Star Wars 8 The Last Jedi destroyed the Star Wars saga on purpose

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SW8 “The Last Jedi” effectively killed off Star Wars as we had known it, by changing so many story fundamentals that it, and presumably any later canonical instalments in the series, no longer “feels” like the original 6 (or 7, if you were okay with TFA) films. I won’t bore anyone here by explaining what fundamentals I’m speaking of – any long-standing fan knows, and there’s so much about it on the internet (IMDB and many other sites) that there’s no point in trying to summarize it here.

Why did this disaster (from a fan’s perspective) happen? Ruling opinion is that it has been the result of producer Kathleen Kennedy and director Rian Johnson just “not getting” Star Wars, and Disney (owner of production company Lucasfilm) just being in it “for the money” and caring (or understanding) little about fan sentiments.

My theory is different. I say the money argument is a red herring, as is the notion that Kennedy and Johnson didn’t know what they were doing. My argument is rather that Star Wars as we knew it was destroyed on purpose, because Star Wars as we knew it was (or had become) too religious, and the forces that be do not want future instalments of one of the largest-ever movie franchises to continue to evoke or reinforce the religious impulse in the hundreds of millions (perhaps billion) of people that will be watching the future episodes in the 21st century.

“When was Star Wars ever religious?” some might object. The answer is that it was always religious-ish. Sure, the Force and the Jedi Knights never quite constituted a religion, what with there being no clear notions of God, sin, virtue, heaven, or hell – but nevertheless SW always appealed to what could be called “religious sentiment”. SW was always about the long battle between an explicit supernatural Good vs. an explicit Evil, about the hope of the eventual victory of Good, about supernatural “assistance” received by those who are called to dedicate themselves to this battle, about the temptation of Evil, the need to resist that temptation, the terrible consequences of giving into it, etc. etc.

So while the Jedi belief systems wouldn’t quite be adequate as a true religion, it was nevertheless not incompatible with it, and effectively served to reinforce the religious impulse in millions of viewers. As said, THIS was no longer acceptable to the obscure forces that are in charge of blockbuster movie-making (and many other things) in the modern world, and THIS is why Kennedy and Johnson were given the task of making a new Star Wars movie that would wipe out all of the religious overtones of the preceding 7 episodes.

Comments welcome.
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I’m about to go to sleep but I love film study and theology. I may be more of a trekkie than a Star Wars person though.

Claiming 8 was bad because religion isn’t a great argument in my opinion. Episode 1 was what destroyed Jedi as a faith system. It seemed to delight in showing just how flawed they were. It laid the foundation for what had to happen in 8; it demonstrated that Jedi were a corrupt and failed system.
I always thought that the Jedi “religion” was more akin to Zoroastrianism. At any rate, I haven’t seen the most recent movie and have no intention of seeing it from what I’ve read. I didn’t particularly care for Episode 7 either…it’s had an anticlimactic feel to it. The prequel trilogy was a problem anyway although at the time they were released I thought they were kinda cool. When I watch them now, they are a hot mess…ugh…nothing redeemable from them.
Star Wars is more like anime universe. Anything can happen at some point. Lucas was indeed inspired by Zen when creating the Jedi. All shades of grey have hints of white is what makes anime stories cool for those who like them.
Disney is in it for the money. Mark Hammil said so too. But you see as long as the movies are a hit whatever changes they made to the story now they will continue the same way to ensure success.
Disney is in it for the money.
But that’s my point: I don’t believe they are. They got into SW because they don’t want a movie franchise with religious overtones dominating the blockbuster landscape. And how do you destroy a movie franchise that isn’t yours, and that’s extremely high profile? You can’t wipe it out, so instead you buy it, and then modify it so that it’s no longer religious. So that’s what they did: they bought Lucasfilm from George Lucas on the pretext that they would take his ideas as the basis – this, by the way, is not speculation but known fact – then actually went in a completely different direction with it, modifying characters and concepts beyond recognition.

I know it’s a conspiracy theory, but I think it sticks.

