St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

the wisdom, perseverance, and patience for me and the continued sobriety, compassion and wisdom for my DH, (the cop) Roy,

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Wow! it’s so hard to keep up with this thread, so much happens. I would like to have a list of us so we can remember each of us by name when we pray and go to Adoration etc.
I have had a real turn around of events. My husband went away a few days ago, he was messaging me. He was very depressed and was drinking. I thought he was threatening suicide, but he assured me that he would never do that. He told me he was miserable and he missed me so much.
He agreed to go get help. I told him that I believed he had Borderline Personality Disorder and he said that he can see why I think that but didnt agree. Then he agreed to get assessed!
Well, I dont want to get my hopes up and I dont want to think that this will fix everything but it is a positive.
I am sure he has it and just that he has accepted that it may be possibility is a huge step.
But this also has a down side. I had almost accepted that it was well and truly over but now i dont know. I pray for his conversion every day and do not want to close the door on God if He is indeed working to bring about his healing and conversion. So I am trying not to think that we will reconcile, but still, it is hard not to hope.
People with Bpd are renown for saying they will get help then never doing anything about it or going once and not again. But I guess time will tell. If he is committed to getting better, then there is a chance.
So now it is all up in the air again!
Anyway, praying for all you ladies on here still. God bless you all!
Lana, thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately, our health insurance is through my job, so if I am pregnant, I definitely cannot stop working unless DH can find a job with benefits. Ironically, he did a phone interview today with a great company and if another phone interview goes well this afternoon, they may fly him to their HQ in another state for an interview next week!!! Prayers needed and appreciated!!! 😃
Belle… I’m on the edge of my seat! I am so excited to hear how your test results came back!
I am also so very happy to hear about your DH’s newest opportunity! How perfect this could turn out to be! 👍 I pray that this is all God’s Will working in your lives Belle, granting your heart’s desire! :gopray:
Lord, guide those who have interviewed Belle’s Husband, and he, himself as well. Grant that he may fulfill his potential to be the husband and father you created him to be, so that Belle may also fulfill her motherly potential. As her heart yearns to give to her family all of herself, Lord, she awaits confirmation on a second pregnancy. May this be good news Lord, and also part of your Divine Intervention in their lives! Bless this family Lord, with faith, hope and love. May their opportunities for success be abundant, and their lives be filled with joy!
…My husband went away a few days ago, he was messaging me. He was very depressed and was drinking. I thought he was threatening suicide, but he assured me that he would never do that. He told me he was miserable and he missed me so much.
He agreed to go get help. I told him that I believed he had Borderline Personality Disorder and he said that he can see why I think that but didnt agree. Then he agreed to get assessed!
Well, I dont want to get my hopes up and I dont want to think that this will fix everything but it is a positive.
I am sure he has it and just that he has accepted that it may be possibility is a huge step.
But this also has a down side. I had almost accepted that it was well and truly over but now i dont know. I pray for his conversion every day and do not want to close the door on God if He is indeed working to bring about his healing and conversion. So I am trying not to think that we will reconcile, but still, it is hard not to hope.
People with Bpd are renown for saying they will get help then never doing anything about it or going once and not again. But I guess time will tell. If he is committed to getting better, then there is a chance.
***So now it is all up in the air again!***Anyway, praying for all you ladies on here still. God bless you all!
Jules, I’m so very happy to hear that your husband is considering the possibility that he needs help.
As you pointed out, there is always the possibility that this is a momentary acceptance in a time of great sorrow for him, but you must have faith Jules! The road will be a long one, undoubtedly, but if you pray for guidance and clarity, you will know whether indeed you are meant to walk it with your husband.
As for your statement:
"So now it is all up in the air again!" I can’t help but think that it’s been there all along… **way **up in the air… In God’s hands, where He is working his will, trying to get your husband’s attention all along.
I pray for you Jules, as I understand the turmoil your heart is in right now. Pray for guidance and clarity, pray for patience and strength, and pray for God’s Will to be done in your life. Then carry on, and leave it all in his capable hands. As long as you do this every day, your path will be lit for you, and you will have all that you need to walk it, with or without your husband, but with God at your side every step of the way.
I will be praying for all of this to unfold for you my friend! :gopray:
Novena to Saint Joseph for all sick husbands to find help.

