Star Wars: The Last Jedi. What did you think?

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Honestly the reason why these movies (and most movies nowadays) are and were awful is because the people making them don’t believe in good and evil, so they are incapable of writing human stories. Every character in this is a fake Gen-X narcissist or a fake sarcastic Millennial because the people writing and bankrolling and watching it are fake Gen-X narcissists and fake sarcastic Millennials. I agree with Kylo Ren. Burn it all down.

On the upside, We are still the Sith.
(Language warning)
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Thankfully we still have His Excellency Grand Admiral Thrawn!
Ahh man, the Expanded Universe had so much good stuff. It had a lot of schlock too, but it really was a great, organic story-line that overall had kept true to the spirit of the original trilogy.

I’ll never forgive Disney for destroying that.
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Above all the EU was actually interesting. I don’t hate the new movies but they’re just so bland in comparison. That seems to be unfortunately carrying over to the video games as well…
I totally agree! I felt betrayed leaving the theater 😑 Disney will run the franchise into the ground and Michael Bay will start directing them.
Corporate greed! Take an idea and milk it to death then cut it up and feed it to the audience again 🤢
I’m a little dumb in this area but what was the expanded universe of Star Wars made up of, the offshoot books that had been written through the years, the comic book version of Star Wars, or the Clone Wars cartoon show on Cartoon Network? Unfortunately, I never had a chance to check this out. But the original nine stories (of which eight have been made into movies already) do have a wonderful story behind them if you watch them all in order. This latest movie followed what I would expect from George Lucas but very poorly produced, scripted and acted.

I watched Disney’s latest Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. Beautifully produced, beautifully scripted, and beautifully acted. Why can’t Disney do the same for Star Wars?
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I did not think it was a well written movie. I know that Star Wars is a fun, fantasy franchise. This isn’t a matter of me expecting high art or a deep plot. From a writer’s perspective, it felt like a first draft effort. When I finish writing a story, I go back over it. I find what I like, what doesn’t work, what my alpha readers are asking themselves, what’s too on the nose or too obtuse, and I revise and make it a more polished work so that what happens in the plot, even if it is all happening at my whim, feels natural and not contrived. Too many plot points in The Last Jedi just felt contrived. It feels sloppy. Maybe a character needed to go on a quest or make a huge mistake to learn something, or a mistake and a misunderstanding between two characters is the perfect motivator, and the ideas behind the character arcs are good in general, but that doesn’t excuse laziness in plotting those arcs. Even a simple fantasy story can be well-told, and Disney has more than enough resources to handle that.

And I had no problem with Luke’s cynicism, porgs, or the diversity in vasting choices. Those were all fine and good. I’ve no issues with cheese or camp either, if tonally appropriate. There was just too much bad plotting.
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As someone who was born in 1977, I grew up with the org trilogy. I saw “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi” for the first time in the theater (drive thru actually for Empire). I also had a TON of the toys and almost every action figure.

So keep the above in mind when I say: I hated The Last Jedi.

They did an awesome job with cinematography, but the plot was terrible.

What they did with Snoke, Luke and Yoda was horrible.

I’ve been waiting since 1984 to see Luke Skywalker take part in another epic lightsaber battle - and after some of the epic lightsaber battles in the prequels, I thought “The Last Jedi” was finally going to deliver Luke Skywalker taking part in an epic Yoda like lightsaber battle.

But he didn’t, and we didn’t even see his iconic green blade, except in a flashback

And Yoda joked around a little too much.

Frankly - I was major league disappointed … I waited 33 years for this and it didn’t deliver at all. All thee prequels were better than this movie, which is by far the worst movie in the franchise.
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I may be tied down and stoned for stating this, but I think the character and story arcs of the prequels were better in concept than anything the Sequel Trilogy have given us.

The prequels had a lot wrong with them, from terrible dialogue, too much silliness, wooden acting, etc… but I think the overall vision for the story and plotting were superior in thought if not in execution. Even the opening scene about Jedi being sent as ambassadors to resolve a trade dispute (which people hate on too much considering we’re never bogged down in tax discussion) served multiple purposes, from showing the impotency of the Republic Senate, the Jedi’s over-involvement in Republic affairs, Palpatine’s manipulation, the first conflict that would lead to the Clone Wars, all of which sets the stage for the demise of the Republic, the rise of Palpatine, the fall of the Jedi, and Anakin’s corruption. Now, the dialogue, annoyingly voiced aliens, and silly droids put a damper on it all, but the plot underneath all that and those scenes do a lot of legwork in setting up what (could have been) a good story.

