So what should a Catholic reaction to the Alabama abortion ban be?

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This should not be about politics. Is Planned Parenthood going to provide anything but pro-abortion information and a disprorportionate amount of abortion clinics in poor, black neighborhoods?
Ending abortion will mean women who are pregnant and desperate know there is somewhere to turn - there are people and services out there that will care for her and give her the support that she and her child need and therefore will use those services.
Amen. A-MEN.

The abortion industry is making money, and thats where it’s interests are. I think what is lost in the whole abortion thing is that there are people who are being sold a bill of goods about sex, children, finances, and success.

The abortion industry doesn’t care about these women past the abortion.

I’d like us to be better. Again, we need to change the culture. Reach out to kids prior to having sex and show them a better way to handle their sexuality. I’ve seen too many people harmed by the myth that we can just have sex whenever we want and it’s fine. We need to reach out to pregnant women in crisis and give them options and hope for their pregnancy. We need to reach out to post abortive women and give them succor and suffer with them.

Just my $0.02.
P.S. Just to be clear, I agree with most of you more than it may appear.

But I have to sorta play Devil’s advocate in order to get strong responses, or else I won’t learn anything.

As I said, I am pro-life, and I want to be proud of the Alabama law. I just feel inadequate in how to address certain concerns I’m seeing from people I know, like on social media and so on.
I just feel inadequate in how to address certain concerns I’m seeing from people I know, like on social media and so on.
You can’t respond to irrational complaints.

I know it may feel like those people are being reasonable, but that’s only because you’ve heard their arguments so many times that their unreality has taken on shades of reality. (repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it without thinking). In truth, all of their arguments in favor of abortion invariably deny the humanity of the child, and so can never address the true question, which is, Does every human being deserve the same protections? The answer is yes.
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I think I see what you are trying to say; that there are distinctions based on circumstances. Is that correct?

If so, I would agree. It’s like the qualifications for a mortal sin; you have to have grave matter, knowledge, and full consent of a free will. Violate those and you mitigate culpability.

I think there is alot of nuance there. And it can greatly affect how we deal with those who perform abortions. As I stated before there are many who, soaked in a culture where a baby is ‘a clump of cells’ don’t have full knowledge.

Yet, it still doesn’t change the grave matter.

Abortion is possible only because we draw a random, bright line rule as to when personhood starts.

New York says it starts when the baby is completely out of his or her mother.

Georgia says it starts when the heartbeat does.

Alabama says it starts at conception.

Defining personhood minimally is a travesty; and historically every time humans do it it’s a disaster; Hitler and his ‘untermensch’; America and chattel slavery; Colonailism… Babies are no different. Let’s try Bishop Barron’s Catholic ‘Both/And’. Let’s both recognize the baby and protect him and reach out to the mother and protect her. Let’s minimize the evils of the world as much as we can; not duck one by committing another.
True. I shouldn’t have brought it up. What I meant was that outlawing something as wrong is not enough. You have to take into consideration those things that increase the evil, or cause the evil, etc.
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I’m totally on board with that. I get it. I struggled with the ‘if a baby is declared a person than a mother could go to jail’ aspect.
One thing I think everyone needs to keep in mind is that if the Alabama bill goes to the SC and Roe is overturned, all that happens is that the decisions go to the States.

You’ll still be able to get an abortion in New York and at least 16 other States.
Casey is a barrier to overturning Roe. That will need to go first IMO.
Born and raised in Alabama and I am so happy about it.

I was mostly pro choice until I heard my daughter’s heart beat and saw her sonogram at just a few weeks.
I’m Pro-life from conception to natural death but must ask if this legislation will be truly pro-life in a realistic view. Many do not share the Catholic view of contraception, sex within wedlock, or Confession. What other policies are being put in place to make this workable? Will there be a stigma attached to those who fall pregnant out of wedlock? (An undeniable factor which led many in Catholic countries to seek abortion or be sent away.)
All this latest legislation will do is drive it underground - Mother and baby will potentially die.
The educational ranking of Alabama makes me wonder how things will work out.
There is no getting away from the fact that banning abortion will not stop it happening and if it is allowed in neighbouring states it will become a legal challenge.
Honestly, I don’t see much point in being “excited” about a law that is going to be stayed, ruled unconstitutional, and sent to a Supreme Court that is more likely than not to deny cert.

We are still going to be killing innocent children in this country. A law that can’t be enacted doesn’t account for much…
I’m not saying rape is an exception of the evil of abortion. But I am saying that abortion is never something that is merely abstract.
and what’s wrong with providing counseling and support during the pregnancy? Does an abortion give the victim back her childhood, innocence, and future? Or does the abortion just add one more insult to the injury? Two wrongs do not make a right and alternatives are available. The left likes to make you think there is only one solution to a problem… make it go away.
This is abstract thinking. Real back-alley abortionists working out of a house, for example, need to be a certain kind of person who would be making a bad choice. The previous description of such a person was someone who lacked the equipment and skill to perform something close to a proper abortion. The symbol was a wire coat hanger. On the woman’s side. What brought her to the point of even thinking about an abortion? Before politics and laws can be discussed, a review that covers those questions and the motives of the back-alley abortionist need to be addressed.
If I had any doubt I’m a Catholic now I don’t any more. Pro life and had to stay silent on fb as most people are pro choice
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