reality - truth, wisdom, knowledge, the appreciation of beauty and goodness.
For some reason there are people who cannot seem to get beyond a particular framework - everything is translated into that metaphor. But, to say that all there is, is physical activity is equally bizarre to suggesting that this is all mystical illusion.
If we choose to focus our attention to these words, we may wish to contemplate their physical reality:
- as pixels,
- as photons travelling though the space between the monitor and the eye,
- as chemical reactions occurring within the rods and cones of the retina,
- and those neurons which interconnect in the retina
- bringing about the basic signal that travels down the optic cord
- onward to the thalamus and other brain centres,
- to the the occiput where visual perceptions are processed as such,
- and temporal areas where words “exist” ( for want of a better way to describe it)
- including all the prefrontal and other attentional areas of the brain that are involved.
All this and more is what is happening physically within the experience that we are having.
Note however, the untiy of the experience.
The object of our intellect/attention can be directed by the will,
to this element and that,
by one’s choosing,
and, as it has been through the partial surrender of that choice to my direction,
by these words.
This free-flowing attention/being can focus in on itself or be vaguely dispersed, unaware as in deep sleep.
It is who one is at the surface and in one’s depths,
having no dimensions, temporal or spatial.
It just is, and contains all there is within the length and breadth of one’s existence.
And, Who contains me? From Whom do I spring in every moment, self-aware or otherwise?
This post is way too long. For those who stuck through it, I hope the trip wasn’t a waste of time, which is in short supply. One might wish to make the best use of it. That is if it is going somewhere, achieving something and not swallowed in oblivion.