Since God is viewed by Catholics not as a thing to be demonstrated, but as a Person to be known, your requirement of a logical method defies reason. If you deny God exists as a person, you cannot possibly begin to know God. If you denied your next door neighbor exists, you would not likely ever get to know him. He might do everything he needs to do to make his presence known to you, but if you are fixated on believing that he does not exist, none of his efforts will have any effect on your life.
I think PA explained it quite well. Even if we can’t know a person then we can at least judge what others say of that person. He mentioned undefined attributes, and I think Charlemagne gives a perfect example of that. He describes God as a person (or, actually a “Person”). If you ever visit, quite a few of the article writers there note that it’s incorrect to view God as a person. Believers struggle in many ways as to what God is or isn’t.
I’m also going to take the idea of what is said about God a step further. Not only are things said about him contradictory, but at times God is described as being immoral even though those in favor of his existence are more than willing to handwave such objections.
This is the ultimate dilemma of atheism, that it is negative without any proof for its negativity. It is a belief system full of dilemmas, because without God there is no ultimate meaning in life, no absolute basis for morals,
This is what I was talking about before. One can be moral without a god and can find meaning without a god. The fact that Christians can’t fathom such reasoning doesn’t make it true. On top of that, as I noted before, if a god or church calls for an immoral act, a non-believer is more likely to act in a moral manor.
no assurance of ultimate joy,
This one is always interesting me. Just because a proposed attribute of something is good or even great doesn’t make it true. Why not be a Unitarian since that guarantees salvation? Because you don’t think it’s accurate. While the promises of eternal peace sounds wonderful atheists don’t accept it because the evidence is lacking.
and in the end no reason not to commit suicide.
Despite your unwarranted incredulity there are plenty of non-believers who have meaning in their lives. There are also believers who have committed suicide, because suicide is more in line with mental illness than belief systems.
These dilemmas have been faced by some atheists and dismissed by those who cannot deal with them. The latter demand demonstrable proof but have set up absolute barriers against any possibility of getting to know God.
More accurately, believers state such untrue things about atheists to try and assure themselves that people who believe than them simply must be unreasonable.
As I have said before, if the proof even began to be experienced, if they even began to suspect there might be a God, they would regard themselves as being deceived, or deluded, and that all would be well again when they have come to their senses. Ah yes, materialism cannot be transcended by delusional appeals to the Spirit, the atheist believes. But he cannot get over the gnawing feeling that there should be something behind the universe more ultimate than death.
Again, the believer will outright tell untruths about non-believers having these nagging doubts to assure themselves. I find more than a few Christians are not only willing but eager to break the commandment about bearing false witness against a neighbor in order to propagate the faith.
Or why would he be a regular visitor at Catholic Answers?
post 507, I noted how just because one talks about something doesn’t mean that he or she believe it’s true. In the video I linked to in that post it talks about how if fans of the cartoon Voltron were trying to push laws to give their beliefs power or privilege, if those believers got political sway where it affected you, if they made it so only Voltron believers could be elected to assure their demands were met, to force their beliefs in every school and state building, then Catholics would be speaking out against Voltron believers despite not being such believers. One can speak against something without secretly believing it’s true.
The second reason I am here is because I want to increase my knowledge. Aloysium has said he is not interested in beliefs other than his own, but that’s not me.
Third, as an atheist I am constantly being told that I no moral grounding (Don’t you hate people who libel and slander that way?). I want to show that not only am I moral but that religious faith doesn’t make you any more moral (and at times can hinder one’s morality).