St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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There has finally been contact with Rob…and if you do not mind, the advice and help you offered me i used in a conversation with him. Since he does not really know you, or would share or care what you had to say, i said the words were from my father so that he knew i meant and took great concern over this offering to help us.

That being said, he apologised to me, told me he was wrong, and so on…he simply had no idea what i was truly upset over…the feeling of loosing my marriage for so long. Finally he started to listen…but before that, there was a great turn of events for me and him that differed from all other argument/make up situations.
What happened was this, i felt the usual feeling, i will have to take him back because he has apologised, meant it, and now here we go, on this awful marygoround. I knew it would change nothing, as he still refused to see, i was not happy. All he had to do was admit to being sorry, and we move forward…but…i could not…not for all of the tea in china.

I told him that i accepted his apology for how he treated me at the farm the other night while retrieving my vehickle he was drinking and driving with…however, that being said, i still did not want to live with him, or continue this marriage the way it is going. He was visibly upset, and was trying to voice his suprise at me refusing to get back together.

I told him, that it did not mean that i did not want to try, but rather that his word meant nothing to me. I did not want to sound disrespectful to his person, but that all of the trying over the years has obviously fallen on deaf ears of a person with only one agenda…theirs! Marriage takes two people, and this marriage, out of his own comfort, has only one person in it. I told him i could not even venture into trying to be together anymore, as i am exhausted. I have spent my life councelling myself and my children…through beatings, rape, torture, stalking, sexual abuse of my child, terminal illness, and then re marry to add to this another spoiled child leaving me destitude with two children to nurture, care for, and bring up all by self.

Quite frankly i said, i would be relieved of not seeing him so that i was not condemned for what is for supper, fight for the tv off for homework time, fight to find a free room i was not ticking you off in, and so on. I’d feel so relieved for him to take himself, live at the farm, and arrive for the fatherly sunday visit for a few hours, and then wait till the next week…it would give the children as much as you offer them now, so why should we suffer.

Frankly, i said, i really did all of this to hope that we’d get along better, mean something to each other, and it seems, as much as i offer, you take, and condemn further. I called him an abusive, mean drunk, with zero disreguard for the family, family business, or me in general…in his life, it is only he who exists. So if he alienated me anyfurther, think of it this way, i had a good teacher. But he did all of this, showed up for his few days a month, and then wanted full say, change what and how we did things, and want me to change everything…yet was not there to help me decide. I told him he missed the oportunity to have a say, and i did not want it two weeks latter. He can not live do detached, and yet be such a dictator…i told him he resembles hitler very much so, and i had wondered how much more dammage he was going to cause, and blame me for the effects of.

You can not poke a cat in a cage for so long, and not expect the demeanor to have changed. I was changed from all of the years of being egnored, and had nothing more to tolerate. I told him he was not going to seek me to stroke this any longer…i no longer wanted even his friendship…as he was a most horrible friend, partner and father. Never had i been so imbarrassed in public over his behaviour because his actions reflect upon me.

I am a Haakman now, and i do not take any pride in this name…i am ashamed of it terribly. I want the Forest name back i told him, so i could hold my head up in public. I also told him he should hang his head for the dammage he has done to his own name, and his family.

BTW, i also along with this told him i was not fit for a marriage in this state…as i am too angry, and agressive to know what is best now…after doctoring, and councelling everyone for so long, i have nothing to offer. I have no drive to fix this, i was broken…and he did this to me. Twice in six months the police have been dragged in,and physical violence is at my heels due to an incredible amount of anger towards my own abuses over the years. I needed help, meds, and councelling myself…i can not be a good wife anylonger, without a third party to guide me.

I also spoke of addiction being a no brainer…either through AA meetings, or seeking medical help in stopping this drug addiction of alcohol. Meds are available to take daily. If you injest, you puke your guts up. This will enable him to stop drinking and get away from the addiction, and face life rather than hide from it.
In the end, he agreed to seeking medical help for his high blood pressure, seeking dentist for falling out teeth as well as clean up on the hygine, and he would agree to couples councelling only if it were (OMG hold your breath…it nearly knocked me over) with a Priest!!!

