Sola Scriptura -- what is the actual authority?

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But if that promise was for all believers then we wouldn’t have 30-40k denominations all reading the same book yet interpreting it differently…
The problem is not the medium God chooses, but the receiver of His Word. Just because the receiver has a reception variance does not do away with what God actually said and method of conveyance. His word is still authoritative. A teacher, a shepherd is authoritative but does not supplant or even equal to what he teaches…or at least it is conditional, upon being right, whereas God’s Word is unconditionally perfect.

Just because God’s Word failed to keep a perfect Adam and Eve perfect in the garden does not negate His words perfect supreme guidance and authority. God does not cease to unveil Himself through His Word and thru His Spirit to individuals and to corporate bodies ( where two or more are gathered).

What God has spoken and written will stand forever. What we do after that is conditional upon us perfectly receiving His perfect guidance. Just like in the OT a prophet would be judged by future outcome, we we too as individuals and corporate bodies shall see in that great day what is gold and what is chaff, in our endeavors to be scriptural and guided. Even today He perfectly judges visible fruits.
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Not saying he is.

But does truth matter? Because your interpretation can obviously be incorrect.
Amen - God’s Word is perfect and eternal. No doubt about it.

But as I stated in your other quoted post, does Truth matter?
Not saying he is.
No, thank you…but CC says they are.
But does truth matter? Because your interpretation can obviously be incorrect.
Absolutely but any truth spoken is not orphaned but is carried by The Spirit and by others even in tradition or magisterium, somewhere, at sometime, so that man is without excuse before God on any given matter at any time.
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Agree, but each individual is obviously NOT led into “all truth” as the different denominations teach different doctrines.
Being led is not a past tense thing. It is present and future tense. Despite how our human differences divide us, the Spirit continues to guide all of us.
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(This may be true my friend - but holy cow it’s off-the-hook awesome inside…)
Hold on. Your statement of the rest of the Apostles would have… and the same authority was given to all the Apostles… implies something that wasn’t said in Sacred Scripture. Thus, a violation of Sola Scriptura.

As for Our Lord saying that this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood; but by My Heavenly Father… That tells me that Saint Peter had a special role to play as the first Pope. Thus, the Father revealed it to Saint Peter.

Now, I don’t remember if it was your post or someone else said that Saint Peter was supposedly only primus inter pares: No. Saint Peter was the head of the Church. Bar none.

As for the course of this thread: The Protestants here have diverted from the question of the “ validity “ of Sola Scriptura and the final authority of its interpretation.

I offer this point: Sola Scriptura is self refuting. Nowhere in Sacred Scripture does it refer to itself as the only infallible guide to faith and morals. The Church was originally based upon the core of oral tradition with several writings floating around the churches until the Church codified Sacred Scripture in the 4th or 5th centuries. The role of the Pope and the bishops to determine the proper interpretations of Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture was accepted and understood by the Church as a whole and divinely decreed by Our Lord giving Saint Peter the keys to the Kingdom and the Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The Magisterium is guided by the Holy Spirit when it interprets and determines dogmas to be held by all the faithful. Think of the Magisterium, the councils of the Holy Father and the bishops as a Holy Spirit led final arbiter of interpretation and dogma that ensures stability, unity and orthodoxy for the entire Church. Without that; the Faith and what to believe; becomes a mad free for all subject to the vicissitudes of individual interpretation and private revelation. Remember: People can be misled and deceived by evil spirits masquerading as the Holy Spirit.

Sola Scriptura, I think; leads to the same legalistic concern for exact wording of Sacred Scripture that Our Lord condemned the Pharisees for. As well as throwing out all authority over interpretation and leaving it, unfettered; in the hands of unlearned inexperts to interpret for themselves; this leading to the plethora of denominations that Protestantism rapidly devolved into. Then consider Luther: He strove, with much condemnation and vilification toward the other rebels; to maintain orthodoxy among his followers while “ preserving “ the principle of each man his own priest. Hypocritical and contradictory, IMHO.

Thus, harming the unity that Our Lord prayed for us to have.
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The next problem with Sola Scriptura:
and there is no problem with an infallible magisterium ?
The problem would be if it was NOT infallible in it’s ability to teach and define, doctrine and morals authoritatively.
I re read over it and I agree. He went all over the place; saying one thing and then saying something else while “ preserving “ his argument. He failed in his apologetics.
I agree --but he(The Spirit) is not schizophrenic, either. So he wont teach me a different contradicting doctrine than he will you.
Well, what the CC says is that the stool needs 3 legs to stand – remove one and gravity forces it to the ground.

Scripture is supreme for us as well, but when it is properly interpreted with the correct prescription lens. Which is often times impossible when you disregard Sacred Tradition and your clergy lack valid ordination.
agree --but he(The Spirit) is not schizophrenic, either. So he wont teach me a different contradicting doctrine than he will you.
That is right…whatever truth we have is of Him…anything false is our own doing…yet He still strives in perfecting us, even saving us.
Scripture is supreme for us as well, but when it is properly interpreted
Would I be wrong that scripture serves your magisterium, which is equally supreme, if there can be such a thing…can scripture have surpassing authority (Augustine) when the interpreter has equal authority ?
You’re confusing the issue and don’t address the basic point: Sola Scriptura throws out all authority over interpretation and leaves chaos in its place. Christ gave the Church the Holy Spirit to preserve her from errors. Remove that, you’re left in the dark; creating errors.
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