Apart from what I wrote up in my OP, a supporting argument is that if Disney only cared for the money, it would have been much easier for them to just take George Lucas’ original ideas for 7-8-9 and just put those into production. Those ideas would have worked better for fans old and new alike anyway, so Disney would’ve made more money that way.
Here’s something interesting. It’s known that TLJ was meant to show some correspondence to ESB with regard to the storyline, the characters, some scenes, etc. Now compare the posters for ESB and TLJ:

Notice which figure dominates the background in the ESB poster? The main antagonist. Now look who’s been put in the corresponding place in the TLJ poster. That’s right, it’s Luke Skywalker. He occupies the bad guy’s spot in the poster.
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I dunno about new fans. People prefer complex impossible characters these days. My bet is that they even made tests for different scenarios to see which one fits best.
For me SW is a dead end once they put in parallel universes…anything can happen…etc.
Maybe Disney do have an ulterior agenda. But this agenda is huge because it is successful.
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To me is too much advertisement and paraphernalia everywhere to even like it anymore. But I am not their target audience. Their audience is whoever would actually buy something because a Stormtrooper’s card is right next to it
And the games, and the books…
Maybe the religious element was listed as an impediment in their research for younger social groups. Because tbh even the original movies were more like voodoo but do it with responsibility than actual religion. It was more like martial arts not religion…
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Because tbh even the original movies were more like voodoo but do it with responsibility than actual religion. It was more like martial arts not religion…
I know, I know, it was never quite religion, but it was still about good and bad on a supernatural level, and about the nobility of choosing Good, and the danger and disastrous consequences of choosing Evil. That’s still quite different from the practical good and bad that you see in nearly every other blockbuster movie.
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There are sooooo many persecutions against the Church that to jimmy up a “Star Wars destroyed because: TOO RELIGIOUS” is insulting to those facing persecution today. It also does a disservice to the uncountable number of martyrs.

You don’t like the story line, that is your prerogative. Don’t buy another ticket.
And golly, a character has never been portrayed wrestling between dark and light, except - wait, what about Darth Vadar?
Yes. But the story pretty much ended with Return of the Jedi. The balance had been destroyed, good triumphed, even Darth Vader managed to save his soul. In order to continue a story after this the writer has to destroy the balance, recreate a problem. And ig you continue a drama after good has triumphed morality is bound to be compromised.
The shift from magic to technology is not entirely Disney making. Lucas too. In the pre-series when Yoda sends Obi Wan to a high-tech planet to ask for clones because…he does not trust his powers? To delude the enemy? It is a pretty obvious choice that magic is presented as a weak element (ok from a Christian pov) while science and technology are a superior power. The supernatural element is sacrificed right there.
By this logic a lot of these threads should not be.
The OP never said SW is a martyr story just that it has lost all its shine to be more acceptable to the secular world. None of our problems compare to that.
Disney is in it for the money.
The thing is, Star Wars was no longer dominating the blockbuster landscape. Sure, the instant a new movie came out it was guaranteed to come back into the forefront, but Star Wars was mostly riding off video games, books, nostalgia, and endless Jar Jar Binks memes. As a film franchise, it was barely relevant anymore, having one excellent trilogy, one (more recent) horrible trilogy, and some mythic third trilogy that was possibly never going to release.

Anyways, I doubt Disney is just sitting around some evil chamber thinking up ways of destroying religion. Religion probably only comes in as, “We notice that people of X religion don’t really watch our movies. How do we appeal to them?” Disney is about as money-driven as a company can be. They [The remainder of this content has been withheld due to a cease and desist from Disney. They hope you enjoy their movies and ignore the person ranting nonsense about perceived shortcomings.]
I’ve seen talk from atheist secularists that Rian knew exactly what he was doing and intended to “give the finger” to traditional Star Wars themes and motifs, so it’s not just a religious thing.

Anyway, whatever the intent, the writing process behind TLJ was obviously rushed. It has some good beat ideas, but the plot is a mess and uninteresting, the twists tiresome and not meaningful. When expectations are subverted every other scene you end up desensitizing the audience. It also doesn’t help when the major twists have no emotional resonance.
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Something like, “Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity” . . .

hawk, who likes all three Star Wars movies . . .

p.s. Han shot first . . .
I personally loved The Last Jedi. I found the character development compelling and completely in keeping with what came before. While the film did not do what I expected going in, I think it was better than anything I could have written.
Most definitely. I am annoyed by the constant need to remake things and reboot shows from the past. Is there nothing original anymore?
Whatever episode it was that had “young Anakin’s” mom explaining she was the recipient of some sort of immaculate conception was where they lost me…not to mention the introduction of Jar Jar Binks, which I am sure we can all agree was pure cinematic evil…it angered my midichlorians.
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