St. Philomena vs. Harry Potter

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I’m not saying that all homeschoolers are like that…but chances are there are a few, and i think that is what iccaro was basing his assumption on. Maybe he knows some. Not every homeschooling parent is going to teach their children the same way.

I’d rather homeschool my children when I have them, but that is less likely to happen.

I never said they need to be exposed to bad stuff directly. Just informed about them. Like reading Harry potter and being explained that it’s fiction instead of saying Harry potter is evil and you can’t read it.

Have you ever seen “The Waterboy” with adam sandler? Kinda like his mother in that movie, I’m sure there are parents out there like that.

I don’t paint a bad picture of homeschoolers to anyone. i approach the situation the same way I do with the church scandal. It doesn’t matter what group or profession a person is in, there is always going to be someone who abuses their position.
What I have read about her is they know of her existance because of the evidence they found, namely her grave the markings on which showed her to be a virgin and a martyr.
The bones of St. Philomena (a young girl, between 13-15 years) were discovered in 1802, in the catacomb of St. Priscilia, along with an inscription near her tomb which read “Peace be with thee, Philomena”. There were also drawings of 2 anchors, 3 arrows and a palm. A small glass vial, containing the remains of blood, was also found. It was custom to leave symbols and signs such as these for martrys, so it was determined that the young girl was a virgin and a martyr. She was beatified in 1837 after hundreds of miraculous cures attributed to the young “wonder worker”. She is the only person recognized as a saint solely on the basis of her powerful intercession. Nothing is known of her life except through private revelation.

Here’s the good part: Efforts are underway to restore the Saint to the liturgical calendar in preparation of the 200th anniversary of the 1st public miracle through St. Philomena’s intercession in 1805**.** You can be a part of her restoration to Church calendar by joining in petitioning the Congregation of Divine Worship in the Vatican to consider reinstating the Liturgical Feast of St. Philomena because of her renewed popularity throughout the whole world. There just happens to be a website: .

I think St. Philomena would appreciate the efforts of this generation of Catholics and find ever new ways in which to continue working wonders especially among our young who are in sore need of authentic heroes.
Byzcath, I’m sure there are some…not all…parents who homeschool for their own reasons, such as pushing thier beliefs onto their children. I agree that homeschooling can be a very wondeful thing but there are a few parents who neglect to tell their children about the real world or allow them to be exposed to it at all. This cause great confusion in the children eventually especially when they need to critically think through a situation and are unable to do so because their parents did not teach them the skills necessary. Children, IMO, need to be exposed to some of the less good things around them in order for them to get a clear understanding of what is right and what is wrong. I think that is what iccaro (sp?) was trying to say, not condemning all homeschoolers…or at least I hope not.
Thanks for helping point out my point 🙂 Raphaela

If home schooling is done purely out of the interest in providing the absolute best attention to the education of your child that can be paid than I have ZERO issue with home schooling… well mostly but I will get back to that. If however, and this seems to be the majority today, at least in the Midwest where I am unfortunately mired, the purpose of home schooling is to shield children from the realities of the world than a grave error is being made.

I am a former police officer and I can assure you that in this extremely religious city of Tulsa Oklahoma, (it is like the diamond in the brass buckle of the bible belt and even the Catholics here seemed to be wakening on some of the more negative aspects of the Southern Baptists) there is an extreme desire to shelter children from the realities of the world, the most extreme version of this being home schooling and those children, once out in the world, are at a grave risk. As I have said in other places on this forum, Faith untested, isn’t. That is what the world is about, that is the reality. And it is more important than ever to expose our children to as much as possible while they are still home so that they can be guided thru what they come up against out there. I went to Saint Edwards University in Austin Tx, and I saw many wide eyed innocents wander through those dorms and into a lot of trouble, simply because they had not been prepared for the freedom and the responsibility that goes along with it.

As for the product of children home schooled for purely academic purposes, they tend yes to be more academically prepared in certain areas, but like many private school children, unless the home-schooler is wildly proficient in science and has a way to provide the facilities one might find school lab, they can be very behind in the hard sciences. Socialization is also a huge issue unless again extra effort is put forth to insure this is addressed.