We agreed not to come together at all for now, and seek this councel, and doctors help!


Now, here i am, totally baffled over standing up to him and saying no, i do not want you to come home. Maybe he simply does not want to loose this afterall…and then apologised for how deeply he has hurt me over the years, and that he had done me wrong for many years now.

So now sit and hope i can get this started before he changes his mind…i do want him well…outside all of our marrital stuff…i wish him well first.





La Brown Eyes
Praying that Our Lady will comfort you, Lana, and that your husband will hold up his end of the bargain!

Please pray for my dh who is (I think) jealous of our son. He’s 16 (my son). He’s a great kid: caring, smart, funny, a good Catholic boy. I don’t know why dh is in competition with him. Maybe a father/son thing? I don’t know.

Praying for all on this thread! God have mercy on us!

A man does not see children in the same light we do.
He sees another person getting what he believes belongs to him.
Your getting along with your son, not fighting, laughing, and he is on the outside looking in.

He does not have a single idea that he can make a difference here, and do the same, recieve the same etc…but both men, as the son is quickly gaining on him, never occured to him to go after what comes so easy for your son.

Mine still grumbles because i do not run his bath…that was with one child, and he participated in our lives then. Now it does not matter what he does to keep family together, and i have since then lost a child, and are doing everything on my own with the two children i have left. And, he expects this, at any given hour.

Once upon a time he came home from work every day at the same time. Now it varies, and is extremely tight with either comming home, or deciding what room to get away from us in.

hang in there…but i would tell the son of your suspicians towards your husbands behavior, and discuss jelousy, and how to percieve, deal with and or help this from a mother son point of view…He needs to know that he has not done anything to warrant the behaviour towards himself

My prayers are for everyone on this thread nightly.

Belle dear, how are you? I know you have to be getting so excited for your dear one to make his appearance and very tired of being sick…I can TOTALLY sympathize with that. When I was pregnant with our youngest, I was sick the entire pregnancy. It was the best/worst diet I ever went on!..LOL!!! Praying for you big time here at the end of your pregnancy…

May the Mother of our dear Lord and Savior, keep you and your little guy near to her heart and offer up her awesome and powerful prayers for you and your babies health.
I’ll post the birth story later, but for now: Thomas James was born Sat. Nov. 8 at 5:14 p.m. He was 6 lbs. 12 ounces, 19 1/2 inches long, and 3 1/2 weeks early just like his big sister. He has red hair and is of course gorgeous! We’re so excited and everyone is doing well.

Thank you all for your prayers – I’m sure they helped keep us safe and healthy during labor and delivery. Praying for all of you! 🙂
Belle…congratulations…i am so happy for you…

I will place you all in a special novena for the grace to endure, as there will be many changes…

do you have your superwoman cape handy!!!

Belle: :extrahappy: :extrahappy: :love: :love: CONGRATULATIONS! I’m so happy all is well with your new blessing!



Congratulations on your new baby:) I will be praying for you and your new son.
Congratulations on your new baby. Many blessings to you both.

thank you for all your prayers. I found out that I am cancer free but do have a cyst on my ovary. Depending on what one more test finds I may need to have a hysterectomy.
Again, I am happy to know that this was caught in time. I will know in about a month.
Blessings to all,
DH has agreed to the following…

Saturday going to the church bazar, out to dinner, and then back to church at 5pm to go as a family as well as meeting our new priest. Also to ask for a set up time to meet for marriage councelling to help see a goal, and address not so much the past, but the future, and how we can become better leaders for our selves and our children.

Tuesday going to meet the GP to address, high blood pressure, alcohol addiction, and possibly (this one is a hope) hisability to cope with pressure to be addressed.

Wednesday going to meet with a dentist to be formally inspected and treated for what i believe might be piorea, with mutitude of mouth sores, and fillings needed from lac of care. Most likely he will need a perscription to aid in the infection there.

Now i NEED to ask for supper dooper prayers for the next stage.

He has agreed, i made the apontments, and now, it is in the stages of awaiting them.

Please let him stay focused, and get these apointments impliminted.


