St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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**Rammy dear,

Not quite sure what you meant by your post. BUT - I do think you need to get back on your meds. Depression is a horrible thing and it often makes a nasty situation even worse. I’ve experienced this myself. You are loved by many people. Your children need you. We are CAF need you, and I’m sure you have family/friends who need you. Go talk to your priest, a friend, anyone who has a good heart. Don’t do anything foolish. Take care of yourself. Remember - life is short. We are here to get to heaven - to try to do as Christ would do. If your situation is unbearable with dh, then get out of the house for awhile. Just hang in there until you talk to a priest or call one now. I’ll be praying very hard for you!

Much love,
Judi, i would never take my life…be this assured, as my only goal in life is to one day hold my son in my arms…nothing will keep me from this goal, but i fear i am working for the goal of a happy marriage…yet i can not contemplate wanting to even go for a walk with him. I am soooo out of love with this person, yet love him as my husband, and respect the vows of marriage.

God spoke to me a few years ago, asking me to devote myself to healing, and not to try and fix us…to leave him be. When i asked if we should remain together, he said yes, and i wondered why. He told me i would be an instrument in him comming home to God. So here i sit, in an ever exhausting loveless marriage, drinking and driving, hateful drunk talk to my children about me, public humiliation over my incompetence as a woman, and the list goes on. I say kick him to the curb, but God says different.

I am completely sure he knows better, and i yeild to his plan, not mine, but i am so totally miserable. The thought of never being held again, never being huged, never a pat on the arm, never the words that one needs from a partner. He has yet to even hug me due to my sons death.

This is how detached he has been. Always resentful of how much children cost, he quickly went from a bachelor to living with me and my terminally ill son. Self employed, he was resentful of me staying at home, but my sons finances were covered on disability. We then had 2 babies 15 months apart, with my son being about 12-13. This was way to fast and furious for him.

Anyhow, when we finally got things done correctly, we married, my son walked me down the isle, and my girls were my flower girls. A year latter or just past, my son died, and he resented burrying him, as it was not his kid. Being so very dutch…sorry to offend, but it speaks for itself…he told the mortician he wanted to rent a casket, and then burry him in a pine box…WTF, sorry!!!

I jumped for his face to claw it actually, and family stepped in telling him to back off. He would have nothing to do with the plans of his burrial, as only someone who loved him would do this, and it was not him. So we went home, and he seemed to be trying to just be an errand boy…which suited me fine, and a lot got done as me and others deligated things needed, people picked up from the airport and so on. With my entire family flown in to live with me for a month to help me get over this, he said outloud, i an’t feeding all these people. Then when i was upset a few hours latter…body not even at the funeral home yet from the hospital…he came over to me and leaned forward. I thought for a hug, and i embraced him, and he pushed me away by the for-arms to say…“when are you gonna stop crying over this, he’s dead get it, gone, and here you keep sniveling…he’s gone!”

I was never the same, and vowed to never share anything dear to me again, as my son was sacred to me…and still is. To this day, he feels he was slighted deeply, business nearly gone in the ground, all because of the cost to bury my son. That was 10 thousand. His dad payed off his farm for 85 thousand, payed off his opperating loan of 20 thou, and another 15 for his visa…he was debt free, owned 12 acres in the Niagara Greenbelt farming property, and refused to get a small loan to burry my son.

So his father paid for that, but expected it back in the spring when we were well into our season…the 10 he had to pay his father, has never been let go of, that i am the reason for the financial mess…i have NEVER seen the farm books, or have anything to do with opperations, but in five years, he owes more than 60 thousand in debt…and i never asked for an extra penny.

But it’s all my fault…the business looses over ten thousand a year…closer to 12…so get out stupid is my answer! But he will not…his choice, not mine.

so, yes, there is so much there, but not there…He is dutch, and his upbringing is simply this, the dad rules, the mother shuts her mouth, and does exactly what he says. He revealed this after we were married…so life since marriage sucks so bad, and never even consumated officially…he got drunk that night, and passed out in front of guests just after supper…

Yet God asked me to stay…i want a re-count…sigh!

Oh Rammy,
My heart just aches for you! I do not see how God would want you to stay in such an abusive marriage (verbal). How uncompassionate he is (your dh). That’s HORRIBLE! The loss of your son just breaks my heart. I think you need to talk to a really good priest and see if there are options for you. This is just so heartbreaking. You will be in my continuous prayers! PM me if you need to.



