Just to make this clear, “lifestyle” in the sense my friend said was that the transsexual is living in sin, by believing and acting as the opposite sex/gender, and may act upon sins like having homosexual sex.
Yes, there are many lifestyles, but this is what my real life friend implied; a transsexual living in sin. That we can’t tell him/her of the wrong things s/he’s doing. She believes that the cultural norms AND the morals from the Old Testament are irrelevant today.
I agree that we can’t judge the sinner, but it is our job to tell him/her what s/he’s doing is wrong. I have never personally met a transgender person, though me and another former friend had a phase but quickly disappeared. I agree that the cultural norms from the OT were fulfilled, but the morality from then still remains.
Someone here told me not to continue debating my friend, since it could have turned into something heated. And so, I stopped debating. However, I’m still open to hear refutals, I want to be prepared for when something like this happens.
How can I refute that the morality from OT still stands today?
How can I better explain “love the sinner, hate the sin”?
What are some of the strongest arguments AGAINST trangenderism (not gender dyphoria in itself, I know that’s not a sin)?
How can I explain how sin affects everyone, regardless of discretion taken when the sin was committed?
Are there obvious literal passages that explicitly say transgenderism is wrong?
Thank you.