I’ll jump in on two different fronts, Catholic morality and secular politics.
Start off with many of the “facts” quoted about smoking are in error. It amazes me the way people love to demonize smoking.
First, more than 50% of all people who have ever smoked in this country have quit.
Second, ex-smokers who quit for five years have no statistically greater risk of dying from smoking-related causes than someone who has never smoked. After seven years, their lung tissue is indistinguishable from someone who has never smoked.
So, there is an ipso facto argument that many people were evidently able to enjoy smoking for a while without causing their death or serious health problems. Dare I say “moderation”?
The demonizers act as if anyone who smokes is killing themselves. What risk level is acceptable to someone’s prudential judgment? If 40% of the adult population smokes, and over 50% of all smokers have quit, then that tells me over 80% of adults have smoked at one time in their life. If 20% of deaths are smoking related, then there are a lot of people who do not die from smoking. If merely putting yourself at risk is the sin, does that mean that a Catholic cannot go climb Mount Everest? I think the death rate there is pretty high. What about skydiving? Acrobatic flying?
How about helicopter skiing? I was in a helicopter crash while skiing in British Columbia. Was that a grave sin to risk my life?
This is one of those things that’s simply a matter of conscience. No Catholic has the right to say to another that it’s sinful.
I also didn’t see anyone in the thread claiming to be another’s confessor.
Now, I’ll also say that I do not smoke. My Mother is currently dying of emphysema, and continuing to smoke while on oxygen. It is a nasty, dirty habit. But I also believe in liberty, I believe in free will, and I don’t believe I have the right to condemn her.
While on the liberty angle, they are currently in the process of passing a law in my city against any smoking in a public place. It amazes me how the left has grabbed onto banning and demonizing smoking under any and all pretexts.
It seems like it is the ONLY behavior they are willing to regulate. Any sex anyone wants with any person under any circumstance is fine! Keep the government out of the bedroom! Give my underage daughter an abortion without my knowledge or consent! Let me burn flags, protest, and say anything I want! Hand out condoms to eighth graders! Legalize marijuana for “medical” purposes! Let me divorce for “no fault” whatsoever!
It seems like the left supports “freedom” and “rights” in every possible instance that goes against traditional morality, but by God they are going to squash those evil smokers!