Will be praying for you and your husband:gopray: I’m happy for you that your husband is seeking help.
Thank you girls…

Still holding my breath…so many years of almost prommises, and the pattern has me not feeling as positive as i’d hope…but i will not give up trying.

Just wanted to pop in and say hi to you all! Haven’t been on in a while, and I got on tonight and was so happy to see that this thread is still here!

A quick update on MY husband-- Heard Steve Ray speak about the Eucharist, bought 5 cds of his and listened to them all, started getting closer. Went to a Christopher West conference, totally bought Theology of the Body, hook line and sinker!! All our sex “issues” that I’ve discussed in other threads-- this took care of them all. He is now in RCIA! Doesn’t say for sure yet that he is ready to convert, but he is close. My oldest is 8, and I’m teaching him religion at home (we homeschool) in hopes of him receiving his First Holy Communion this year-- he really wants to. Not sure yet if it will happen-- it all depends on my husband’s journey. But I wanted him to be ready if my husband does get (or stay) on board, so as not to get another year behind.

Keep praying! Thank you St. Monica for your intercession! Praying for you all!

Please keep my dh in prayer. He’s taken a nasty turn (last night). His selfishness just gets me so riled up! St. Monica, PLEASE, help me and my husband! Amen.

Praying for all you ladies and your husbands even though I may not post frequently.

Much love,
Judi 😦
Praise the Lord for DH’s recent attitude . . .He went w/ the boys and I to mass this past Sunday and promises to go again next Sunday. He has been working OT and seems to be feeling pretty good about himself w/ those regards (which is important to me that he feels like the ‘big dog’ and the provider in our home :))

He has gotten away from helping around the house, but I think he’s making a comeback (he goes thru phases :P). He has a guys night out coming up which might normally take him 2 days to recover from, but he is already talking me up about his plans for the weekend (he NEVER makes plans): take it easy Friday night w/ the guys b/c nephew has a b-ball game Saturday morning, go in and work some OT, come home and give me a break to get out to the supermarket on my own, and then go w/ us to mass Sunday a.m.

Still praying for his interest to peak in Catholic media and reading, but I have to say I’m very pleased w/ the changes in our relationship overall since our major setback in July. Praying that the Lord will draw DH close and heal him of his recurring staph infections and that DH will be a little more aggressive in caring for himself w/ preventive measures (currently has 3 infections).

Thanks so much for all of your prayers and support and advice. Still a ways to go on our journey together, but we’ve come so far.

God bless all of you in your vocations and for your faithfulness here and in supporting each other and our fallen away family.
I am so tired…But have good news.

DH has been to see the priest, of which we decided was not right for our concerns…he was very fire and brimstone. That would have put a major wall up for DH.

We then had him see a GP to help with concerns over BP, and alcohol withdrawal, and we quickly decided the GP’s demeanor was best for us to councel him back to health. GP agreed to this, as we have no coverage for councelling, but we have FULL coverage to any Dr’s visits. DH also agreed for us to do this together, not him alone…as his memory is not as good as he thinks.

He then went for complete blood work, urin tests, and x-rays this morning. He was so scared leaving for the bloodwork…but went.

Then he went to finally address his teeth, gum disease and cavities…huge problem in the marriage…as when he stopped brushing years ago, we stopped all physical contact due to him transfering it to me causing sores.

He will need full cleaning, two teeth extracted, and many cavities filled. But it is completely fixable they said.

So GP is waiting for test results on DH, as he has a serious issue with BP…160/100. So, for all he refused to do all of these years, he is finally addressing…it was like living with a homeless person at times, the hygene was pathetic.

The GP also knows that the Alcoholism is the main reason (besides BP) that we are there, and DH is willing to medically treat health issues, as the parinoia is so strong with AA as a route…this is a compromise.

Thank you for all of your prayers.

And my heart goes out to all here needing prayers still.
I keep everyone in mind nightly.

Lone Catholic

I’m happy for you and your husband. Continued prayers on his journey. :gopray:

I haven’t been in the forum in a while…I’m praying for everyone!!

Congratulations Belle on your new little blessing!!!

All apointments were met with good results with DH.
Now the follow up apointments…things look optimistic.

Praying for all here…

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