That is a question I would also have. In the case of a just war, killing the enemy soldier may not be a sin. Yes, the enemy soldier has the right to life, and he was forced by his government to serve in the army or be hanged, but still, you have the right to defend yourself against an aggressor. I find that even here on CAF, there are Roman Catholics who try to justify the dropping of an atomic bomb on Japan. But that does not involve only soldiers. That involves the killing of innocent Japanese children. And yet, they try to justify that. Of course, I would disagree and maintain that the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan was morally wrong. But to get back to the problem of abortion in this case of a 12 year old child who has been brutally beaten and raped. First of all, I favor capital punishment by hanging in this case. I don’t see any excuse for this. I assume that this is not fake news, but of course it is difficult to believe that. But getting on to the question of abortion in this case. It seems to me that the 12 year old girl has a right to her life and she is not hurting anyone. Suppose though that she feels that this embryo in her womb is an aggressor of some sort on her life and she is mentally distressed and is becoming hysterical believing that her brutal rapist has planted a seed in her with the intention of destroying her life. Would the rule of self-defense apply here allowing her to defend herself by abortion? Self defense is justified in other cases, such as war where innocent people are killed as the soldier attempts to defend himself and protect his life. I find this to be a hard case because the 12 year old child and her parents may believe the seed planted by the rapist is an unjust aggessor on the life of the 12 year old child.What about a 12 year old girl who’s raped and can’t physically carry a child without risk of irreversible bodily harm?