St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

the conversion of my husband, healing and salvation of our marriage, and the strong faith of our son, the conversion of all sinners in our families and of the spouses being prayed for here by CAF members,**

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!
Just wanted to let you know that my niece’s little boy Evan is doing better. He is talking and recognises mommy and daddy and his grandparents. He is still not walking yet but will come in time. Thank you all for your prayers.
That’s just wonderful! Thanks be to God! May his complete healing come very soon!
Ladies, I have to be out of town for the next four days…
Praying for you BeeSweet! Have a safe journey, and may God Bless you also with a few quiet moments each day to offer him your thanks and praise! :gopray:
Praying for you BeeSweet! Have a safe journey, and may God Bless you also with a few quiet moments each day to offer him your thanks and praise! :gopray:
Thank you! I appreciate all your prayers. Even getting to Mass on Sunday is going to be difficult.

From the fear of calumny, deliver me Jesus!

We’re meeting my mother in law and her husband at a fishing cabin to celebrate our son’s second birthday. My husband’s very excited about it. At least the scenery will be nice. I’m already exhausted.

I will be thinking of you all. God bless!
…My life is so complicated… I just cant understand how someone can not see themselves at all or where they are fault in things. It is mind boggling. It just keeps going round and round in my head, 'why, why, WHY can’t he see what he does and has done wrong?..

Boy, do I know what you are talking about! I think that our husbands are so in the dark because they have a lot of pride and don’t want to be in the “Light” at the moment. The only way they will come out of the darkness, is when they are ready to let the Holy Spirit take them out of it! This is what I pray for my husband - that the Holy Spirit will bring dh out of his darkness and into God’s mercy, forgiveness and Light. I am praying for you daily. Keep strong - I can tell you are! God bless!🙂
Mom, you are right. But what I don’t get is that, the first step to healing is admitting you are wrong/ a sinner etc. None of us are perfect but how can we be helped when we can’t admit we do anything wrong?
God loves a humble heart.
Oh Ladies, I feel your pain! I had a horrible day yesterday, and for the first time in ages, I lost my temper. For the same reason Jules, you too are so upset… He points his finger of blame at me, despite my constant forgiveness, love and patience, throughout his long reign of alcoholism, bullying and chronic anger. Nonetheless, I apologized sincerely for losing my temper, both to my dh, and to God, and then collapsed in the spare room bed, exhausted from the arguing. I shamefully prayed to God to take this burden from me, that He put his faith in the wrong person to be of any help to this belligerent man! I prayed for Him to grant me the strength and means to just walk away, as I no longer had the strength to endure. And then exhausted, I fell asleep. I dreamt, and although I’m not supposed to share details, I will say that in the dream, I was discussing the subject of God with dh, and he said that he felt something happening in here (where he motioned to his heart) something weird, he didn’t really understand, but something was going on, give it time, he told me.

You can imagine my surprise when I awoke. I looked heaven-word, and said aloud, I guess I’m not going anywhere just yet, eh? Somewhat disappointed (as I was looking forward to a real break from the fight), but also very hopeful. Later, at work (I work with his sister) his sister told me that she, and their mother have been discussing some sort of “intervention” plan for him, for they see the darkness within him, and are getting worried about him. Halleluhia! (I gave up soliciting their help years ago, as they did not see the problem, honestly, I think they thought I was indeed the culprit, as dh would go to them blaming me, with lies and complaints about me.)

So today, I put myself back on the front line of God’s army, along with all of you courageous ladies, as we all pray for them to step out of the darkness and into God’s beautiful light.

Lord, thank you for your guidance, and for showing me a light at the end of this tunnel. Thank you Lord, for always being there with me. Forgive me for ever doubting myself when you did not. Forgive me my weakness, and my lack of faith when the battle got strong.
Grant us all a little more strength Lord, a little more faith, and a little more courage, that we may endure the trials in our lives with undying faith in your eternal glory!
…This is a deep deep anger he has for me not working, and he does not care who it hurts…even his own kids. This is why i refuse to allow drinking in the home…he’s nasty. But this does not remove his anger.
…I can not fix this, except to ensure that if this keeps up, with no compromise, there will be nothing left to compromise. Tired of him wanting it differently, but will notdo anything but wait for it to be delivered onto his lap.

Been praying over this fellea a long time, been patient, been the misunderstood wife, been the good semaritan, been the scape goat…never been his wife…it seems i am not worthy of the role.

