Would appreciate your thoughts on how these metaphoric quotes reconcile with the words of Jesus: “I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled”.
I am not sure why you refer to the quotes as metaphoric. They seem clear to me.
Jesus is saying that it is our Creator who decides when the end of time will be.
God being one, knows all in eternity.
Jesus as the Word incarnate, speaking at a particular time and place, is saying that He does not know.
I take this to mean that He cannot say when it will be, in obedience to the Father.
That is how I reconcile that part.
The question as to the meaning of the quote above, has been and will continue to be discussed and argued among theologians.
Not being one myself nor a protestant, believing in sola scriptura; it remains one of the more than ten billion things that sit on my mental back burner.
Maybe He was talking about the destruction of the Temple. I personally don’t think so.
I also don’t think that he meant that the end was going to happen while His contemporaneous peer group had not died off. There are too many things that are described as having to happen before.
I really have no idea. I suppose it all boils down to what is meant by “generation” and by “fulfilled”.
There will be an end to the world.
Before that there will be an end to me.
It doesn’t really matter when that is.
What is important is what I do now.
All will be known.
These are my thoughts on the matter.
There are a lot more interesting and far more immediate things to contemplate, but it does seem a worthy question. Thx for asking.