Star Wars: The Last Jedi. What did you think?

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I had a great time.

And in the evil dude’s chamber, I want to find lipstick that is the same shade of red as his backdrop.
I didn’t have a problem with the lack of males at all. In fact, I actually think it makes a lot of sense in context. It shows just how truly decimated the resistance is. Most of the men, who would have been on the front lines, are dead, and the women are mainly all that is left.
Spoilers after this point:

I think what bothered me the most was Finn’s part in the movie. His character really gets treated poorly. His entire storyline felt like filler. Every chance he gets to be a hero ends up backfiring. To be fair, both Rey and Poe also fail, but they also both get one pretty awesome moment. Finn doesn’t, and that kind of sucks.
That may be intentional. One of the themes of this film, I think, is what Yoda says to Luke: “Failure is the best teacher”. Our heroes fail A LOT in this movie. Hopefully Episode IX will show them learning from those failures.

For my part, I enjoyed the movie, although thinking back I think they could have come up with a better idea for the main story thread than a slow chase across open space. I don’t know that would look like.

In the theater where I saw the movie, there was applause during the finale when it was revealed that Luke wasn’t really on Crait, and was projecting himself across the galaxy from that island.
I don’t think they’ll actually go this way… but part of me isn’t convinced that Snoke is actually dead. The novelization of The Force Awakens described him as being truly ancient. He boasts of watching the rise and fall of the Empire from afar. As powerful as Rey was, he effortlessly tossed her around like a rag doll - she was utterly powerless in his presence. I know it’s reaching… but he could have been a Force projection all along (like Luke at the end), or transferred his essence to another body (as other Dark Side users have done in other stories).
I don’t think they’ll actually go this way… but part of me isn’t convinced that Snoke is actually dead. The novelization of The Force Awakens described him as being truly ancient. He boasts of watching the rise and fall of the Empire from afar. As powerful as Rey was, he effortlessly tossed her around like a rag doll - she was utterly powerless in his presence. I know it’s reaching… but he could have been a Force projection all along (like Luke at the end), or transferred his essence to another body (as other Dark Side users have done in other stories).
I don’t know, I feel like in a way that would be a cop out. It would make Kylo Ren/Ben’s choice less meaningful. He’s the real villain of the trilogy, not Snoke. He’s doing what Vader couldn’t. That’s a more interesting story in my mind than having Snoke actually be alive. Leave Kylo as the main villain and we can potentially have a really interesting and unique finale. Bring back Snoke and I can pretty much predict the ending.
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I usually read most of the post before I respond but for this one, I don’t want to be influence by anyone. My wife and son already had me rethinking my view on the movie. So here goes. This could have been a great movie had they been more serious in the dialog part of the movie. They had many, many stupid one liners that fell flat and gave the movie some uncomfortable moments. Such the moment Rey (I think that’s her name, I’m bad with names) handed the light saber to Luke and his response was to toss it over his shoulder. If he really wanted to end the Jedi order, he would have turned around and painfully hurl the light saber into the ocean and then give some form of deep philosophical speech as to why the order should end.

Another part that was stupid was when the hotshot x-wing fighter (again his name slips me) goes out to face the huge 1st order fleet and then proceeds to pretend the 1st order fleet commander isn’t who he says he is. Guardians of the Galaxy could pull off that joke but in Star Wars it was a very ackward moment in the theater.

There are more stupid moments but I’m going to read the comments now and then come back and blast the movie more. Oh by the way, I have to say that the girl who played Rey did a great job acting the part. And I know this might not be popular but Adam Driver played Kylo Ren really well too.
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It was a good time. I enjoyed it. Granted, I enjoyed the prequels relatively too and have never found the original trilogy perfect. I did grow up on the original trilogy. I loved the characters, and would watch them out of order, repeating my favorite scenes. It took a bit of growing up to really catch into the overarching stories and what not. And certainly, from an adult perspective, Empire is the best, though it was the one I tended to like the least as a child. I also was never annoyed by the ewoks. I still don’t mind them.

These new movies are better than the prequels. They get back some of that feeling that the prequels lost. I will say I HATED Rogue One. I don’t think anti-hero stories are appropriate for Star Wars. It does seem they toned the anti-hero themes down in post production but that left the characters devoid of character.

My criticism with this film has nothing to do with my enjoyment. I did enjoy. I will say as a film though, it couldn’t quite decide whether it wasn’t to stay loyal to Star Wars or go the Rogue One direction, and I’m very disturbed that so many fans wish it would have gone done that direction. In some ways, all the twists seemed aimed at testing out what fans wanted. We’ll toy with this twist and that twist. It couldn’t even seem to decide whether Luke was right about the time of the Jedi being over or whether his character arced to find a new hope in Rey.

As for the criticisms of Rey’s character, I like her. She has a childlike quality to her, an innocence and vulnerability. I mean, the film can be picked apart but it still was fun. It still felt good. It still was better than the prequels. But I have no expectations for the next movie. They didn’t really set anything up.
 I usually read most of the post before I respond but for this one, I don't want to be influence by anyone. My wife and son already had me rethinking my view on the movie. So here goes. This could have been a great movie had they been more serious in the dialog part of the movie.  They had many, many stupid one liners that fell flat and gave the movie some uncomfortable moments. Such the moment Rey (I think that's her name, I'm bad with names) handed the light saber to Luke and his response was to toss it over his shoulder.  If he really wanted to end the Jedi order, he would have turned around and painfully hurl the light saber into the ocean and then give some form of deep philosophical speech as to why the order should end. 
 Another part that was stupid was when the hotshot x-wing fighter (again his name slips me) goes out to face the huge 1st order fleet and then proceeds to pretend the 1st order fleet commander isn't who he says he is.  Guardians of the Galaxy could pull off that joke but in Star Wars it was a very ackward moment in the theater.
 There are more stupid moments but I'm going to read the comments now and then come back and blast the movie more. Oh by the way, I have to say that the girl who played Rey did a great job acting the part.  And I know this might not be popular but Adam Driver played Kylo Ren really well too.
Why does this post have this odd scrollbar in it? Or is it just my computer showing it this way?

Not to go off topic here, but I was wondering that myself. I don’t know if I did something wrong when I posted it. I had to go back in and edit my post and I was hoping that would correct the problem. No different though. Let’s see how this one turns out. Judging from the preview screen just right of my typing area, its going to be the same. Sorry.

I figured it out; I was indenting on the first sentence in each paragraph. Something didn’t like that.
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@hvizsgyak, I don’t know why your posts come across formatted the way they do, but that scroll-bar window is sufficiently annoying that I don’t read them at all. Whatever you’re doing, figure out something different, if you want us to read what you’re writing.

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This was the worst Star Wars movie since the prequels. It scored a 1 out of 10. For reference, Rogue One and Force Awakens both got 2 out of 10, so while The Last Jedi one of the worst movies ever made, it joins the majority of Star Wars movies as being some of the worst movies ever made.

They killed the EU for this. LOL
I was not only bummed about the parentage, but not sure it is the true story. Didn’t Han and Leia have two children?

When Yoda burned the Jedi library, he said Rey already knew everything in those books. How did that happen?
He said Rey already had all the knowledge. Because she stole the books. They were tucked into a drawer on the Falcon.
The story was a mess. It was a jumble of B plots that should’ve been taken out so we could’ve focused on Rey and Luke.

They should’ve had the normies go off on a strike mission or something, get jammed up, do awesome things, and then Rey and Luke show up to save the day.
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