So what should a Catholic reaction to the Alabama abortion ban be?

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It is disgusting, vile, and exploitative to take a stock photo of an abused child to use as a human mascot for what is ultimately the cause of abortion for any time and any reason.
You dodge the issue. Fine and understandable as you know as well as I that a whole lot more than legislation needs to be changed.
Yes, a lot more than legislation needs to be changed, but that needs to be changed too.
That is very true. But it’s also a hard sell. If I can save the children without sending the Mom’s to jail I’m 100% fine with that. Ultimately, as I said before, we need to change the culture so that it isn’t an acceptable thing anymore for so many.

    May 16
I’m totally on board with that. I get it. I struggled with the ‘if a baby is declared a person than a mother could go to jail’ aspect.
and yet no one seems to have a problem with sending a mother to jail if she kills her two day old infant.
In Michigan, behind an abortion clinic, a dumpster with body parts was found. An inspector was called and a ticket was issued to the clinic’s owner for the “improper disposal of medical waste.” These parts were then put in a simple coffin, a funeral mass was said and they received a proper burial.
It is estimated that 108 million people have been killed in wars in the twentieth century.

More than 61 million children have been killed by abortion, since 1973, and not a single bullet was used.

The 61 million number is only for USA, how many have been killed worldwide?

Worldwide, since 1980, the number is1 billion 500 million children killed by abortion.

All people killed in wars in all of human history estimated between 150 million to 1 billion.
I can only speak for myself. And this Catholic’s reaction is, “YAY!!! Wish every State would follow their lead.”
Criticism? Jesus saw a bit of that.
Q: Do you have a problem with Alabama’s laws against homicide?
Q2: If so, what’s the difference?
This is one reality. How can those performing the procedure not see a human being?
These anti-abortion laws, though well intentioned will be struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional. I am Pro-Life, but support limitations on abortion, as opposed to an outright ban. Our culture is too far gone to ever ban abortion outright again. We’ve constructed a society around sexual immorality. The West is post-Christian. The culture we live in is prophesied in the New Testament. It’s going to get worse. The goal of Christians should be to evangelize as many people as possible before the 2nd Coming. He is coming soon. Yes, resist our evil culture as much as possible, but know it is ultimately futile. We cannot save the world. Only Jesus’ return can save humanity. He will be the victor, but many of the faithful will be martyrs first. Everyone must become intimate with scripture. Memorize God’s word and cultivate a living, breathing relationship with Jesus Christ. Prepare to suffer, even unto death. I asked God to help me endure any suffering that befalls me. Please let me not deny you or despair. These laws will be overturned and Roe vs. Wade will be forever cemented in the constitution. Legal euthanasia in the US will follow within the lifetime of those reading my words. A totalitarian state will take power. Why? Because prophecy is being fulfilled.
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Because it’s not the man’s body. And frankly the way our society treats pregnancy the man has no responsibility until after the baby is born. Until men are legally obligated to provide support the moment women are forced to legally proceed with the pregnancy (their wishes be damned), men should not have a say.
Church teaching vs. state law or national law. There is a difference. Much as it annoys many individuals to no end, we are not a theocracy. We do not believe in a Catholic version of Sharia law. (Update to your proof)
While we should always be prepared for the Second Coming, a lot of people said the exact same thing in the 400s. Their expectations have been considerably delayed. I personally am wary of anything that claims that the end is near. Our society can always come back if hearts and minds are changed.
A faithful remnant always remains. Jesus defends His Church, His bride.
Because it’s not the man’s body. And frankly the way our society treats pregnancy the man has no responsibility until after the baby is born. Until men are legally obligated to provide support the moment women are forced to legally proceed with the pregnancy (their wishes be damned), men should not have a say.
I totally agree with you that men should be obligated to provide support for women carrying their child. However, no matter who I am or what relation I have to the subject, my opinion is valid if my logic is.
Also, it isn’t exactly the woman’s body either. It’s the baby’s body - and few seem to think of giving them a say.
Society is not going to “come back”. Hearts and minds won’t be changed. Scripture is very clear about the state of the world when Jesus returns. He is clear in the Gospel that the state of the earth shall be as in the days of Noah when he returns. The days of Noah were so violent and immoral that he destroyed all life, except those in the ark.

37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
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But how do you know that these are the end times? St. Paul thought that they would come during his lifetime. He’s certainly been living a long time if that is the case! I consider excess attempts to predict the end of the world to distract from what we must do here and now.
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