Star Wars: The Last Jedi. What did you think?

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I loved it. Professional critics loved it. It’s fanboys who have an issue for purely non-artistic reasons.
Your not objective. You’re looking at it through the pain of losing the EU. I moved past that.
That’s a side issue. My problem with this movie is the total lack of consistent tone, the horrible pacing, the bad acting by most of the cast, the go-nowhere/nothing happens story, the lack of characterization for all the new characters, the total destruction of all the old characters, the total lack of coherent morals, the obvious agenda-pushing, the silly, non-threatening bad guys, the enormous plot-holes, the baffling scientific impossibilities, the materialistic platitudinal view of the Force, and the total abdication of the dumb, but at least mildly intriguing, ideas of the awful Episode 7.

I could write essays about every way this movie failed, so instead I’ll list the acceptable parts:
  • Daisy Riddly is an okay actress. In theory, the character of Rey is alright. In practice she is bland, but not terrible.
  • Mark Hammil is a good actor. If he had actually been playing Luke Skywalker he probably would have done a great job.
  • Adam Driver is an okay actor. The character of Kylo Ren has a dumb name, and is kind of boring, but he’s probably the best ‘new’ character. Not a high bar to clear there though.
  • The captain of the dreadnought in the beginning of the movie seemed semi-competent.
That’s pretty much it. Everything else ranged from bad to outright offensive.
I had really high hopes for this movie, but ended up leaving disappointed. The humor felt very wrong for a Star Wars film…this isn’t a part of the Avengers! I felt Snoke was a joke…why build up a character so much, only to off him so quickly? And who is he anyway? How did he take control of the First Order? How did the First Order come about for that matter? I also wish Finn had just died, none of this love and rainbows garbage.

The two things I can say I’m happy about are 1) Rey isn’t a Skywalker or related to Kylo, 2) Poe’s mutiny and plan with Finn failed (if another Hollywood movie tells me to buck authority and be an insubbordinate prick, I’ll scream).
Honestly the reason why these movies (and most movies nowadays) are and were awful is because the people making them don’t believe in good and evil, so they are incapable of writing human stories. Every character in this is a fake Gen-X narcissist or a fake sarcastic Millennial because the people writing and bankrolling and watching it are fake Gen-X narcissists and fake sarcastic Millennials. I agree with Kylo Ren. Burn it all down.
In the words of Fulton Sheen…

If there is no heaven there is no hell; if there is no hell, then there is no sin; if there is no sin, then there is no judge, and if there is no judgment then evil is good and good is evil.

To appease the secularists, I wouldn’t be surprised in the next episode they reveal Poe to be gay. Maybe they can even have Rey decide on what kind of gender she wants to be, perhaps the writers were hinting at that when she was in the cave, unless it’s just another side story that goes nowhere.
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I thought it was terrible from a writing perspective. Never read anything in the EU. I played a few of the video games, but wasn’t attached in that way.
I’ve been seeing a counselor and hypnotherapist because of Last Jedi. After weeks of treatment I now believe I temporarily stepped into an alternate universe where Disney gobbled up Star Wars and destroyed it. My condition is still quite fragile and I occasionally have flashbacks of this alternate timeline…
I’m here for you man… I still hear the screaming 😐 Let me know if you need to talk :v:Admitting it gave you PTSD is the first step on the long road to recovery
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You’re welcome.

I could have gone so much further, but seriously, I would have hit the character limit before I was halfway done. Even aside from all of the hamfisted politics, the movie is structurally a mess.
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To have Poe be gay would require anyone in this series have a romantic relationship at all. Thus far that’s entirely missing. Even Han Solo could barely muster up a pity-hug for Leia. I mean, say what you want about the horrendously written love-story between Anakin and Padme, but at least it was a love-story, or at minimum a lust-story.

In the Disney approved universe, everyone is an asexual robot that does things because the script requires them to do things. So far we got a couple hugs, some kisses on the forehead, a girl mildly annoyed at a man with his shirt off, and a friendzone peck between the Asian girl and Fin. You’d see more passion in the cease-and-desist letter Disney slaps on some kid for making a home video version of The Last Jedi.
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As someone pointed out to me: Leia and Luke have not seen each other in many, many years and when Luke appears to them inside of the base, what is the first line? Leia says to Luke, her brother: “Let me guess, I changed my hair”.

What a despicable and inexcusable decline from the spirit and spunk of the original characters. The movie is truly fallen.

The characters do not behave like human beings. The person who wrote this script acts like a high functioning sociopath/nihilist. The movie is surreal in its inability to portray characters with soul.
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I really enjoyed the movie. I enjoyed the Rebel storyline, and Rey and Luke’s storylines. I loved Luke’s feat at the end and the last lessons he imparts to Kylo Ren, concluding with “See you around, Kid.” LOL! Also I was glad and relieved that Rey was not part of some cosmically significant bloodline; ordinary people can be special in the Star Wars universe, hooray!

I know the movie has been criticized for “chick-ing up” the Star Wars universe too much, and probably that choice was made in partial consideration of marketing. However, I have waited 40 years for Princess Leia’s “crouching tiger/hidden dragon” Force moment and it did not disappoint. Also after 30 years of rebellion, I got the impression that there are just not a lot of male senior leaders left among the Rebel forces.

No worries, though because the greatest of the male warriors, Luke Skywalker, blew the doors off of the place. I loved the unexpected Luke Skywalker encountered in this movie, and how he performed heroically with such greatness. Without leaving his chair.

The movie really was about the pending handover of the fight from the original Rebel leaders to the next generation. Both old and new generations err in not forging trust, by failing to communicate plans and expectations, with disasterous results caused by both camps. The older leaders, knowledgeable of the bigger, strategic picture, lay down their lives in sacrifice. Leia, the best leader, is the best teacher of leaders. Luke spelled out the truth about the Dark Side and its empire, reviving hope and renewingthe rebellion.
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