Day 9

**O glorious St. Joseph,
friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
thou whose power renders impossible things possible,
come to our aid in our present trouble and distress.
Take these important and difficult affairs
which we recommend to your protection,
that they may end happily.

O dear St. Joseph,
all our confidence is in you.
Let it not be said that we have invoked you in vain,
and since you are so powerful with Jesus and Mary,
show that your goodness equals power.


St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.


Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for:

the conversion of my husband and my son, the strong faith of my daughter, the conversion of all sinners in my family and of the spouses being prayed for here by CAF members,

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

Lord, I commend all husbands and wives
represented in this thread to you this day,
That you would raise us up to be men and women after your own heart.
That you would cause us to grow in wisdom and in knowledge of you
and that these husbands become holy and spiritual heads of these homes,
and that these wives become and remain vessels that shine your light continuously.
Keep us all obedient to your will and humble in mind and action.

Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

the conversion of my husband, healing and salvation of our marriage, and the strong faith of our son, the conversion of all sinners in our families and of the spouses being prayed for here by CAF members,**

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!
Wow!! Please let us know if you are expecting. What a blessing–maybe this is God’s answer for you to stay home. I want to stay home too but that is just not in God’s plan right now. I pray everyday for strength to go to work with a positive attitude and get rid of gloomies but sometimes it is hard.
Here is a big hug and happy dance.
Hi Ladies,

I’m starting day 1 of the thanksgiving portion of my novena today.

Belle10, here’s prayers for a healthy pregnancy. :gopray2:

Praying for you all.

Gotcha, and fully understand. Prayers going up for the interview, and possibility of pregnancy!

Belle… I’m on the edge of my seat! I am so excited to hear how your test results came back!
I am also so very happy to hear about your DH’s newest opportunity! How perfect this could turn out to be! 👍 I pray that this is all God’s Will working in your lives Belle, granting your heart’s desire!
Lord, guide those who have interviewed Belle’s Husband, and he, himself as well. Grant that he may fulfill his potential to be the husband and father you created him to be, so that Belle may also fulfill her motherly potential. As her heart yearns to give to her family all of herself, Lord, she awaits confirmation on a second pregnancy. May this be good news Lord, and also part of your Divine Intervention in their lives! Bless this family Lord, with faith, hope and love. May their opportunities for success be abundant, and their lives be filled with joy!
[SIGN]I’m pregnant!![/SIGN]
:extrahappy: :crossrc: :extrahappy:

Thank you all for all your prayers and well-wishes. What a wonderful group of women you are! :grouphug: We’re very excited, and my due date is approximately Dec. 8 - the Feast of the Immaculate Conception! (It may be adjusted later but that’s it for now!) Also, that company IS flying DH to their offices in Chicago on Monday, so we’re totally excited about that too! Prayers not only that he get the job, but also that he is safe while traveling, would be much appreciated. Thank you so much everyone – you are wonderful!
Wow! it’s so hard to keep up with this thread, so much happens. I would like to have a list of us so we can remember each of us by name when we pray and go to Adoration etc.
I have had a real turn around of events. My husband went away a few days ago, he was messaging me. He was very depressed and was drinking. I thought he was threatening suicide, but he assured me that he would never do that. He told me he was miserable and he missed me so much.
He agreed to go get help. I told him that I believed he had Borderline Personality Disorder and he said that he can see why I think that but didnt agree. Then he agreed to get assessed!
Well, I dont want to get my hopes up and I dont want to think that this will fix everything but it is a positive.
I am sure he has it and just that he has accepted that it may be possibility is a huge step.
But this also has a down side. I had almost accepted that it was well and truly over but now i dont know. I pray for his conversion every day and do not want to close the door on God if He is indeed working to bring about his healing and conversion. So I am trying not to think that we will reconcile, but still, it is hard not to hope.
People with Bpd are renown for saying they will get help then never doing anything about it or going once and not again. But I guess time will tell. If he is committed to getting better, then there is a chance.
So now it is all up in the air again!
Anyway, praying for all you ladies on here still. God bless you all!
Jules, I’m so sorry you’ve had to have so much turmoil and uncertainty. Thankfully we know our one constant is Jesus, even if we don’t always feel confident. Praying for your marriage and family. :hug1:
As for your statement:
"So now it is all up in the air again!" I can’t help but think that it’s been there all along… **way **up in the air… In God’s hands, where He is working his will, trying to get your husband’s attention all along.
Prayer to Saint Joseph for all sick husbands to find help.

