St Junipero Serra statue toppled in San Francisco

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These are all examples that deal with the individual.
Cutting in line is not “racism”.
It is not “systemic racism”.
But redlining, racial profiling, and other laws and policies were and are, and have ramifications today.
However, do not go out and burn down cities and tear down statues.
I’m not in favor of either of those things. The right way is for the local government to remove the statues.

I can understand the rage without condoning it. It doesn’t make the peoples’ issue less valid.

As a prolife person, I do not condone those who have bombed abortion clinics, killed abortion doctors, defaced property, stand outside clinics yelling “baby killer” all in the name of the prolife movement and saving babies. The actions of those people do not negate the righteousness of the prolife movement nor my place in it.

The fact that the protests have had some people who became violent or took advantage of the situation does not negate the core issue that started the protests in the first place.
Not everyone sees the mission system of California as a benevolent institution, including the descendants of the Indians who were, on the whole, forced into them and coercively or forcible converted
This allegation is likely made about all evangelism efforts, in all countries.

The protesters aren’t against bad evangelism, they’re against evangelism. Their real target is the one who started all this trouble by commanding Christians to evangelize all nations.

You will soon see Bibles with those words deleted.
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The statues do not need to be removed. We do not remove statues that represent history because we don’t like the history. Pretty soon we will remove any Catholic related statue because the church is against homosexual “marriage” because folks are offended and feel it is oppressive.

Their right to protest goes away when it influences rioting and looting. No one has a right to march down streets obstructing traffic and other civil disobedience. They do not have permits and it is utter chaos.

If the “core issue” was an issue at all, they would be peaceful protesting something specific and have a specific attainable goal. Not getting every organization you can find, Marxist, homosexual, feminist, anarchist, etc. all running around like a chicken with their head cut off calling for America to be destroyed completely and rebuilt under their communist ideologies which they cannot even provide any specifics. There is no issue because they cannot articulate any coherent issue. Rather we just have emotional commies raging through the streets.

I’m sure more folks may be more understanding with them if there were a specific cause they were fighting for, but no. It is a movement for all sorts of change: racial injustice, homosexuality, transgender, feminism, marxism, abortion, women’s rights, atheism, modernism, reparations, etc. It is a bunch of useful idiots out there that have no idea why they are out there.
Without denying that real racism exists, the fact that saying “All lives matter” in today’s climate gets one branded a “racist;” the fact that opening a food truck selling food of an ethnicity not your own gets you branded a “racist” and guilty of “cultural appropriation;” the fact that If you’re not of a certain minority but wear cornrows in your hair or hoop earrings gets you charged with “racism;” the fact that pointing out the social and economic consequences of unwed motherhood in the black community having increased by several hundred percent in recent decades gets one branded a terrible racist; —- all point to the fact that the term “racist” has itself become so debased and shorn of real meaning that the word itself is a stumbling block to meaningful discussion.
Without denying that real racism exists, the fact that saying “All lives matter” in today’s climate gets one branded a “racist;” the fact that opening a food truck selling food of an ethnicity not your own gets you branded a “racist” and guilty of “cultural appropriation;” the fact that If you’re not of a certain minority but wear cornrows in your hair or hoop earrings gets you charged with “racism;” the fact that pointing out the social and economic consequences of unwed motherhood in the black community having increased by several hundred percent in recent decades gets one branded a terrible racist; —- all point to the fact that the term “racist” has itself become so debased and shorn of real meaning that the word itself is a stumbling block to meaningful discussion.
Exactly. Progressivism at work. No different than redefining marriage. A man can now be a woman or vice versa. Catholicism fought against all this heresy in the past but today out of political correctness and “love” they try to coexist with evil: marxism, modernism, relativism, etc.
The statues do not need to be removed.
I think some of them do.
We do not remove statues that represent history because we don’t like the history.
So the people who tore down Stalin statues and Saddam Hussein statues should have left them up because they are “history”? No.

