Staff Shortages Imminent Due to Covid 19 Surge

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The impeachment of President Trump ended on February 5th, a full three weeks before the first covid death in the US.
What a great time and opportunity to keep it from our shores.
But no…gotta impeach Trump.

They had no care or concern for our lives.
Just bitter hatred and blinders.
I really can’t see how monitoring COVID patients is such a stretch for any experienced nurse or MD. They know how to monitor vitals, manage IV drips, and oxygenate.

This is an illness where the patient must heal themselves, some with the aid of oxygen.
My daughter is a physical therapist. What she has seen many times is that a patient seems to be getting better, and may even have their discharge papers filled out and is waiting for their ride home–and then suddenly, they go downhill and by evening, they’re dead.

One of her patients (and other PTs also had him as a patient) was a very healthy 60-something who was doing super and everyone liked him, and he was scheduled to go home, and they all wished luck and Happy Thanksgiving–and when they came in the next morning, the nurses told them that the gentleman had taken a turn for the worse, was re-admitted, and died during the night.

It’s very weird and frightening how many patients do seem to be on the upswing, and then fall out of the swing and never get back up.

I think there’s a lot we don’t know about COVID-19. I hope that when the pandemic is finally under control (hopefully, the vaccines will help), the researchers can find some time to do delve more deeply into this virus and learn why it disappears, and then re-appears with a fatal vengeance.

The big problem with short staffing in the hospitals is that it makes it difficult if not impossible for sick employees to stay home and recover. I went to work this morning with a 101 degree temp and a stuffy head. (My COVID test was negative.) I wanted to stay home, but I could not–I couldn’t leave my co-workers to deal with the workload. I just could not.

Another big problem in hospitals is that when the children of workers are not in school, they have to find some way to take care of them. Some of my co-workers have spouses who are able to stay home–but…sorry guys!..a lot of men just aren’t capable of doing their work (from home) AND taking care of the children and making sure that they are on-task with their online schooling and also making sure that there’s some lunch.

And a lot of my co-workers don’t have a spouse, but they still have children at home.

If the kids get sick, then our co-workers are out, too, and that makes our short-staffing even more awful. 🙃

I am SO ANGRY 😠 at my hospital administration for not recognizing back in the early days of the emergence of COVID-19 that this was going to be really bad, and it would be a good time to over-staff, even if it did destroy “the bottom line.” We actually had 4 travelling lab techs, and they were LET GO by management becaues they cost too much . 😡

Now the “bottom line” is non-existent, because of the huge amount of overtime, and employees like me are basically just machines–very tired machines. Working with a fever today, I honestly wished I could just quit and walk out the door.
Stay strong and thank you for hanging in there. Situations like you described are why I get so angry when people boast about how they’re going to have a large family gathering despite the warnings of how much harm it could result in.

Prayers your way.
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The impeachment of President Trump ended on February 5th, a full three weeks before the first covid death in the US. Perhaps Democrats should have seen into the future more clearly, but by March and April, the magnitude of the crisis was apparent. It is at this point and beyond that Trump continued to downplay the crisis and undermine public health officials. Not only did Trump not do much positive toward the virus. He actively worked against efforts undertaken by others to combat the virus. I don’t really have to resurrect his tweets from that period, do I? It is clear that no matter what the congress did toward covid, Trump was not going to sign it. So it is nonsense to blame the Democrats for something that Trump actively made worse.
I love your revisionism. You’re entitled to your opinion. But not to your version of the facts.

Jan 16 - Impeachment trial begins. Leading headlines everywhere for the next three weeks. In the meantime, check the following timeline of events that took place while the Democrats were almost completely focused on the trial:
Jan 20 - first confirmed case in the US
Jan 21 - CDC press conference transcript that mentions the entry screening into the US already taking place
Jan 23 - China quarantines the city of Wuhan
Jan 26 - first confirmed case in California
Jan 31 - Trump announces China travel ban, we both know it was more like some restrictions rather than a total ban, but the central point remains: there was an action taken that indicated an awareness of the problem. Something that the Democrats in the middle of the impeachment circus did not have.
Jan 31 - Biden referred to Trump’s ban as “hysterical xenophobia”. He would change his mind later, but I’m sure you totally forgot all about this whopper.
Feb 1 - To drive the point home, Biden tweeted about Trump’s “hysteria, xenophobia and fear-mongering”.
Feb 4 Japan time - two week quarantine announced for the Diamond Princess cruise ship.
Feb 5 - impeachment acquittal

So it can be seen that the train was gathering steam during this time, but it seems the Democrats only paid attention long enough to call Trump xenophobic and hysterical for announcing the travel ban. Of course we wouldn’t know until later that it wasn’t a true ban and I’ll credit you for pointing that out. But those words represented the most important contribution a Democrat made during this period.