You and Iccaro seem to be placing a motivation on Homeschooling parents that you can not know nor prove. That is very uncharitable.

Seems you have the same issues about homeschooling.

Both of you also seem to have the mistaken view that schooling outside of the home represents reality/real world. Another thing I disagree with.

There are such things as church groups, boy/girl scouts, clubs, other groups, communtiy sports. There are many ways for children to socialize with others.

I do not agree that children need to be exposed to bad things so that they can learn right and wrong.
As a former police officer and someone who worked in a juvenile detention center I can assure you that sheltering children is a grave error. In saying,

ByzCath said:
"I do not agree that children need to be exposed to bad things so that they can learn right and wrong…

what you are robbing you and your children of is something called experience… you can teach them all you want but until they run face to face with what you have taught them to be wrong neither you nor your child with know and have confidence in how they react to it. Some children, as I was as a child when presented with drugs for instance, make a strong stand and remove themselves from the situation. Other kids may refuse the drugs but still hang out not wanting to be excluded socially for the refuseal while others may be easily pressured into using even though they know it goes against their and their parents values. I would much rather that my child go thru this sort of thing before I send them out into the world and I would hope that they could come to me for help, guidance etc. My father had a strong policy of if you call and need help there will be no questions, you will be helped. But the issue will be addressed, usually the next day. I always knew i could call, and thank god i never once had to. But if I were kept away from everything growing up, sheltered and my every moment monitored I might have gone off to college without that experience and the self confidence to say no in a much more lax and experimental time in life. We all are a product of our experiences and we are defined not by the test of life but how we handle them. Avoid the tests and what are you left with?
I’ve taken a lot of verbal abuse on these boards because of my negative stance on the Harry Potter craze. That’s OK with me because it proves to me that Catholic parents will foam at the mouth in defense of exposing their children to all kinds of secular, pagan, and evil nonsense…just so that their children will be fully “educated” and part of the mainstream, neo-pagan, anti-Christian, perverted culture we now embrace.

How does that reflect Jesus’s own words that we should not be a part of the “world” but separate from the world? What does that have to say about modern Catholic parents and what their spiritual priorities are for their families? And aren’t we tragically reaping what we have sown?

How do the Harry Potter occult fantasies prepare our Catholic children for their eternal future? Instead of educating them on the truth, reinforcing the treasure of the Christian faith and taking their problems to Jesus in prayer, praying for the gifts of the Holy Spirit…instead they should follow Harry and enroll in schools of the occult where “black magic” prevails? Instead of cooperating with the Perfect Will of God , our children should fly their broomsticks, gaze at crystal balls, do demonic incantations, cast spells and curses, divinate, and cooperate with unknown spirits?

Please don’t tell me that the world of the occult isn’t real and has no power. Please don’t tell me kids arent’ affected by occult suggestions. It is YOU who are not informed. Just visit the site and see how many children are seduced by the witchcraft that the HP books suggest. Casting spells and curses, experimenting with witchcraft - just child’s play! Wake up people!!!

As my own dear Mother would say, children are like new tree shoots - they must be lovingly and carefully pruned and secured before they become mature and hardened.

I have seven grandchildren. I see how quickly they run to every new craze and media invention. I have observed how their behaviors have been affected by this unwholesome exposure. I see how hard it is for their parents to compete with the worldly temptations that would entrap their children.

Whatever we can do to influence our children away from the world and all of its folly, is what we are called to do as People of Faith. You are either concerned about their eternal souls, or you are not.

Instead of spending your money on these popular seductions, direct your financial support to wholesome Catholic literature. Support your local Catholic Book Store or other publishers of Catholic literature. Purchase Bible Study programs for children and participate in these programs, Lives of the Saints books for children, Christian videos and music, etc.

Look around your house. Count up the $$$ you spend on “worldly” entertainment. Who are you supporting? God or mammon? Mt. 6:24
Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion about this Saint.

Padre Pio, who had a devotion to her, stated that he felt any confusion over her is the work of satan.