I gave The Force Awakens a pass because I hoped the next entries would flesh things out more, but this sequel trilogy feels lazy, aimless, and like they’re making it up as they go along. Rian Johnson has admitted to having a ridiculous amount of freedom to tell his own story apart from any cohesive vision for this trilogy.
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What if Grand Admiral Thrawn has been behind the First Order all along? Using Snoke and the Unknown Regions to his advantage. I would prefer a master manipulator rather than another Sith or deranged Force user.
Great film. It’s hard to look at Darth Vader (in memes) which makes me feel old. If you saw the last two, the character situation is just fine. A few things were interesting:
  • We finally got payback in showing the light side of the force can work more wonders than lightning from hands
  • Jedi “Religion” was mentioned and emphasis was placed on building of a temple and ancient books (which are meaningless)
  • Luke seemed 😉 to be praying at one point (trying not to spoil it)
  • Inability to harm a loved one by someone is the kind of remorse viewers have been looking for since a tragic loss in the series
  • Droids are getting more interesting (Dark Side) while leaders are getting uglier (lol)
Plenty to take from it and I couldn’t only see this one once. I really can’t say that for most movies. This was a full blown “don’t bootleg, do it right, indulge” film and if it’s been a while for all those pirates out there, this is the one you want.

Pacific Rim preview was sick too 😛
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Lots of negative impressions. 😜

I enjoyed the movie. Sure, there were parts that didn’t make sense (like why Laura Dern’s character didn’t just tell Poe and everyone what the plan really was), but it more or less delivered on my expectations (which were moderate).

At first it bothered me that Luke was all off in hiding on that island, but then Obi-wan and Yoda were both doing pretty much the same thing in the original trilogy.

And Yoda’s appearance may have seemed a bit silly, but then then he was plenty silly in Empire Strikes Back. The Star Wars movies have always had that campiness to them. If anything, I think this new trilogy is more in line with the original in that respect.

I have never been a die hard Star Wars fan, though. I had friends throughout the years who were obsessed, would read all the expanded universe stuff, etc. I just enjoy the movies for what they’re worth.
It will take a year or two for the film to sink into memory and for me to better decide where it ranks among Star Wars movies, but it is possibly the worst movie out of all of them with maybe the exception of Revenge of the Sith (I’m among a minority who thinks the Phantom Menace was a decent movie).

I won’t go into all of the long list of plot holes and absurdities in the film. That would take several pages. You can look up commentaries on YouTube to find them, but they are many and I couldn’t help but notice the majority of them while watching the movie the first time.

The characters behave in highly irrational ways and not the way normal people act in real life. I think the inconsistencies in the messages coming across gives the movie a nihilist undertone where nothing matters.

Grumpy wanders around Ireland and refuses to help the other dwarves. I’m sorry I mean Luke Skywalker.
The Rebel fleet. I’m sorry. I mean the Resistance fleet chugs through space until it runs out of gas, and then they slow down because momentum does not exist in the vacuum of space in Star Wars.
The Empire. I’m sorry. I mean the First Order chases after them but can’t catch them because the Rebel ships are faster. Except they aren’t faster. They go the exact same speed.
Finn and Shrek go to a casino planet where they accomplish nothing.

This takes up 75% of the film.

They eventually end up on Hoth. I’m sorry I mean Crait. On Crait they have a non-battle against AT-ATs. I"m sorry I mean Gorilla Walkers.

Neo shows up. I’m sorry I mean Luke Skywalker. He dances with Kylo for 2 minutes and then disappears. Kylo is mad because Luke Skywalker doesn’t die. In the next scene, Luke Skywalker dies.

The porgs highjack the Millenium Falcon and fly off to market themselves to toy stores around the world.

Harry Potter uses the force to grab a broom, presumably to sweep up the mess that is the Last Jedi.

The movie ends.

I exit the theater and take 2 advils because I have a headache.
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