Indeed. Cut off it’s head and two more will take its place!
In the words of Fulton Sheen…Honestly the reason why these movies (and most movies nowadays) are and were awful is because the people making them don’t believe in good and evil, so they are incapable of writing human stories. Every character in this is a fake Gen-X narcissist or a fake sarcastic Millennial because the people writing and bankrolling and watching it are fake Gen-X narcissists and fake sarcastic Millennials. I agree with Kylo Ren. Burn it all down.
It’s already been theorized that Poe is gay. I’m not gonna be shocked in the leastTo appease the secularists, I wouldn’t be surprised in the next episode they reveal Poe to be gay.
Thank you for several good Sunday morning grinsIt will take a year or two for the film to sink into memory . . .ship