So what should a Catholic reaction to the Alabama abortion ban be?

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It perpetrates the lie that what is aborted is not human.

I think I meant perpetuates? Idk.
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Thanks for all the replies so far.

Again for me, this whole thing strikes me on social media.

What I see is emotional appeal, yes. But also, there is a bunch of sharing going around dealing with specific incidents and specific women who had their own experiences. And when this happens, it’s almost hard to respond in a meaningful way.

Because you end up acting like you know better than that woman. Or that you’re only being black and white. Etc. Who am I to say that I know what that individual woman was going through, etc.
It is true that as far as individual culpability goes, it’s not all black and white, but individual cases don’t change the fact that it is an innocent human being that is getting murdered.

I think that’s one reason the culture doesn’t understand “Catholic Speak.” They think speaking about “evil” means we are condemning someone as a sinner.

They rightly want to be compassionate towards someone.

But we have to remind them that we can separate personal culpability with the inherent, objective evil of the act.
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I’m pro-life and yet could make a much better pro-choice case than that tweet above.
By and large, politicians aren’t interested in making solid arguments based on reason. They are interested in using rhetoric to get people to feel stuff. It mostly works, which is why they keep doing it.
I’m sure that if a girl I knew was raped and pregnant, I would feel very differently about the subject, but that is all. Feeling takes a much lower place than objective truth.
A good Catholic reaction would be a victory rosary televised throughout the world from Mother Angelica’s chapel in Irondale, Alabama, home of EWTN.

Or erecting a several story high bit of artwork depicting pregnant Mary visiting pregnant Elizabeth … and the Holy Spirit filled person calling Mary “Mother” well before the birth.

Artwork at least as big as Notre Dame’s
“Touchdown Jesus” I should think.

Silent Night for the exit hymn.

Alabama is not the only state making these bold moves. Missouri and Louisiana are doing similar things.

Looks like that Fortnight for Life rosary for forty days is beginning to have its Satan binding effects. 😀
  • called 40 Days For Life in some places.
In Orange Co., CA a Bishop kicked off the beginning of it just before Easter at a 530 weekday Mass. 😇🙏
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I can’t help but feel that Mother Angelica had a hand in this victory from up in heaven. Mother Angelica for sainthood!

I am disappointed in some of the comments I have read on social media, some from within my own family. I have snoozed at least one person on account of this. Pray, pray, pray that this is only the beginning, and more states follow suit.
From your mouth to God’s ear.

🤔 … or would that be … from your keyboard to God’s eyes?!
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Since Christ ascended, has there been war? Has there been murder? Has there been theft? Has there been a spirit of love, mercy, and compassion among the nations of the Earth? Do we respect God’s creation? Do we wantonly destroy life on the Earth? Have human beings been gassed to death, starved, beaten, or the subject of brutal medical experiments? Has human skin been used to make lampshades? Have human bones been crushed to make fertilizer? Have human beings been enslaved, raped, and stripped of all dignity? Have we highjacked planes and flown them into sky scrapers killing thousands in the process? Have millions of babies been aborted in the US and over a billion worldwide? Has there ever been a moment of peace on the Earth? NO, the world is not better! It is not full of grace! It is wicked? It is EVIL! Christ is the victor in the end, but until he returns there is no heaven on Earth. This world is Satan’s realm!
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Because of the “limited government” platform of the Republican Party (and of the U.S. Constitution, for that matter), Republicans are not eager to pass laws mandating maternity leaves, foster care, etc.

They prefer that the private sector provide these on their own, not because they are required by law to do so. I certainly agree with this–private sector charities do a better job of helping the poor than government handout programs.
I’m not really arguing for socialized programs/handouts, but rather the way Republicans change their messaging and the way they promote policy at the very least. I’m not an expert on policy so I won’t go into more details regarding handouts or financial assistance.
I believe that we won’t be seeing a legally-mandated maternity leave get through Congress as long as abortion is legal . If a woman can have her “pregnancy” terminated, then it’s not a human being, and therefore, why should a company allow a woman to have a long leave time for something that legally isn’t even a human being?
Countries with legal abortion have maternal leave without this problem though, including mine. So I don’t think this is actually a problem Americans will fall into unless they’re really looking for any reason to avoid leave.

Also, no maternal leave would make pregnancy more of a burden than a blessing which would encourage abortion. Women with no strong convictions against abortion will not keep the baby if they see ‘cons’ everywhere they go.
Yeah, I think I should clarify. Moderates as in those with “moderate” views on abortion (eg those who are pro choice but would prefer some restrictions).
You don’t need them (PP clinics) in affluent white areas. They have the money to go to their doctors for “D&C’s”.
How to respond to the assertion:

“Penalty for aborting after rape is more severe than the penalty for rape in Alabama.”
Well, to perform an abortion after rape is to commit murder. It would stand to reason the murderer would be penalized with a felony. Not to diminish the severity of rape, of course. But murder is murder.
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I get that logic.

But I think you have to consider why the doctor is approached by someone who is raped…
Satan’s kingship over this world has been broken by the Resurrection. Since then, its power has brought kings and emperors to their knees begging seemingly powerless priests for mercy, and all virtually all Europe was once Catholic; it was even called Christendom. It can hardly be said that nations with canonized saints as kings have gone entirely to the Devil. Christ has his power over the world too.
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The child is still her child, and killing the child won’t fix the trauma of the rape. It is written, “You shall not put the son to death for the crime of the father.” As to the rapist, lock him up and throw away the key. Seize his property to pay for his incarceration; he won’t be needing it.
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“Jesus referred to him as “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31), and Paul calls him “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2) and “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). John makes a further distinction when he says: “We know that we are of God, and the whole world is in the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19)”.
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Could the abortion providers potentially close down before this gets overturned? I’m not sure how many are in the state, I think I read it’s only 3, but maybe they could be shut before it gets overturned. That is what I’m praying for.
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