Hello everyone!
Welcome to RCIA!! I am currently in RCIA as well, and as you can see I have moved into the catechumen stage. Luckily, my parish offers RCIA three times a year, I started in June. However, today our new RCIA-Inquiry stage starts. We previous canditates/catechmens have been requested to attend the Welcome Retreat and Rite of Accepentce for this incoming group.
So far I have found RCIA to be very informative, and a great place to network with others on this beautiful journey. Our group meets once a week but on Sundays. Sundays is usual a long day for me, starting with prayer, mass, dismissal, and then faith coversations. Faith conversations is the group after dismissal, it is exactly what its name describes, we have conversations about faith. This group is open to the parish as a whole, but I found canditates/catechumens, neypthoes, and parishoners that teach various class at the parish are the regular in attendance. This is the first step in the catechumenate of my parish. It is meant to further teach us about Jesus (as man and God), Catholicism, and the Catholic faith as a whole.
Anyway, we conversate for one hour about this handout titled, Scripture from Scratch, the topic of the handout varies each week. It can be a little overwhemling to part take in sometimes. I am not one for such long discussions about something so hard to put into words, I would rather pray and read. I understand why we have these conversations, but I guess it is a bit much for me sometimes. On some level I feel that I have had these conversations with myself, or with my mother so many times that I just can’t bring myself to discuss them any further. Um, may be I should try to save such conversations for church?! Even so, I do pray and try very hard to remain present during the conversations because one can always learn something new. I do suspect that our schedule will change sometime in October.
Anyway, I just wanted to say congratulations to saying yes to our Lord’s invitation!!! May your journey be full of love, hope, and faith, Amen!
Oh by the way, there is a group here at CAF titleed, Coverting to Catholic. It is where all of us RCIAers hang out and chat, in case anyone is interested in that as an option of further networking here at CAF.