O glorious St. Joseph,
friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
thou whose power renders impossible things possible,
come to our aid in our present trouble and distress.
Take these important and difficult affairs
which we recommend to your protection,
that they may end happily.

O dear St. Joseph,
all our confidence is in you.
Let it not be said that we have invoked you in vain,
and since you are so powerful with Jesus and Mary,
show that your goodness equals power.


St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.
[SIGN]I’m pregnant!![/SIGN]
:extrahappy: :crossrc: :extrahappy:

Thank you all for all your prayers and well-wishes. What a wonderful group of women you are! :grouphug: We’re very excited, and my due date is approximately Dec. 8 - the Feast of the Immaculate Conception! (It may be adjusted later but that’s it for now!) Also, that company IS flying DH to their offices in Chicago on Monday, so we’re totally excited about that too! Prayers not only that he get the job, but also that he is safe while traveling, would be much appreciated. Thank you so much everyone – you are wonderful!

❤️ :heaven: :love: :extrahappy:
=Belle10;3574002[SIGN]I’m pregnant!![/SIGN]
:extrahappy: :crossrc: :extrahappy:
Thank you all for all your prayers and well-wishes. What a wonderful group of women you are! :grouphug: We’re very excited, and my due date is approximately Dec. 8 - the Feast of the Immaculate Conception! (It may be adjusted later but that’s it for now!) Also, that company IS flying DH to their offices in Chicago on Monday, so we’re totally excited about that too! Prayers not only that he get the job, but also that he is safe while traveling, would be much appreciated. Thank you so much everyone – you are wonderful!
Oh Belle! Congratulations! I think I said this in the pregnant or not thread but I’ll say it again! That’s wonderful news!
Jules, I’m so sorry you’ve had to have so much turmoil and uncertainty. Thankfully we know our one constant is Jesus, even if we don’t always feel confident. Praying for your marriage and family. :hug1:
Thank you Belle, I know that God is always there but I just hope that I am open enough to follow His will, whatever that is.
Jules, I’m so very happy to hear that your husband is considering the possibility that he needs help.
As you pointed out, there is always the possibility that this is a momentary acceptance in a time of great sorrow for him, but you must have faith Jules! The road will be a long one, undoubtedly, but if you pray for guidance and clarity, you will know whether indeed you are meant to walk it with your husband.
As for your statement:
"So now it is all up in the air again!" I can’t help but think that it’s been there all along… **way **up in the air… In God’s hands, where He is working his will, trying to get your husband’s attention all along.
I pray for you Jules, as I understand the turmoil your heart is in right now. Pray for guidance and clarity, pray for patience and strength, and pray for God’s Will to be done in your life. Then carry on, and leave it all in his capable hands. As long as you do this every day, your path will be lit for you, and you will have all that you need to walk it, with or without your husband, but with God at your side every step of the way.
I will be praying for all of this to unfold for you my friend! :gopray:
Thanks Diana,
Sometimes it is easier to have a definate idea in your head, even if it isn’t what you want, at least that way it doesnt feel like you are in limbo.
But I just want to make sure that I am faithfully following God’s will and NOT my own. I am confused but I will not be giving in easily. He has proven time and time again that I can’t believe everything he says.

❤️ :heaven: :love: :extrahappy:
What a beautiful message! Thank you!! 😃
Oh Belle! Congratulations! I think I said this in the pregnant or not thread but I’ll say it again! That’s wonderful news!