Several of the common miss-information about the Saint is that the Cultus was suppressed in 1961. This is not true.

The Vatican recognized Saint Philomena today as strongly as when she was first canonized. The Universal Archconfraternity of Saint Philomena is still recognized and promoted by the Vatican. She is still recognized as the Patron Saint of the Universal Living Rosary and the Propagation of the Faith. Both organizations are still strongly supported by the Vatican.

The truth is that she was removed from the liturgical calendar in 1961. She had never been placed on the calendar in the United States and there are no churches that have changed their name, anywhere in the world, because of her removal from the liturgical calendar in 1961.

Several churches that bore her name in the United States were torn down, but that was in the name of progress, not in reaction to her being removed from the liturgical calendar.

She was canonized by Pope Gregory XVI.

From the liturgical approval of Gregory XVI to the papal decrees of St. Pius X, Nineteen acts of the Holy See in the course of five successive pontificates were issued in positive promotion of popular devotion to St. Philomena expressed in the form of elevations in rank of liturgical cultus, the erection of confraternities and archconfraternities, and the granting of plenary and partial indulgences.

Several acts of the Holy See particularly display the Magisterium’s approval and encouragement of ecclesial devotion to this Christian saint and martyr. Beyond the elevation of the rank of the mass and office previously granted by Gregory XVI, Bl. Pius IX approved a proper mass and office dedicated to St. Philomena with the papal confirmation of the previously submitted decree, Etsi decimo on January 31, 1855, a significant liturgical elevation, even though her name was never entered into the Roman Martyrology. The granting of a proper mass and office to St. Philomena, which took place following the return of Bl. Pius IX from a papal pilgrimage to Mugnano during his forced exile from Rome, was an unprecedented act in honor of a Christian martyr known only by name and evidence of martyrdom. Bl. Pius IX also granted plenary and partial indulgences to devotions in honor of St. Philomena at the Sanctuary in Mugnano.

Pope Leo XIII granted papal approbation to the Cord of St. Philomena with several plenary indulgences in association with its wearing, and accorded the title and privilege of “archconfraternity” for the respective Philomenian devotion and work in France. Pope St. Pius X continued the papal succession of encouragement for public Church devotion by approving the extension of the Archconfraternity of St. Philomena to the universal Church.

Far more than one solitary papal act by Gregory XVI, the papal Magisterium has repeatedly encouraged the nature and growth of ecclesial devotion to St. Philomena, in official recognition of her status as a saint, in public liturgical and devotional sanctions which extended to the universal faith and life of the Church, and thereby manifesting official and essential liturgical and devotional characteristics of her status as a saint as defined by the Church.
A conference was held in Rome to get answers for “The Philomenan Question” on April 9, 2005, a panel, of scientists, priests and devotees presented reports that offered resounding answers which will put to rest the years of questioning once and for all time.

The following is the statement released by the Rector of the Sanctuary of St. Philomena, Monsignor Giovanni Braschi summarizing the conference:

Two hundred years ago St. Philomena was placed in a special Altar at the Sanctuary, situated on the central left side as you walk into the Church. And from that moment she changed the lives of everyone who encountered her. Now, in these present days she touches the lives of many people worldwide and calls them to the Sanctuary in Mugnano del Cardinale.

Sadly, many devotees have reported to me confusion stemming from the St. Philomena controversy. I have been Rector of the Sanctuary for over twenty years and I have worked to correct any confusion or misunderstandings surrounding St. Philomena. Therefore, as Rector, I decided the most effective solution was to devote myself to engage the best minds available in the scientific world today to find out the truth about our Saint. From the onset of this effort, I was prepared to accept the truth as final no matter what the results of the scientific research revealed. My desire was to settle the controversy once and for all to relieve any anxiety devotees may have about our Saint.

We announced the results of the new and exhaustive scientific research at the Conference of the New Philomenian Studies on April 9, 2005, at the Catacombs of St. Pricilla in Rome, where the tomb of Saint Philomena was discovered in 1802.

