Unfortunately if you take the all or nothing view…just read my example and you will see why it will not work in todays world.
Transfer this position: " I wont support or work at store X because they support homosexuals and abortion."
To an entire Nation…lets pick one…how about Canada.
" I don’t support or pay taxes in Canada, because they have same sex marriage and abortion."
If your Canadian…you had better move somewhere that is 100% in line with Roman Catholic views…I can think of one place…
Who is the USA’s largest trading partner? It’s not Mexico…it’s Canada…so make sure that every single thing you buy…including Beef, poultry, fruit, vegetables, textiles, lumber, fish, some makes of automobiles, the wood pulp in your cereal box, the wood that frames your house, the water your drink, some parts inside USA made Auto’s, the buttons on your shirt, the laces in your shoes, the salt that sprinkles your fries, the potatoes that are your fries, the grease that cooks your fries, the electrical wires inside the deep fryer…etc…doesn’t come from Canada.
If you do, you will be supporting Canada…and as Willy said " I for one will not support ANY COMPANY/ORGANIZATION that supports what is agaisnt my faith"
Now your in a real dilemma, you live in the USA and the USA supports Canada. Now if your an American, you live in a Country that supports a Nation that supports what is against your faith…now even the Americans have to move to that one place that supports 100% Roman Catholic views…The Vatican.
The world is connected…it is truly a global economy…everything is touched by everything else.
Remember, what is said about Christians…’ strangers in a foreign land’.
Something else to consider…even though Canada has these laws that are contrary to Roman Catholic teaching…The Pope still travels to Canada…and the Church keeps on rolling.
As an aside, you will be hard pressed to find a business that will openly say to you " We are a company openly against homosexuals and we oppose abortion…"