Some statues do need to be moved to museums and out of the public square.
Their right to protest goes away
Fortunately, the Constitution says otherwise.
No one has a right to march down streets obstructing traffic and other civil disobedience. They do not have permits and it is utter chaos.
I don’t think anyone has stated that rioting or looting are OK.

However, civil disobedience certainly is.

Martin Luther King Jr couldn’t get permits.
If the “core issue” was an issue at all,
The core issue is that a man was murdered on video and it is the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The fact that others have grabbed on to the protests with their own agenda doesn’t negate the issue.
I can’t really type what I think. I’d get in trouble for language. Just think of Samuel L. Jackson crossed with Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad. Our mayor ordered all the American flags to be taken down since he feared protesters would burn them. I am beyond angry. These vandals have to be stopped.
So the people who tore down Stalin statues and Saddam Hussein statues should have left them up because they are “history”? No.

Some statues do need to be moved to museums and out of the public square.
Yes, they tore down statues representing oppressive governments, communism. These folks are tearing down statues of saints, and figures who setup a capitalist economy and a constitutional republic form of government. If you have a problem with either of those then you may need to read your history. The alternative is mass murder, because it always has been. Interestingly, probably the reason the Catholic Church has always been so vehemently opposed to any form of Marxism. It is evil.
The opposite is not necessarily mass murder. Look at the history of Catholic Europe for what could have been had the Enlightenment not overturned everything.
Most of the statues that are at issue are leaders of the confederate armies, put up during Jim Crow era and the civil rights movement.

Some other statues have also been torn down, and I would imagine a number of those will be put back up.
If you have a problem with either of those then you may need to read your history. The alternative is mass murder, because it always has been. Interestingly, probably the reason the Catholic Church has always been so vehemently opposed to any form of Marxism. It is evil.
I’m not sure it’s me that needs to read up on their history.
I am vehemently opposed as a Catholic to any marxist ideology. The dialogue around it needs not take place. It is evil. It cannot be given any footing whatsoever, even the smallest consideration. It needs to be condemned 100% and 100% of the time. There is absolutely no exception.
I am vehemently opposed as a Catholic to any marxist ideology.
You are the only one saying that civil rights for black and brown people is Marxist. That calling racism WRONG is Marxist. That listening to the grievances of people who have been wronged en masse is Marxism. That protesting the murder of a man is Marxism.
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You are the only one saying that civil rights for black and brown people is Marxist. That calling racism WRONG is Marxist. That listening to the grievances of people who have been wronged en masse is Marxism. That protesting the murder of a man is Marxism.
I am against racism. I do not see what you say though. Yes, I’m sure if I look hard enough, I can find it. However, what I see is a marxist uprising. Sorry I do not have tunnel vision as our country is destroyed. What I see is a marxist uprising that needs to be squashed like a bug. Once we have restored order, then we can address any form of oppression that may be present.
They don’t just object to past evangelism but to present evangelism. It is Christianity itself that is the problem.

The only thing more shocking than the vandals is the passivity of bishops, priests, laity.
There is no evidence that points to that interpretation. There is controversy surrounding treatment of Indians and that’s the sole cause.
There are many black Americans who see these protests and rioting as race baiting. One wonders what these liberal elite think of them.
You use passive aggression to paint others as paranoid and delusional about Marxist plots when you clearly have no knowledge of Marx, Engels, Communism/Bolshevism and it’s inherent evils. Unless you do and you’re “arguing” in bad faith?

Just a friendly note: Going on an anti-Marxist rant when there aren’t any Marxists around kinda makes one sound paranoid about Marxism. Just a little. 🤏

I am thoroughly convinced that, if people would spend as much time and effort trying to understand and fix the injustices in their own country as they do about complaining about statues and property damage, there wouldn’t be a need to tear down statues or to protest.

By the way: Associating the term “demonic” with someone one disagrees with is not conducive to civil discourse. I happen to think a few things are “demonic” and “evil” myself, but I refrain from such language when talking with a supporter of those things in hopes of some semblance of civility.
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