Spanking Children Aggressively

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I’m an advocate of the use of the tool of spanking. I’ve employed it rarely but effectively. What the OP describes is not a tool of parenting, but rather abuse.
I was talking about this today and I mentioned that a parent shouldn’t be angry when he/she spanks a child. It was then pointed out to me that that is usually the case. It’s a good point, though I remember only doing it about three times and I had four very lively children, and I should say I didn’t do it hard.

The other thing I remember from my childhood is that though my mum whacked me quite hard a couple of times, deservedly, my dad never did. However he’d yell somewhat and I waited for that smack for years and he never did it. I’m not sure what was worse, being yelled at or a quick smack and it’s over!
There’s already good insights upthread.
I just want to say, I’m sorry you went through this. :confused:

Praying for you and your family tree.
No, thats not always true.

Did the OP’s mom have a right to discipline her by beating her?

The Catholic church doesn’t have an official position that’s nearly that specific.

The church allows for corporal punishment, if used for the child’s benefit, in proportion to what the child has done, and out of love. It does not define for us where the line is where those are violated.

That said, OP’s parents are so far over the line it’s out of sight.
@DarkLight Parents are given latitiude as to what punishment is acceptable. We cannot interfere even if spanking is occurring.
This is flat-out categorically incorrect. It’s like saying that because we shouldn’t interfere in other people’s sex lives it’s ok for a husband to violently rape his wife, and we can’t do anything if he does.
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I’m not going to attempt to prove the specificity of the posters statement. Only wish to point out that the CCC does not contain the entirety if teaching of the Church. And that the current leader of the Church has spoken about spanking children as being permissible. Not to mention the Church’s historical use of spanking and corporal punishment.
Yeah, okay. So tell me where he gets the nonsense he spouted about the Church being okay with spanking bare bottoms as discipline.
While I’m not sure its nonsense, I find the “bare bottomed” part troubling. I could buy (and use) bare handed spanking but bottomed would be troubling. In fact, I’m sure the current pontiff’s point about spanking had to do with the difference between a slap to the face and a slap to the bottom where not hitting the face preserved some sort of dignity. One would think that dignity would be erased with a pants down spanking. However, I do recall giving my children a bare bottomed spanking in the context of taking a bath. But to purposely undress a child not only seems humiliating but odd for the Church to mention at all!
its really inappropriate to do this to children, remaining clothed is to be respected and doing what you describe to any child older than a toddler will get you a paedophile charge.
actually its not, if you are male and decide to beat your daughter who is now 11 , 12, 13, 14, 15 years old , in that manner, you best be able to afford legal help when charged with doing that.

we are catholic, we are in the midst of a huge sexual abuse crisis. If you read some of the experiences of the victims, especially those living in childrens homes, you will read about this very thing.

Its time to lift and maintain the standards. Either we say its ok to beat children who are naked from the waist down, or we say its not , nor has it ever been acceptable.
I obviously think that’s exaggerating. You may have a point. I may agree in principle, but the idea of sexual abuse being charged to parents at least in the USA is silly. As well as cultural Latin America, or southern culture and African American culture. Not enough jails, nor jury who would convict on a sexual crime. In fact I think by throwing that out there you are demonstrating an ignorance of the pedophile issue relating to the current climate. Can’t say I blame you though. I wish I understood it less. For the sake of my own faith and sanity
I live in a parish that experienced these issues. Let me ask you this, when is it ok to "spank your teenage daughter’s bare backside’

lets put this comment in context.
I suppose when she is sneaking in the window from her moonlighting job at a strip club…
and why does she believe its ok to reveal her body? because at home when she gets in trouble, her parents are exposing her body and delivering capital punishment \

See the original comment I was responding to is that its not ok to spank your minors naked person if they are under 18.

whats your cut off age for doing this to your minor?
All that aside, it seems pretty clear to me what OP describes is parents beating a child out of their own anger.

It might not be the best place here to discuss exactly where the line is, rather than acknowledging that what was actually going on wasn’t even close to it.
Hoosier-Daddy, school teachers are mandated reporters–if they have any evidence that a child/teen is being abused, they must report it to the authorities.

Coaches, scouting leaders, choir directors, health care workers, museum children’s workers, etc. are also mandated reporters if they work with children . I don’t know about religious education teachers, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they are also in this situation where they are required to report possible abuse to the authorities.

If a child or teen happens to mention to their friends that Mom and/or Dad hit them, let alone hit them on a bare bottom, and it comes to the attention of the teacher or other person working with children, they WILL report it, and the authorities WILL prosecute the parents. There’s a good chance that the children will be taken away from the parents.

Have you ever read any of Lenore Skenazy’s articles or blogs? She writes about children who have been removed from their parents because their parents allowed them to play in their front yard without supervision!!

So a parent who spanks is NOT safe from the liberal-leaning justice system these days, and a parent who spanks on a bare bottom will probably find themselves not only charged with abuse, but with sexual abuse, and be branded a registered sex-offender for the rest of their lives.

Be careful out there, everyone.
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Is the message to avoid spanking a semi undressed child because it’s wrong, or because liberals will put you in jail?

CPS is overworked and the chances that a non abusive parent is prosecuted is less likely than an abusive parent getting away with it.
I think this is at least one time when the “liberals” have it right. Spanking a bare bottom is just not seemly.

And as long as there are so many other alternatives to spanking the bare bottom, there’s no reason to get yourself in jail and be separated from your children. This will cause a lot of trauma to the children (not to mention to the parent in jail!). It’s just not worth it. This isn’t about a feud between the “liberals” and the “conservatives.” This is just common sense.
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