WOW! It seems that finally there may be NO liturgical abuse in any parish: it must be just some invention of some old fasioned catholics. NOT!! . Anyone who denies there are no litugical abuses going on, must really travel around to see, to see for themselves liturgical abuses. Or, they might see it but deny it which means to purpously beleive in falshood or to remain in willful ignorance of the faith, which is actually sinful.
I ask, if there are NO liturgical abuses (maybe there is no such thing as sin either ) then why would the Holy See find the need for a recent document which mentions how certain liturgical abuses MUST be “reprobated.”?:tiphat:
I ask, if there are NO liturgical abuses (maybe there is no such thing as sin either ) then why would the Holy See find the need for a recent document which mentions how certain liturgical abuses MUST be “reprobated.”?:tiphat: