I think I see what you are trying to say; that there are distinctions based on circumstances. Is that correct?
If so, I would agree. It’s like the qualifications for a mortal sin; you have to have grave matter, knowledge, and full consent of a free will. Violate those and you mitigate culpability.
I think there is alot of nuance there. And it can greatly affect how we deal with those who perform abortions. As I stated before there are many who, soaked in a culture where a baby is ‘a clump of cells’ don’t have full knowledge.
Yet, it still doesn’t change the grave matter.
Abortion is possible only because we draw a random, bright line rule as to when personhood starts.
New York says it starts when the baby is completely out of his or her mother.
Georgia says it starts when the heartbeat does.
Alabama says it starts at conception.
Defining personhood minimally is a travesty; and historically every time humans do it it’s a disaster; Hitler and his ‘untermensch’; America and chattel slavery; Colonailism… Babies are no different. Let’s try Bishop Barron’s Catholic ‘Both/And’. Let’s both recognize the baby and protect him and reach out to the mother and protect her. Let’s minimize the evils of the world as much as we can; not duck one by committing another.