Sophie Turner mocks Donald Trump for 'calling Europe a country' during debate

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Oh, I agree. The whole story is ridiculous. The only reason I posted it is because I know that if Biden had made the same mistake, the right-wing news sources like Breitbart and Fox would have been all over it saying that it’s proof Biden has dementia. But when Trump makes a similar gaffe, they ignore it, and, because the mainstream and left-leaning media do not have the same gutter standards as Breitbart and Fox, they didn’t touch it either. I just wanted to highlight the double standard, because in the short time I have been on this forum, all I see is right-wing Americans hailing the philosopher-king Donald Trump and trashing Joe Biden.
Re President Trump’s true opinions on abortion.I couldn’t care less.I observe his actions and Ill take him any day over a JB who professes to be an ardent Catholic,carries a rosary in his pocket and at the same time supports abortion any time any place any reason.
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How can you say that what Trump speaks is the truth when he KNEW how devastating the virus was (did you hear him in the Bob Woodward tape?) but continuously told the public it was similar to the flu, that it would just go away first by Easter and then with the warm weather? What kind of truth is this?

And I also remember his saying to Billy Bush, when he was talking about his sexual liaisons with women, that “Just keep repeating the same thing, and they (the public) will believe it.” Trump is nothing but a political opportunist and indeed a liar.
Perhaps Trump should have rephrased that.

But for all intents and purposes, the EU acts like a country. It even has its capital in Brussels and makes laws, regulations and trade deals for its member countries. Among other institutions, it features the Schengen Area which allows for the freedom of movement of EU citizens between the member countries of the Area. Sort of like we have freedom of movement between the states in the US.
He isn’t an an alarmist ,unlike a JB who is all gloom and doom.Trump has given his reason for downplaying the virus and I think he was prudent in doing so.People were panicked as it was and he being a fear monger just would have made thing worse.After all Fauci said we weren’t t in any really danger here,etc.
Bottom line I think we have all realized this virus was and is still unpredictable,just the symptoms alone run the gamut of asymptomatic to very severe . As time has shown regardless of how many or few measure are enacted,the result is pretty much the same.
Re your other comments,I’m judgi g him as POTUS and your reasons for being distrustful of him sound very feeble and desperate.
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You guys use the term Oriental for people from China, Japan, Korea.

Is that still a thing?
Telling the truth is not equivalent to being a fear monger. JB has his own problems, in my view, but he is no fear monger. In fact, he has said that the American people can achieve anything if they put their mind to it. But I believe to do that, they need to know what obstacles or challenges they are faced with. They need accurate information, not fake news. Trump is the master of fake news.
Read all of them and where they intersect, the truth could possibly lie there.
That’s possible. I remember once that even The Atlantic got something right, though I don’t recall what it was.
Well, the point he was trying to make was that Europe compared to the U.S. as a whole, while comparisons are made between the U.S. and individual European Countries, which is unfair in his eyes.
Wow you surprise me with your predictable and trite comments not only about JB ,a career politician who speaks. by rote ,lies with every breath ,but also your comments re Trump.
You have accurately summed up some of the problems with Joe Biden. He is a career politician and has done very little during his time in office. He does speak by rote, and does not believe in much of what he is saying in his heart of hearts although some of it probably expresses what he truly believes. Now do the same with Donald Trump. In some ways, they are two peas in a pod although they do have different visions for the country. I disagree with both their visions.
At least the definition of Asian is more correct in the UK than in the US.

A lot of people here think there is only one country in Asia and it’s China.

Japan and Korea?

Part of China.
I have been asked how I like living in the US after having traveled from Hawaii.

Uhh, Hawaii is in the US. :roll_eyes:
His ad claiming that social security will be gone by 2023 is exactly that: fear mongering.
Either gone or debt will balloon.
You mean continue to balloon. There’s been no real assets in the (dis)trust fund for decades. That money was stolen by the Democrats (the Republicans have been complicit) and spent on other things.
In another Biden ad, he admits that less than half of all benefits are paid for with current payroll taxes. He’s correct about this, and spent 47 years in Washington doing nothing to fix it.
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