Cutting in line is not “racism”.These are all examples that deal with the individual.
But redlining, racial profiling, and other laws and policies were and are, and have ramifications today.It is not “systemic racism”.
I’m not in favor of either of those things. The right way is for the local government to remove the statues.However, do not go out and burn down cities and tear down statues.
I can understand the rage without condoning it. It doesn’t make the peoples’ issue less valid.
As a prolife person, I do not condone those who have bombed abortion clinics, killed abortion doctors, defaced property, stand outside clinics yelling “baby killer” all in the name of the prolife movement and saving babies. The actions of those people do not negate the righteousness of the prolife movement nor my place in it.
The fact that the protests have had some people who became violent or took advantage of the situation does not negate the core issue that started the protests in the first place.