My 36 year old son, his 35 year old convert-wife (used to be baptist) and their 3 kids, two of which have received communion, are now going to a Presbyterian of America church.
Our last two parish priests have been from India and Nigeria and our son and his wife say that they get nothing out of mass because they can’t understand their broken english and they don’t want to take their kids to a church that their kids also get nothing out of.
In defense of our son, he argues that our church, like the majority of Catholic churches, does jack squat to make his 5 yr old, 7 yr old an 12 year old want to attend church. On this issue, I must agree with him. Aside from CCE, our church doesn’t have a program for the younger kids. We have a junior youth group, but that doesn’t start until 7th grade.
Since our son’s wife grew up Baptist, she has a totally different experience of what church is for young children and she does not like what our church provides, which is not much.
I’ve reminded our son that when the parents and godparents promised at baptism to raise the children in the faith, it is the Catholic faith.
So, any thoughts on how to deal with this tough issue? Recently I asked our 11 yr. old grandaughter if she gave up anything for Lent, she told me that her parents said that it was none of my business. I felt like introducing her to a bar of soap at that point, but I waited and talked to our son, and as I suspected, they told her that where they go to church is no ones business, so she was just repeating what her dad said to her.
BTW, her mother was livid that I would ask my grandaughter that question.
I asked my son if he would like to receive Annointing of the Sick should he be near death and he said YES. Apparently he wants to have one foot in the Catholic circle and one in the Protestant circle to make his wife happy.
Also, he said that me and my wife can take the kids to mass on Saturday nights, but not too often.
I feel bad for my son because he used to be a devout Catholic and an altar boy and I know what is driving this snd it is tearing him up.
Our last two parish priests have been from India and Nigeria and our son and his wife say that they get nothing out of mass because they can’t understand their broken english and they don’t want to take their kids to a church that their kids also get nothing out of.
In defense of our son, he argues that our church, like the majority of Catholic churches, does jack squat to make his 5 yr old, 7 yr old an 12 year old want to attend church. On this issue, I must agree with him. Aside from CCE, our church doesn’t have a program for the younger kids. We have a junior youth group, but that doesn’t start until 7th grade.
Since our son’s wife grew up Baptist, she has a totally different experience of what church is for young children and she does not like what our church provides, which is not much.
I’ve reminded our son that when the parents and godparents promised at baptism to raise the children in the faith, it is the Catholic faith.
So, any thoughts on how to deal with this tough issue? Recently I asked our 11 yr. old grandaughter if she gave up anything for Lent, she told me that her parents said that it was none of my business. I felt like introducing her to a bar of soap at that point, but I waited and talked to our son, and as I suspected, they told her that where they go to church is no ones business, so she was just repeating what her dad said to her.
BTW, her mother was livid that I would ask my grandaughter that question.
I asked my son if he would like to receive Annointing of the Sick should he be near death and he said YES. Apparently he wants to have one foot in the Catholic circle and one in the Protestant circle to make his wife happy.
Also, he said that me and my wife can take the kids to mass on Saturday nights, but not too often.
I feel bad for my son because he used to be a devout Catholic and an altar boy and I know what is driving this snd it is tearing him up.