Day 2 Novena to St. Monica, done.
My dear friend, how are YOU doing? I pray that you are well and I pray that your daughter is getting well also. Please keep us posted regarding yourself. You care SO MUCH for others - let us care for you, too! You are so loved here - by me and everyone!! Much love,
…Yeah Diana, what she said!!![]()
Bless you Mom and Belle! I am so fortunate to have such loving friends here. You are truly amazing women! I am so sorry I didn’t get back to you yesterday, or earlier today, my schedule’s been way out of wack! Working many hours, and had a very troubled weekend with dh, had to get away Saturday and spend the day with my family, I just couldn’t be here (hence the very late posts). But, it is true, it’s always darkest before the dawn, and after he spent Sunday sad and sorrowful, recognizing the damage he does, my dh came around, and things are going much better today! Thanks be to God!Day 3 Novena to St. Monica: done
You didn’t answer meconfused: ), how are YOU doing, my friend? I’m concerned about you, too. You care so much for all of us! Praying for you, hon! God bless and hold you in His loving arms! Much love,
My dearest Mom, thank you so much for caring, for worrying, you have an angel’s soul! I have been struggling with my worries over my daughter, I put it in God’s hands, but my mother’s heart never lets it stay there for long. The worry keeps coming back, and I keep praying! Besides all that, the ups and downs never keep me down for long.

Lord, you know my heart, and you know my fears. You’ve heard my prayers, and I shall trust in you! Forgive me for worrying! I know this child is yours Father, and you love her greater than I. All that you do is for the greatest good! Grant that my faith is strengthened, that I may put my worries in your hands, once and for all, and leave them there in complete and total trust in Your Will

Dear Father, you hear mom4truth’s sorrow, and know her pain. Hold her in your loving arms, and comfort her, this burden weighs so heavy on her. Jesus, help her as she struggles, and grant her peace as she looks to you, filled with woe. Be it your will, grant an end to her suffering - fill her husband with your love, and bring healing to her from all sickness. Grant these hearts the love and respect for each other they had when they took their vows Father, that they may walk together hand in hand in your light!Novena to St. Monica, Day 3 - done
Dear St. Monica:
I am in desperate need of your help. Please come to my aid, I beg you. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
We beseech You, O Lord,
visit this home,
and drive far from it all the snares of the enemy;
let Your holy angels dwell therein
so as to preserve them in peace;
and let Your blessing be always upon them.
Through Christ our Lord.