If that is the case then why did you include: “To die for strangers is usually regarded by non-believers as a sign of lunacy…”? What need was there for a “filler”?The key words in my post are “the folly of the Cross”.That is where the scepticism usually comes in… Do you believe Jesus was justified in choosing to die?
First, Jesus did not “die”. It was a temporary event. But that is just the smaller part of the problem. Was that “temporary death” necessary? Could God forgive the transgressions of humans without a “sacrifice”? This whole “sacrifice” is a leftover of the pagan religions where the angry gods needed to be appeased. But the Christian God is supposed to be different from the pagan deities. He is supposed to be a tad above those angry, vengeful gods, who demanded that your most precious possession be sacrificed. If God could have forgiven our transgressions, then the “sacrifice” was unnecessary - and then it was a “folly”. If he could NOT have forgiven without the sacrifice, if the sacrifice was necessary to “appease” him, then he is just another pagan god, needing to be appeased. Not someone worthy of being worshipped. Your choice.