There are two main parts of this investigation; the first is that of the tomb stones. They tell the story of the person buried there with specific symbols depicting the history of the sufferings and the death which occurred along with the name of the person.

The controversy was initiated when the case of St. Philomena was discussed and argued in the beginning of the 20th Century: using scientific methods only available in his time, the archaeologist Orazio Marucchi stated the theory that the tomb stones had been sealed more than once, which would have meant they were re-used.

Additionally, he postulated that the reason the order of the first and last tomb stone were reversed is because the tomb had been opened and then resealed.

The present-day scientific investigations using modern and technically advanced equipment has demonstrated clearly that the tomb stones were only sealed once.

More importantly, with these modern techniques, they are dated 202 A.D, which mean that St. Philomena is an earlier Martyr of the Church than first thought.

With the new scientific results of the tomb stones which originally were placed in the wrong order now have an explanation; With powerful modern tools a closer and more detailed examination of the three tiles revealed a surprise that no one previously had realized.

At the time of her burial, there where originally two tomb stones, but three were needed to completely close the tomb. The larger of the two stones was cut horizontally in half resulting in two separate stones out of it, which made the required three in total. The now three tiles were laid out and the inscription was applied across the total of them, PAXTE – CUMFI – LUMENA. Each of the three tiles had a portion of the message the first stone had, PAXTE, the second stone had CUMFI and the third stone, LUMENA.

After having done this, the mason worker realized that the tomb was taller at one end than the other. The stones were reversed to move the wider stone to the wider opening to accommodate the wider opening. Therefore, in order for the stones to be placed to properly fit the opening, it resulted in reversing the three sections of the inscription to the following order: LUMENA – PAXTE – CUMFI, placing the last original stone in the place of the first one, which by doing this, meant that the words on them were put in the wrong order.

The second part of the results of the new scientific investigation was regarding the glass vase which was found in the tomb with the Relics of Saint Philomena. It has been scientifically proven now to have blood in it and to our surprise a small fragment of bone was also found in it. This new discovery indicates that St. Philomena did have a violent death.

I sought to find the truth, again, regardless of the results, and happily, I am able to report now that the results dispel any confusion or misunderstanding that may have existed before about St. Philomena.

They also have a full detailed list of the events which will be held at the Sanctuary for this special anniversary year.

Blessing you with the benediction of St. Philomena through the Sacred Heart of Our Lord and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Monsignor Giovanni Braschi
Santuario Santa Filomena
83027 Mugnano del Cardinale
Avellino, Italy
tel:+39 81 8257204
fax: 081-511 2733
Thank you filumenae,

The information was great, and very informative!

Blessings to you
So let me get this straight: people were praying for her intercession BEFORE she was made a saint?
Hello Everyone. First, let me start out by saying how happy I am to have seen a thread with the title St. Philomena. Second, St. Philomena’s feast day is and always will be August 11.
“The principal feast of St. Philomena is kept on August 11th. It was formerly observed on August 10th, the day of her martyrdom and of the translation of her relics to Mugnano, but the Church has changed it to the 11th, out of respect for St. Lawrence, whose feast is celebrated on the 10th throughout the entire world. In addiion to this, there are two other feasts in her honor, namely, the Finding of her Relics, May 25th, and the feast of her Patronag which occurs on the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension.”
She was taken off the Calender because she was not known world-wide. However, at you can go to sign the petition to reinstate the Liturgical Feast of St. Philomena.

And stop arguing on her thread. It is not nice and she would not like it.
Harry Potter is neutral material…both book and movie

So I guess that since the Wolfman movie (1941) has Lon Chaney carryng the mark of the “Pentagram” on his chest…and a woman going to a “Fortune Teller” and having her “Fortune read” with “Tarot Cards”, and then being given a “Tailsman” to ward of Evil, means that movie is harmful and teaching the Occult as well?