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Anyone remember how the CDC had problems with the initial tests? That wasn’t Trump’s fault.

Further, the damaging lockdowns that the WHO finally admitted last month don’t help were the purview of mostly Democrat governors. They were the ones who trashed the economy, Trump didn’t do that either. The nursing home disasters in NY, NJ, PA, MA and MI? Those Democrat governors violated CDC guidelines regarding the relocation of Covid patients back into nursing homes, that’s not on Trump.
The impeachment of President Trump ended on February 5th, a full three weeks before the first covid death in the US. Perhaps Democrats should have seen into the future more clearly, but by March and April, the magnitude of the crisis was apparent. It is at this point and beyond that Trump continued to downplay the crisis and undermine public health officials. Not only did Trump not do much positive toward the virus. He actively worked against efforts undertaken by others to combat the virus. I don’t really have to resurrect his tweets from that period, do I? It is clear that no matter what the congress did toward covid, Trump was not going to sign it. So it is nonsense to blame the Democrats for something that Trump actively made worse.
I love your revisionism. You’re entitled to your opinion. But not to your version of the facts.

Jan 16 - Impeachment trial begins. (…yada,yada,yada)
All the facts you quote, while they are all true, are all before the first covid death. I see that you are trying to paint a picture of how the Democrats should have known things were going to get bad in January based on reports from overseas. While this is debatable, it is even more unforgiveable that Trump in February, March, and April did not know how bad things were going to get and even after that was still denying it. With so much more knowledge, he really should have known better. And in fact, I think he did, and just didn’t care, but that much is just speculation. Either he was grossly incompetent, or grossly uncaring about the American people. Either way, he does not escape the majority of the blame.

As for the comments Democrats made about the closures from China and later from Europe, the context was that Trump was banning travel selectively based on who he wanted to punish, rather than on which nation posed the greatest risk. But even allowing that the bans were a good thing, they were already too late, as the virus was already in the US. At this point, decisive action inside the US might have limited the virus to where it was at that time, which was still only in a very few places. But Trump made his point by establishing the ban, so he did not feel compelled to do anything else - probably because those internal measures would have looked like the kind of thing he likes to criticize the liberals for - restrictions on personal freedom. That attachment to personal freedoms above all continues to this day with Trump and among his supporters. It is for that reason that Trump is primarily responsible for the terrible situation the US is in with regard to this pandemic.
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While this is debatable, it is even more unforgiveable that Trump…

The democrats do not, and did not care about anyone save their own careers.
You can make that claim about any politician, I suppose, since it is impossible to look into the heart of another and see what they care about. But if you compare Trump’s actions with Congressional Democrats’ actions the Democrats sure seem to be doing a great job acting like they care. Trump does not even try.
You can make that claim about any politician, I suppose, since it is impossible to look into the heart of another and see what they care about
One can simply look at their actions to see what their priority is.

At the most critical of times, the democrats busied themselves with a wrongful impeachment instead of taking action to save the lives of Americans.
You can make that claim about any politician, I suppose, since it is impossible to look into the heart of another and see what they care about
One can simply look at their actions to see what their priority is.

At the most critical of times, the democrats busied themselves with a wrongful impeachment instead of taking action to save the lives of Americans.
That was addressed earlier. If you have anything to say about my explanation in response to that claim, please address what I said.
As for the comments Democrats made about the closures from China and later from Europe, the context was that Trump was banning travel selectively based on who he wanted to punish, rather than on which nation posed the greatest risk.
That was simply a TDS talking point, and the 1/31 China travel restrictions were early enough to matter.
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