Except, as you already stated, it wouldn’t be a miracle because it already happens in nature.
Some animals can live freely at 8,000 meters under water. If a human could do that it would be a miracle.
Some animals can go without water for years. If a human could do that it would be a miracle.
Some animals can withstand up to 1000 Grays of radiation. If a human could do that it would be a miracle.
Some animals can regenerate limbs. If a human could do that it would be a miracle.
Spontaneous remission of cancer is not miraculous. Regeneration of limbs in humans is. Lights on a roof which some people claim to the the Virgin Mary are not miraculous.
I bring Zeitun up because it is relevant to two things. Firstly, your claim about Fatima earlier. With zero evidence apart from people reported as saying what they believed they saw versus what should be the most recorded event in Catholicism.
Secondly, because it compares to this faulty radio episode. Where you say it should have, even must have been investigated.
So…in regard to both those points, let’s have a look at how much evidence we have for the mother of the son of a God making regular appearances for hours at a time for a period of three years having been seen by millions of people. It’s obviously vastly more important than a dodgy piece of electronic equipment - and you say that that should have been investigated, so Mary making regular appearances MUST have been investigated and there MUST be incontrovertible proof of it happening.
Let me know when you find a single one of the tens of thousands of pictures that must have been taken of this event. The we can compare this to Fatima. And see how skepticism fits in with all of this.