Thank you Belle, I know that God is always there but I just hope that I am open enough to follow His will, whatever that is.
Thanks Jules! You’re right, it’s tough to follow His will, isn’t it? Wednesday I was nearly inconsolable all day, bursting into tears over and over, and frustrated with God for not helping us. :o Boy do I feel terrible now. Lord, forgive me. 😦
Thanks Jules! You’re right, it’s tough to follow His will, isn’t it? Wednesday I was nearly inconsolable all day, bursting into tears over and over, and frustrated with God for not helping us. :o Boy do I feel terrible now. Lord, forgive me. 😦
Yes, I have had many times where I have been asking God to help, almost demanding and feeling sorry for myself and then things turn around for the better. Then I wonder why I am so weak and lacking in faith to be so mistrusting of God. I need to be able to trust no matter what.
Yes, I have had many times where I have been asking God to help, almost demanding and feeling sorry for myself and then things turn around for the better. Then I wonder why I am so weak and lacking in faith to be so mistrusting of God. I need to be able to trust no matter what.
You know, the other day despite all my frustration and sadness, I still trusted deep down in my heart and soul. It’s my stupid mind that wouldn’t peace in what my soul was trying to remind it. :o
Girls, it is easy to fall into a pattern of knowing and excepting his Will and love him deeply for being there for us. However, he made us human, and there is much to learn when we ARE human and forget to hold on as tight as we had a few days before. Remember, you are human, and you are HIS lost lamb. He will not leave you alone, he is at your side. He knows us best, and knows we will fall, but at least we look up reach for his outstretched hand as he helps us back up.

Some might not even see his hand…blessed are we that do!

Congradulations on your Pregnancy hun, and the job interview. Prayers for safety are going up, as well as a possibility that things will work in such a way for your family to be happy and mindful to his grace.

One last thing, and this is for Jules…I see a desperation of hope, and i too would feel the same way if my husband actually agreed to ANY form of help…even verbal atmittence would be a huge step. I wonder if you can see the need to step back.

I have an idea, but do not know you well enough to know if it will work. Here goes. First and formost you have a union with God, and as your husbands wife, you care deeply about the state of his soul, and how his life falling apart has left you alone, and hurt.
For now, you have the Lord, and hopefully forever! But he does not have that. Imagine struggles without the Lord, how very sad and full of dispair.

This is the state of his soul, mind and heart. If he knew what God could do, or you, he would have done it long ago. So first and formost, step back from the marriage, and do not place focus on this right now. I know this does not sound propper, but hear me out.

Maybe he needs a guide, a friend, a soldier in christ. Maybe he needs to find his way, without the stress of disapointing others. Maybe you need to focus on the friendship side, unconditional, accept his trying as it comes, and tell him, and show him you are there for him, regardless if he comes back or not.

Let him know, as a friend, you love and care for him, and him getting well IS your only agenda. Meet him when he needs to for coffee, talk, set dates to meet about how he feels in life. It does not have to be about your marriage. Help him find him, so that he can be a better him. When he finds himself, do not doubt he will be well ready to see you.

Sometimes it is not about our needs to be met, but that the lost lamb can be heard crying in pain, and finds a hand so near by.

Please do not see this as preaching, and if i overstepped my bounds, say so…but i hear pain when i think of drinking, and if that can be addressed…the why…well we replace the need to self medicate.

Day 5 Novena to St. Monica - done


Just read you are expecting. Congratulations and God bless you and your baby! Much love,
[SIGN]I’m pregnant!![/SIGN]
:extrahappy: :crossrc: :extrahappy:

Thank you all for all your prayers and well-wishes. What a wonderful group of women you are! :grouphug: We’re very excited, and my due date is approximately Dec. 8 - the Feast of the Immaculate Conception! (It may be adjusted later but that’s it for now!) Also, that company IS flying DH to their offices in Chicago on Monday, so we’re totally excited about that too! Prayers not only that he get the job, but also that he is safe while traveling, would be much appreciated. Thank you so much everyone – you are wonderful!

Here’s prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy and for your dh’s job interview.:crossrc:

Congradulations on your Pregnancy hun, and the job interview. Prayers for safety are going up, as well as a possibility that things will work in such a way for your family to be happy and mindful to his grace.
Day 5 Novena to St. Monica - done


Just read you are expecting. Congratulations and God bless you and your baby! Much love,

Here’s prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy and for your dh’s job interview.:crossrc:

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 😃 :grouphug: :harp:
Oooo, does this mean another meter stick measureing something important in your signature (ok, yard stick for americans…hehe)

Yup, just added it! 😃 I think three tickers may be a bit too much, but who do I delete? :o
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