Dearest Lana, I pray for you! There is a book I read, called “Angry all the time” It deals with people like your dh, (and mine) who’s disease is not so much alcoholism, (that is only their pain reliever) but chronic anger. Something may have happened in their youth, who knows, but they have never learned forgiveness, and hold onto grudges eternally. I don’t believe your dh is angry with you at all… like mine, he is just angry. If it weren’t you, it would be someone else. If you were working, he would likely find another target to blame his anger on…(like not being home to properly clean house) I’ve gone through both sets of arguments from mine! My guess is, he learned it from his father. (mine most certainly did!)

I pray for you, Lana, whether I am right about my suspicions or not, that God grant you the strength to endure this long and tiring battle. May you always find forgiveness and peace in your heart despite your dh’s bad behaviour. Hang in there, honey!
Just wanted to let you know that my niece’s little boy Evan is doing better. He is talking and recognises mommy and daddy and his grandparents. He is still not walking yet but will come in time. Thank you all for your prayers.
Thanks be to God! May he continue to pour out his blessings and healing grace upon little Evan and his family. :gopray:

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
Novena to Saint Joseph for all sick husbands to find help.

Day 4

**O glorious St. Joseph,
friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
thou whose power renders impossible things possible,
come to our aid in our present trouble and distress.
Take these important and difficult affairs
which we recommend to your protection,
that they may end happily.

O dear St. Joseph,
all our confidence is in you.
Let it not be said that we have invoked you in vain,
and since you are so powerful with Jesus and Mary,
show that your goodness equals power.


St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.


Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for:

the conversion of my husband and the strong faith of my children, the conversion of all sinners in my family and of the spouses being prayed for here by CAF members,

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

Lord, I commend all husbands and wives
represented in this thread to you this day,
That you would raise us up to be men and women after your own heart.
That you would cause us to grow in wisdom and in knowledge of you
and that these husbands become holy and spiritual heads of these homes,
and that these wives become and remain vessels that shine your light continuously.
Keep us all obedient to your will and humble in mind and action.
Novena day 5:


Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for:

the conversion of my husband, the strong Catholic faith of our daughter,
the perpetual sobriety of my father and the renewal of my parents’ marriage,
and for all the marriages and families represented in this thread

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

Lord, I commend all husbands and wives
represented in this thread to you this day,
That you would raise us up to be men and
women after your own heart.
That you would cause us to grow in wisdom and
in knowledge of you and that these husbands
become holy and spiritual heads of these homes,
and that these wives become and remain vessels
that shine your light continuously.
Keep us all obedient to your will and humble
in mind and action.
Just wanted to let you know that my niece’s little boy Evan is doing better. He is talking and recognises mommy and daddy and his grandparents. He is still not walking yet but will come in time. Thank you all for your prayers.
Thank you God!!
Thank you! I appreciate all your prayers. Even getting to Mass on Sunday is going to be difficult.

From the fear of calumny, deliver me Jesus!

We’re meeting my mother in law and her husband at a fishing cabin to celebrate our son’s second birthday. My husband’s very excited about it. At least the scenery will be nice. I’m already exhausted.

I will be thinking of you all. God bless!
BeeSweet, hope you have a great time (and hope you can make it to Mass!). 🙂
So today, I put myself back on the front line of God’s army, along with all of you courageous ladies, as we all pray for them to step out of the darkness and into God’s beautiful light.
It certainly is a battle sometimes, isn’t it? God bless all of you here – may today be a day without conflict and pain. :grouphug:
Oh Ladies, I feel your pain! I had a horrible day yesterday, and for the first time in ages, I lost my temper. For the same reason Jules, you too are so upset… He points his finger of blame at me, despite my constant forgiveness, love and patience, throughout his long reign of alcoholism, bullying and chronic anger. Nonetheless, I apologized sincerely for losing my temper, both to my dh, and to God, and then collapsed in the spare room bed, exhausted from the arguing. I shamefully prayed to God to take this burden from me, that He put his faith in the wrong person to be of any help to this belligerent man! I prayed for Him to grant me the strength and means to just walk away, as I no longer had the strength to endure. And then exhausted, I fell asleep. I dreamt, and although I’m not supposed to share details, I will say that in the dream, I was discussing the subject of God with dh, and he said that he felt something happening in here (where he motioned to his heart) something weird, he didn’t really understand, but something was going on, give it time, he told me.

You can imagine my surprise when I awoke. I looked heaven-word, and said aloud, I guess I’m not going anywhere just yet, eh? Somewhat disappointed (as I was looking forward to a real break from the fight), but also very hopeful. Later, at work (I work with his sister) his sister told me that she, and their mother have been discussing some sort of “intervention” plan for him, for they see the darkness within him, and are getting worried about him. Halleluhia! (I gave up soliciting their help years ago, as they did not see the problem, honestly, I think they thought I was indeed the culprit, as dh would go to them blaming me, with lies and complaints about me.)

