Staff Shortages Imminent Due to Covid 19 Surge

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I’m all for universal healthcare, if it’s handled on a county and state, not federal level.
That’s more or less how it works here in Canada. The provinces administer. The feds set national standards for portability and accessibility, and provide equalization $, and the provinces administer. Most doctors still work in private practice. The bulk of their income is from the single-payer provincial health care plan wit a much lesser portion from non-covered services such as insurance exams.

No system is perfect but it works reasonably well. Everyone is covered, and overall it is cheaper per capital than the US system. At a macro level, it also has better outcomes if you consider longevity.
provide equalization $,
This is where I’d have an issue. I don’t want people in one state having to kick in for people in another.

My ideal would be each state funds and handles their own, and people can only get treatment in their state of residency. We need to get back to a federalist system and stop having the feds being able to dangle funds over the state as incentives for compliance.
If that bothers you, you must loathe the Democrats. Which ones worked with Trump on anything of note, including a COVID response?
Trump only wanted to work against serious covid responses, undermining calls for compliance with public health guidance. The Democrats wanted to do plenty in response to covid and Trump thwarted them at every turn.
Did you see the “stimulus bill” Pelosi was pitching, and what was actually in it? It should never see the light of day.
Yes, and it had a lot more money for relief for average Americans than Trump was willing to let go.
Call us in four years when the population is vaccinated thanks to Trump
That will have nothing to do with Trump. The vaccination effort would have proceeded regardless of who was president.
These are community hospitals expected to respond to community disasters.
I gotta laugh. That hasn’t stopped hospitals from being closed in the past.
When there is no money, the hospital closes. That’s not the fault of the hospital.
I’m all for universal healthcare, if it’s handled on a county and state, not federal level.
I’m impressed! Good for you, coming that far. I can go along with that. But as a practical matter, what will happen to someone with diabetes who wants to move from Minnesota to Florida if Minnesota has universal healthcare and Florida doesn’t (hypothetically)?
But as a practical matter, what will happen to someone with diabetes who wants to move from Minnesota to Florida if Minnesota has universal healthcare and Florida doesn’t (hypothetically)?
They would have to weigh the cost/benefit of one state over the other in relation to their medical needs and expenses I suppose
This is where I’d have an issue. I don’t want people in one state having to kick in for people in another.
Our premise is that Canadian citizenship has equal value no matter where one lives. So if I live in Québec (which I do), I should be able to travel to British Columbia to visit family (which I do) and if I fall ill, there, be treated there. Similarly if someone has to move for work, for instance, he or she is guaranteed the same level of service elsewhere in Canada.

We’re probably, philosophically, more centralized than the US; our criminal justice system is federal, for instance. On the other hand there’s Québec which has a bit more autonomy. They’ve always preached decentralized federalism, while, ironically, highly centralizing everything within the province.
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Our premise is that Canadian citizenship has equal value no matter where one lives
That’s the gist in the US too and I’d like to see that changed given the broad ideological differences across our nation.
On the one hand, I feel for the shortages at nursing homes. On the other hand, many are private and all of them notoriously understaff and under pay their help. Many have one RN overseeing all the aides and maybe a few LPNs. LPNs are a dying breed. It’s usually a one to two year program which earns them a license but most hospitals won’t hire them anymore. Doctor offices do still use them in general practice but even specialty doctors don’t.

The article is interesting…state employees being asked to assist for a two week period. No experience necessary? I’d imagine they will use them for what we call scut work. Help with bathing, keeping an eye on them and cleanups. It should be an eye opener for any that volunteer.
Sickness is out of anyone’s control.
I don’t think that is always true. You can avoid many diseases by getting a vaccine. You can avoid others by cooking your food properly. Others can be avoided by not going near people with the disease, or if you are infected, not going around people that are not infected. Avoiding risky behaviors can prevent even more (think STD’s).

I thank God that I live now instead of in previous ages when science hadn’t provided us with as much the knowledge of how to prevent diseases.
While those precautions certainly limit your risk, it’s never zero. A cop buddy of mine has HIV now because a junky stabbed him with a heroin needle.
Risky behavior. Yes, being a cop puts one in danger of this. My daughter is a PA, she also has to deal with potential.

But that doesn’t meant you don’t take all the precautions you can instead of the Que sera, que sera attitude so many seem to take. Most of us are not that helpless in the face of this pandemic.
At the most critical of times, at the very beginning, the democrats were not responding at all to covid.
They were busy with an impeachment.
Everyone who blames Trump now is conveniently forgetting all about that. Why do I have the feeling that whole impeachment charade is now memory-holed? Maybe because it detracts from the narrative of the caring Democrats? Who can’t be seen prioritizing the impeachment over the coronavirus way back when? Well there are too many of us who can’t unsee that impeachment for the circus it was.
The impeachment of President Trump ended on February 5th, a full three weeks before the first covid death in the US. Perhaps Democrats should have seen into the future more clearly, but by March and April, the magnitude of the crisis was apparent. It is at this point and beyond that Trump continued to downplay the crisis and undermine public health officials. Not only did Trump not do much positive toward the virus. He actively worked against efforts undertaken by others to combat the virus. I don’t really have to resurrect his tweets from that period, do I? It is clear that no matter what the congress did toward covid, Trump was not going to sign it. So it is nonsense to blame the Democrats for something that Trump actively made worse.
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Trump failed to provide leadership. Instead he focused all his energy on denial.
I really can’t see how monitoring COVID patients is such a stretch for any experienced nurse or MD. They know how to monitor vitals, manage IV drips, and oxygenate.

This is an illness where the patient must heal themselves, some with the aid of oxygen.
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