Covenant Eyes is the best software on the market for filtering, blocking, and accountability. I highly recommend it. Look up Matt Fradd on YouTube and podcasts, he is an amazing Catholic speaker who specializes in masturbation and pornography. He runs a podcast called
Love People Use Things which has great resources for you and your son, I will link some stuff for you at the end of this post.
I am a 20YO guy who started my struggle with porn at around 12 and it stayed with me for years and years, was the hardest thing I have ever done to break from it but I couldn’t be happier and more thankful to God that I am free of it. What your son needs is compassion and mercy not anger and punishment. Yes porn is bad and he should have his phone taken away if he’s using it wrong (I use to smash my phone, iTouch, iPads when I was his age because I thought that was the only way I could be free of porn, to literally smash my devices against a wall and break them).
I think if he learned about who these actors and actresses in porn are, it would help him feel sorry for them. Most people turn to porn because they have some void in their lives and they are using porn to fill this void. For me, I didn’t have really any friends male or female, and females in particular didn’t like me at all while males would at least say hi sometimes. So I felt very lonely and felt worthless so I turned to porn believing those images and such wouldn’t judge me and they offered me a false sense of belonging. Your son probably has a reason he turned to porn, it would be helpful to find out the reason, otherwise he will just find other ways to find porn.
Your family and your son will be in my prayers. It was such a terrible, long, and sad struggle for me for years, wanting desperately to stop what I felt I couldn’t. Luckily for your son, you and your husband know about it. That’s a very good thing. Nobody knew about me becauee I took great measures to hide it so I struggled alone. Your son doesn’t have to struggle alone!
Show Love People Use Things, Ep 42: Advice for parents - Sep 16, 2018
Show Love People Use Things, Ep 36: 10 Questions for those wanting to quit porn - Aug 5, 2018
The Porn Myth is a non- religious response to the commonly held belief that pornography is a harmless or even beneficial pastime. Author Matt Fradd draws on the experience of porn performers and users, and the expertise of neurologists, sociologists, and psychologists to demonstrate that...
Deliverance from pornography is possible—and these true stories prove it. The pious man whose fairytale marriage was almost destroyed by his fierce addiction… The young woman who escaped a broken and abusive childhood only to become ensnared in porn’s seamy...
If you use the code “Matt Fradd” or something like that on Covenant Eyes, you get a month or two free. Matt Fradd will mention it in his podcast I linked and other podcasts he does. Lastly, in addition to Covenant Eyes, make sure any private or incognito searches are disabled on every device in your house and make sure safe-search and adult content blockers are in place. Covenant Eyes will so pretty much all that already but make sure there is nothing left, from my experience, someone who is addicted will find any loophole possible to find it. If you need more resources just let me know
God Bless your family and your son, you will be in my prayers,
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us!