Arlene Alice:

Your knowledge of the Saints of the Church and Witchcraft is just as woefully lacking as Raphaela’s.
Arlene, who are you to tell everyone else their knowledge is lacking? It sounds like you have a little pride problem. I suggest you be a little more humble.
Arlene AliceWhy have some Catholic parents ignored the great treasury of wonders that is our faith tradition for the silly counterfeits that are offered by those who would seduce our children into the world of the demonic and occult? The Harry Potter craze is just one example of this shift from honoring the holy saints to honoring witchcraft and unholy practices so repulsive to the Spirit of God.:
SImply because a child reads Harry Potter does not mean that they will not read other worthy works, including the lives of this Saint. I encourage my children to read a wide range of books. Of course, I don’t agree that ROwlings is encouraging occultic practices-Harry Potter in no way resembles the practices of modern day WIccans. I will look into this Saint, though. My family likes to watch SUper Saints on EWTN, perhaps they will have a program on this young Saint.
Arlene Alice:
Please don’t tell me that the world of the occult isn’t real and has no power.
Cause You have already made up you mind.
Please don’t tell me kids arent’ affected by occult suggestions. It is YOU who are not informed. Just visit the site and see how many children are seduced by the witchcraft that the HP books suggest. Casting spells and curses, experimenting with witchcraft - just child’s play! Wake up people!!!

You can’t actualy contact the dead, Oiji (sp?) boards don’t really work. Magic is simply slight of hand. It’s all make-believe. John Edwards isn’t actualy talking to spirits.

Arlene Alice:
I am currently reading the book, “Saint Philomena the Wonder-Worker” by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan, O.P. [Tan Books -”]

The jacket reads: St. Philomena is perhaps the most extraordinary saint in the history of the Catholic Church.
When the relics of this 13-year-old Virgin [early Church] Martyr were discovered in the Roman Catacombs in 1802, she became almost overnight one of the most popular saints in the Church, earning the nickname of “The Wonder-Worker” because of the countless remarkable favors that she sent to those who prayed to her. But amazingly, since the l960s she has been almost forgotten. …Fr. O’Sullivan tells of her martyrdom [she miraculously survived many terrible tortures administered to her by order of the Emperor of Rome whose lust for her consumed his sanity, and finally died by beheading] her many miracles, her relics, her partnership with the Cure of Ars. …as well as recounting many other true stories of the “dear Little Saint’s” generous answers to those who invoke her.

No literary genius or contemporary story-teller could have created the exceptional wonders that have surrounded this saint; from countless miracles of healing, heavenly manifestations at the chapel in Mugnamo, Italy, where her relics are preserved, her wooden statue which has changed colors and positions, the vial of blood of the saint which takes on a flourescent quality at certain times, the “chord” of St. Philomena which has served many sacramental purposes. This story of this saint is so totally amazing that one is naturally drawn to her in wonder, in respect and for prayerful favors.

Why have some Catholic parents ignored the great treasury of wonders that is our faith tradition for the silly counterfeits that are offered by those who would seduce our children into the world of the demonic and occult? The Harry Potter craze is just one example of this shift from honoring the holy saints to honoring witchcraft and unholy practices so repulsive to the Spirit of God.

The Catholic bookstores that carry exceptional literary works like the lives of saints are hardly able to survive bankruptcy, like TAN books in Rockford, Illinois, for instance. In contrast, we have Rowlings, Scholastic Publishers, and Hollywood making billions off of this current occult fad that many Christians happily contribute to. What a sad indictment of our times!

The 13 year old St. Philomena is truly a Wonder-Worker. Perhaps we and our children should get to know her again.

COOL! I will tell that to my sister. St. Philomena was her Confirmation name!
Monarchy said:

You can’t actualy contact the dead, Oiji (sp?) boards don’t really work. Magic is simply slight of hand. It’s all make-believe. John Edwards isn’t actualy talking to spirits.

Sorry to contradict you, Monarchy, but this is not the Catholic position. It’s what’s believed by most present day non-Christians, I used to believe it myself – but as C.S. Lewis says, the devil’s main achievement today is convincing people that he doesn’t exist.
If you do a little research, you might find evidence to change your mind. I don’t have solid evidence to give you as I stay far away from things forbidden in the Bible. You might check out this article:
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