So today, I put myself back on the front line of God’s army, along with all of you courageous ladies, as we all pray for them to step out of the darkness and into God’s beautiful light.

Lord, thank you for your guidance, and for showing me a light at the end of this tunnel. Thank you Lord, for always being there with me. Forgive me for ever doubting myself when you did not. Forgive me my weakness, and my lack of faith when the battle got strong.
Grant us all a little more strength Lord, a little more faith, and a little more courage, that we may endure the trials in our lives with undying faith in your eternal glory!
This post reminds me of a Scott Krippayne song, “Sometimes He Calms the Storm”:
Sometimes He calms the storm
With a whispered peace be still
He can settle any sea
But it doesn’t mean He will
Sometimes He holds us close
And lets the wind and waves go wild
Sometimes He calms the storm
And other times He calms His child*

You can read the rest of the lyrics and listen to it here.
This post reminds me of a Scott Krippayne song, “Sometimes He Calms the Storm”:
Sometimes He calms the storm
With a whispered peace be still
He can settle any sea
But it doesn’t mean He will
Sometimes He holds us close
And lets the wind and waves go wild
Sometimes He calms the storm
And other times He calms His child*

You can read the rest of the lyrics and listen to it here.
Thank you – that’s beautiful! I’ve passed it along and plan to print out the above section and put it where I’ll see it all the time!
I am praying and offering up my day for your intentions! God Our Father is so merciful and full of Love I trust He will lead us through as we submit to His Will.

Glory Glory … To God!
Oh Ladies, I feel your pain! I had a horrible day yesterday, and for the first time in ages, I lost my temper. For the same reason Jules, you too are so upset… He points his finger of blame at me, despite my constant forgiveness, love and patience, throughout his long reign of alcoholism, bullying and chronic anger. Nonetheless, I apologized sincerely for losing my temper, both to my dh, and to God, and then collapsed in the spare room bed, exhausted from the arguing. I shamefully prayed to God to take this burden from me, that He put his faith in the wrong person to be of any help to this belligerent man! I prayed for Him to grant me the strength and means to just walk away, as I no longer had the strength to endure. And then exhausted, I fell asleep. I dreamt, and although I’m not supposed to share details, I will say that in the dream, I was discussing the subject of God with dh, and he said that he felt something happening in here (where he motioned to his heart) something weird, he didn’t really understand, but something was going on, give it time, he told me.

You can imagine my surprise when I awoke. I looked heaven-word, and said aloud, I guess I’m not going anywhere just yet, eh? Somewhat disappointed (as I was looking forward to a real break from the fight), but also very hopeful. Later, at work (I work with his sister) his sister told me that she, and their mother have been discussing some sort of “intervention” plan for him, for they see the darkness within him, and are getting worried about him. Halleluhia! (I gave up soliciting their help years ago, as they did not see the problem, honestly, I think they thought I was indeed the culprit, as dh would go to them blaming me, with lies and complaints about me.)

So today, I put myself back on the front line of God’s army, along with all of you courageous ladies, as we all pray for them to step out of the darkness and into God’s beautiful light.

Lord, thank you for your guidance, and for showing me a light at the end of this tunnel. Thank you Lord, for always being there with me. Forgive me for ever doubting myself when you did not. Forgive me my weakness, and my lack of faith when the battle got strong.
Grant us all a little more strength Lord, a little more faith, and a little more courage, that we may endure the trials in our lives with undying faith in your eternal glory!
It was not doubt in yourself, but the situation. You really know that God believes in you…what a gift my dear. It will sutain you when nothing else will. Everyone has their limits, but when you could not see the light, Jesus looked down at the broken sparrow and gave her soul just what she needed to go on, and keep believeing in herself and his plan. Inlisting the family’s help is a good one, and a confirmation where you had seen doubt in their eyes. This is two areas you did not expect good news.

This is food for thought and soul…just what you needed.

This is a really hopeful post, for you came close, and knew it might subside, but instead you were given a piece of Gods heart with this information. Now lets see what happens, and keep us informed!

Dearest Lana, I pray for you! There is a book I read, called “Angry all the time” It deals with people like your dh, (and mine) who’s disease is not so much alcoholism, (that is only their pain reliever) but chronic anger. Something may have happened in their youth, who knows, but they have never learned forgiveness, and hold onto grudges eternally. I don’t believe your dh is angry with you at all… like mine, he is just angry. If it weren’t you, it would be someone else. If you were working, he would likely find another target to blame his anger on…(like not being home to properly clean house) I’ve gone through both sets of arguments from mine! My guess is, he learned it from his father. (mine most certainly did!)