I agree, I think you do need a re-count, I think you should go talk to a priest and seek some more advice.

I’m praying for you!!!

If it is possible, I would take at minimum, a day retreat and possibly a weekend if you can arrange care for your girls. I think prayer and silence and directed meditation would do you a world of good to get in touch with God and determine what He actually wants from you. I pray you keep your children in mind as you discern what the future holds for you and for your marriage.

Much love and prayers for you!
Hi Rammy,

Extra prayers coming your way today. I don’t know what else to say.


Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

(All people in an interfaith marriage)

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

Thank you girls…i am admitting to the idea being pieced together and there is room for misinterpreting the answers i got from God.

He said to deal with my own issues of healing, and expressed my self worth to him being great.

I said, meee, i am the one trying, and he is not.

He said, with hand clearly visable, pushing the topic of DH aside saying, not now, another time, you must deal with you right now.

I said, should i still stay married to him, or should i leave him

He said, That is not of concern right now

I said, then should i try and help him with his drinking problem

You will be a tool in his comming home

That was the conversation as best i can remember it from 4 years ago, as i was dealing with such anger from myself, and unable to let him in after what he said about my son.

How was i to get over something like this…others have said, he simply gave a practical answer about your son…but i believe he was so simply selfish over not being in controle of his own house. The funeral and visitors were an intrusion, and he is soooo not a giver in any way…even a meals worth he would begrudge his own father. We live around the block from his brother, and parents, yet we only see them at xmas, and once in the summer at his parents. He begrudges getting a gift to his father for more than 10 bucks, after all his father has done for him…helping out 130 thousand, and he is now at the 70 thousand in debt mark.

We faced bankrupcy this past spring, and then walked away unresolved. I moved from a home into a very small 2 bedroom apt to try to live more closely to our needs rather than wants. Now i am facing, if i leave, i can not afford even this little apt for 740/mo with everything included except phone and cable.

I can not afford a retreat, i am away from my family who lives in Cape Breton Nova Scotia, and i am in Ontario. There are no one i could leave my children with and not have serious issues over their safety, never mind the youngests nerves when i leave the house. After an hour, she is unconsolable, and thinks i will be killed and never come home again…like Big Brother.

Her father yells at her over this, sends her to her room, and is not one bit of comfort to her, and a horrible father at best. He will play at the park, and donate financially, but outside of that, he fails even as a weekend father…but he believes he is one of the best fathers out there.

This is not what i hoped for, not what is godly, not what is christian, not what is loving, and not what is nurturing…god save this situation, as no body else can.

Hello all,

I’m posting here to tell you all I’m taking a bit of a break from the forums. They seem to be consuming time I should be spending on other things. So, for now, I bid you all farewell. I will continue to pray for all on this thread. I’ll check in now and then, but it’s not going to be a daily thing for a while. I need to get better focused.

Thanks to all for your prayers, and I ask you to continue to pray for me.

God bless you all…
I am in need of many prayers. I went to get an ultrasound today and it looks like I have fibroids and an ovarian cyst. I go to my dr on wed and pray that this is a “solvable” problem. I am not ready to leave this earth friends. I have a 2 yr old who I would love to see grow up.
This is not helping my depression and anxiety.
St. Monica I love you.
blessings to all,
I want you to know that all things are possible through God. My husband of 18.5 years is currently in RCIA. I never pushed the issue with him. It was his decission but I think a few key things played into his decission.

We swithced Parishes so our boys would have a better PSR program and a better youth program. This switch has allowed them to be involved with Totus Tues and Stubenville youth retreats.

This switch also gave our oldest son an excellent Confirmation experience.

When we do go out we now go out with Catholic couples. One of the guys is my husbands RCIA sponsor.

Anyway continue to be a gentle voice to your husband what you think may NEVER happen might just happen.
In a million years…i would hope and dream for this.

My husband is RC, dateing, insisted i be catholic, and i was. All a front. We are not allowed to discuss God in front of him, argues with his children that he does not exist, and does not go to church, and does not plan on it in the future. He also wants them pulled from Catholic shool, and wants us to just NOT discuss morals, spiritual life, God, or anything.

He believes that since i do discuss this with my children, that i am disobeying him, and it infuriates him to no end, and he looks for ins to sabotage any spiritual growth my children have. He is a liability of the largest kind.

