What do you think the assumption means?Are you now saying that Mary rose from the dead?
Her soul was reunited with her body.
Her body and soul were assumed into heaven.
If that isn’t a resurrection…then I don’t know what resurrection is.
We see in scripture that Mary did point the way to her son…“do whatever he tells you…”In other words, Mary always points the way to her Son, Jesus, as is evidenced in the doctrine of the Assumption and the Marian saying of “to Jesus through Mary.” The assumption is about Jesus sharing His graces with His mother, our mother, the Blessed Mother
I have heard the term “to Jesus through Mary” - it refers to exactly what we see in scripture - that she points to her son and asks us to “do whatever he tells you.”
So…in the end - it still about Jesus and doing whatever He tells us.
That wasn’t the question and you know it.Please don’t insult me with your intellectual dishonesty! Has the resurrection of the dead occured? Did I and the rest of the world miss it???
Talk about intellectual dishonesty!!
You claimed that Mary’s assumption elevates her to the status of the creator.
Well…what exactly do you think is going to happen with ALL OF US SOMEDAY???
Do we not - as christians - believe that we will also be resurrected? That we will also receive glorified bodies? And that these glorified bodies will be assumed into heaven?
So…if we are going to believe in the resurrection of the dead - and you do not consider that “elevating” ourselves to the status of the Creator, then why are you insisting that Mary’s assumption elevates her to the status of the creator?
Her assumption merely illuminates the fate that awaits all of us.