I pray for you, Lana, whether I am right about my suspicions or not, that God grant you the strength to endure this long and tiring battle. May you always find forgiveness and peace in your heart despite your dh’s bad behaviour. Hang in there, honey!
Yes, it is why i avoid doing what he asks me when he is angry…it is just surface, and i will not be jumping about to please an unpleaseable situation.

This book sounds good to know about, can you share? There is deep hatred towards his father, but since his father changed, he does not have a target, and still holds to this anger. He was expected to do so much, take over the business etc. He was treated like a field worker, cry, choke, chicken pox, flu, fever…nothing ever mattered, his father would kick him with the wooden dutch clogs in the butt and leave him in a heap in the field left to work. He never missed a day his entire childhood of school up to grade 12. He is the reason so many other children DID get sick in school. They were to be busy working, homework or sleeping. Very military like. No oppinions, even the mother. She was given the role, and dared not waver from it. She smiled and did what had to be done. She was miserable, but felt it was her duty.

I remember their puppy having puppies, and he was instructed to drown them in the pond (he was 16) and he did this, and returned the burlap sack to his father with lifelessness in the bag and a tear accumulating over what his father demanded he do. His father hit him straight across the face and said, weak ling…you forgot one…as one puppy started to move. He was expected to re-drown it. He did, and his sister said, something in him changed that day.

He also was placed in a hole in the livingroom floor, and was expected, with a small tin bucket to remove one bucket at a time, and take it outside untill the entire basement was dug out. He was 17 that year. None of the others participated, but watched. This will make you strong Robert…do it, faster you weakling.

His sister anounced at 17 she was gay and was put to the streets that moment. His way or the highway. Rob simply had no way to ever measure he could ever please the man. No thank you’s, just expectations.

Tells me a lot…

You were right in your guess.

Thanks be to God! May he continue to pour out his blessings and healing grace upon little Evan and his family. :gopray:

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
Oooo, somehow i missed this news…thank God for the little soft heads and bones of resillient matter that he gives our little ones.
Thankk God he is doing well, for we need our little angels with us!

Oh Ladies, I feel your pain! I had a horrible day yesterday, and for the first time in ages, I lost my temper. For the same reason Jules, you too are so upset… He points his finger of blame at me, despite my constant forgiveness, love and patience, throughout his long reign of alcoholism, bullying and chronic anger. Nonetheless, I apologized sincerely for losing my temper, both to my dh, and to God, and then collapsed in the spare room bed, exhausted from the arguing. I shamefully prayed to God to take this burden from me, that He put his faith in the wrong person to be of any help to this belligerent man! I prayed for Him to grant me the strength and means to just walk away, as I no longer had the strength to endure. And then exhausted, I fell asleep. I dreamt, and although I’m not supposed to share details, I will say that in the dream, I was discussing the subject of God with dh, and he said that he felt something happening in here (where he motioned to his heart) something weird, he didn’t really understand, but something was going on, give it time, he told me.

You can imagine my surprise when I awoke. I looked heaven-word, and said aloud, I guess I’m not going anywhere just yet, eh? Somewhat disappointed (as I was looking forward to a real break from the fight), but also very hopeful. Later, at work (I work with his sister) his sister told me that she, and their mother have been discussing some sort of “intervention” plan for him, for they see the darkness within him, and are getting worried about him. Halleluhia! (I gave up soliciting their help years ago, as they did not see the problem, honestly, I think they thought I was indeed the culprit, as dh would go to them blaming me, with lies and complaints about me.)

So today, I put myself back on the front line of God’s army, along with all of you courageous ladies, as we all pray for them to step out of the darkness and into God’s beautiful light.

Lord, thank you for your guidance, and for showing me a light at the end of this tunnel. Thank you Lord, for always being there with me. Forgive me for ever doubting myself when you did not. Forgive me my weakness, and my lack of faith when the battle got strong.
Grant us all a little more strength Lord, a little more faith, and a little more courage, that we may endure the trials in our lives with undying faith in your eternal glory!
Diana, you are truly blessed with a deep faith and courage. What a beautiful person you are! If only these men realised what they had hey?
I can see by what you post how deeply you care. We must believe even in the darkest times that there is a reason. I do not know what God’s will is for me now. My husband is intent on getting a divorce and an anulment, so cannot help or influence him in anyway anymore.
Diana, your perserverance, your faith, your strength, courage, your goodness and love will win him over in the end. You sound saintly!
I remembered all of you ladies at Adoration tonight!
God bless.
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