On another note, i believe he has tendencies that lean towards schitzophrenia, but i have tried for 13 years to get him help, but he simply believes in so many conspiracies to begin with…our marrital problems are second on the list.

I wish i had someone to go to church with that believed in God.
I have had to keep so much in, so it is not attacked out loud.

Hello all,

I’m posting here to tell you all I’m taking a bit of a break from the forums. They seem to be consuming time I should be spending on other things. So, for now, I bid you all farewell. I will continue to pray for all on this thread. I’ll check in now and then, but it’s not going to be a daily thing for a while. I need to get better focused.

Thanks to all for your prayers, and I ask you to continue to pray for me.

God bless you all…
Lambie…:crying: …i will miss you!
You contribute to a lot of sanity here
to those who feel so lost. It will not
be the same without you.


Your physical problems are very “fixable”. I have had such things as you. I will pray every day for you. Hang in there. Things will get better! Promise!

Praying for peace in everyones heart…
Just the way i begged for just a small
break between labor pains…For that
moment, peace was felt, and was
enough to endure the next.

for the grace to endure

I posted this below - but someone directed me to post up here in hopes that you could offer some advice - Thank you!

I will just start this post off my saying that I am meeting with my priest about this topic next week - but I am getting a little anxious about it and was hoping that others could offer their advice or opinions.

My husband and I have been married for a little over a year.

I was born and raised Catholic (as was my husband). We both lost sight of our faith as we entered college - we did not attend church and really had questioned our belief in God in general.

We were engaged and married last September, in the Catholic church, as our families are Catholic and that is how we were raised.

Within the last month or so, God called me back to my faith and back to the Church. I have gone to confession, to cleanse myself of my past sins. I have been doing a lot of praying, going to adoration, etc. - and I am hoping to continue to plug myself in more to our church community. My husband is also attending church on Sunday with me.

This past month has been both wonderful and difficult. I am joyful in my return to my faith - I feel as though I had never left! God has blessed me immensely!

However - this time has also been trying - as my husband still lacks faith in God. As I said - he does go to church with me on Sundays - for that I am thankful! But in our discussions, he has told me that he believes in a God or higher power - but it stops there. He does not believe in Jesus and does not believe the Church’s teachings.

It is very difficult for me - as I have this beautiful faith growing inside of me - something that I feel is becoming a major part of my life - but I cannot share it with my spouse.

I can, and do, try to talk with him about what is going on with me in my spiritual life - but I can’t help but to be hesitant as I know he doesn’t truly understand what I am going through.

I love my husband dearly - we have always been best friends - and we have a beautiful marriage. But I am scared of how this is going to affect us.

I have been praying for him, every day - that he may find the faith and trust in the Lord.

Can any one offer me any words of advice?

Side note: I cannot help but feel funny praying the prayer to St. Monica - as my husband’s name is actually Patrick 😉
I just found this thread and I am so happy! I was born and raised Catholic. My husband and I have been married for about 18 months. We got married in the Church. When we were dating, I didn’t go to Mass that often and it didn’t seem to be such a big deal that my husband does not have any sort of faith at all. He is not baptized, and is very reluctant to talk about religion/faith at all. I’ve recently come back to the Church and have realized that my biggest struggle is my husband, that I must pray for him. I will remember all the other ladies here too in my daily prayers.

St. Monica, pray for us!
Mrs MM and Kally…welcome. First and formost, and as bad as it gets…do not stop hopeing and praying. Only faith in his plan will do this. We need more, but if we believe God seeks us to be together, if we listen to him, he will guide is through it eventually.

He answers ALL prayers…never forget this. It simply is not the answers we might want, so we feel ever the child, hurt, and feel Mommy doesn’t love me anymore come wash over us. We know better now, that children need to be told no at times, for the good of their futures…it is no different here.

I have seriously been strugaling for almost 14 years, and finally seperating for the umpteenth time, said no just hours ago for him comming home. I do not want a loveless, godless, unsuportive selfish marriage with only one gatekeeper…Me. I will not do it anylonger. My husband went to stutters…and he does not do this at all normally…that he could not believe i said no, and how much i must have been hurt…only now…me standing up for my inner child, and self…had to say no to the abuse.

i was ready to post what i sent my own sister, then seen newbies here and paused for thought…but i will post it because prayer helps soooooo much. Something positive came of my saying no to my husband…just read on…

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