Father Ambrose is right on this one. The “if” is clearly a rhetorical device used to illustrate a point: that the Latin Church holds certain heretical doctrines, including, supposedly, that of the Immaculate Conception.
Bishop Kallistos Ware, however, in his book The Orthodox Church, says that this dogma is not considered heretical by Orthodoxy.
To each his own, I suppose . . .
O.K. I’ll accept that the Orthodox encyclical was not opening its doctrine up to debate wherein the Latin Church was to be given the opportunity to prove that
its doctrines where in accordance with the pre-schism Church. Fr. Ambrose, what is the Orthodox response to this part of Fr. Kucharek’s work?
**Fr. Casimir Kucharek in his magnus opus
The Byzantine-Slav
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (1971; Alleluia Press, pp. 355-357)
marshals the evidence that the early Eastern Church did believe in and
commemorate the Immaculate Conception of the Theotokos:
Also, from end to end of the Byzantine world, both Catholic
and Orthodox greet the Mother of God as
archrantos, “the
immaculate, spotless one,” no less than eight times in the
Divine Liturgy alone. But especially on the feast of her
conception (December 9 in the Byzantine Church) is her
immaculateness stressed: “This day, O faithful, from saintly
parents begins to take being the spotless lamb, the most pure
tabernacle, Mary…”; “She is conceived…the only immaculate
one”; "or “Having conceived the most pure dove, Anne
filled…” [References: From the Office of Matins, the Third
Ode of the Canon for the feast; From the Office of Matins,
the Stanzas during the Seating, for the same feast; From the
Office of Matins, the Sixth Ode of the Canon for the same