For anyone wondering, my non-denominational Christian friend and I are in good terms now.
There has been research in that “gay” lifestyles (in that, they live in sin by having homosexual relationships, and so) that AIDS is much more common in male homosexual relations than with heterosexual relations, and female homosexual relations, while less likely to contract diseases, are still at a higher risk than heterosexual relations (as long as the man and woman are the only ones in a sexual relationship, because if not, the diseases can catch up to them if they have more than 1 partner).
I don’t know why the media is encouraging more sexual activity if the condoms don’t have a 100% protection guarantee. Their agenda is not very pleasing, honestly.
Going back to the transsexual debate, I believe that if children get these operations, they might regret it later, only to be sterile and unable to get their reproductive organs to their natural state back. Now, I don’t know if children are allowed to get these surgeries in the USA, but people are trusting children to figure out what “gender” they are. Children. What.
A few feminists don’t even like the term because transsexuales would be stereotyping. “Caitlyn” Jenner (he’s just transgender, though) got into a controversy because of that, he said the hardest part of being a woman was to check what clothes to wear. As a biological female, that can’t seriously be true.
I’m not even married, and there are worst things to worry about that “checking which clothes to wear”. I would go on more, but that would be mentioning some stuff that I can’t mention here (female things you might not need to know).