Statue of ancient god of child sacrifice Moloch, put on display in Rome

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WHO is making the DECISIONS for this sort of thing?

And WHO is PAYING for it??

Nov 6, 2019 - 12:18 pm EST

Statue of ancient god of child sacrifice put on display in Rome​

Amazon Synod, Catholic, Moloch, Pachamama

ROME, November 6, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A reconstruction of a pagan idol who demanded child sacrifice was stationed at the entrance of Rome’s Colosseum as part of a secular historical exhibition.

The presence of the idol raised particular concern among Catholics, as it was erected nine days before the Amazon Synod and the subsequent scandal over the veneration of the Pachamama idol at the Vatican.

The statue of Moloch, worshipped by both the Canaanites and the Phoenicians, is part of an exhibit dedicated to Ancient Rome’s once-great rival, the city of Carthage… . . .
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This statue was not put in place in a Catholic Church, nor was it placed there by Catholics as far as I know. So, I am not sure what the outrage is all about, except that LifeSite enjoys sensationalizing things.
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Did Pope Francis not apologize for the statue being removed from a Church and thrown in the Tiber?
What are you talking about? Did you read the linked article? This is not about Pachamama.
Oh, I’m sorry!

I didnt realize there were unrelated controversies of pagan statues in Catholic Churches
Agreed. I think it’s in rather poor taste to put some jarring movie prop at a historic site that has nothing to do with the historic site, nor is the statue itself historic (except in movie history), and the Colosseum has a huge attendance anyway with no need for stunts to draw more visitors, but it has nothing to do with the Church or the Synod.

All it’s likely to do is mildly annoy some of the Christian tourists. who don’t want to look at something they consider demonic.
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Moloch isn’t merely something a tourist may or may not think is demonic.

Moloch IS demonic. If you want I can put up the salient Bible verses.

The criticisms about the Catholic Church thing (not by you on this point) are unfounded.

I never said this was Catholic. I think it IS newsworthy to Catholics in a special way.

That being said, it may
or may not
have to do with Catholic structural decision making.

The Church and the Colosseum are closely related.

It may have been some Italian secular politician’s decision. But it may not have either.

(Either way, in my opinion, a statue of Moloch is inappropriate.)

Which is WHY I asked:
WHO is making the DECISIONS for this sort of thing?

And WHO is PAYING for it??

I stand by everything I said and posted here and WHY I posted it here.
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Again, that thing is not Moloch. IIt wasn’t built for anyone to worship, or to make a point about free speech for pagans, or to glorify Moloch in any way as everyone including pagans and atheists nowadays are pretty much on board with human sacrifice being wrong and bad. It’s not on the lawn of a government building voting for some important bill. It’s part of a secular exhibit at a secular attraction; it is not on any Church property. It does not influence or relate to the Vatican in any way. It is not even an archaeological or historic find, like the pagan statues you might see in the museum or at an archaeological site. Nor is it a copy of an archaeological or historic statue.

It is a movie prop. It’s like somebody built a fake Moloch for a scary haunted house.

Poor taste, yes, but put to the use it is being put to, not demonic.

As for who paid for it, I presume either the grants that funded this Carthage exhibition paid for it, and/or the taxpayers paid for it, and/or maybe the admission fees to the Colosseum paid for it, although I tend to think not because the Colosseum needs the admission fees to pay for the cost of maintenance, upkeep and tourist services. If one doesn’t like it, one is free to not visit the Colosseum until it is taken away.
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Tis_Bearself on this Moloch statue . . .,
(It’s) a fake Moloch
They are all fake.

The Bible calls these gods of stone.

Yet in another sense they are all authentic.

The Bible ALSO warns us about the demons behind these false gods.

You and I are going to just disagree on this one Tis. I’m OK with that.
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I see it as the continuing descent into the secular world and the resurgence of the popularity of false gods. Exorcists all say demonic activity is on the rise. We now have openly statues of ‘satanic church’ idols and a resurgence of the ancient false gods.

It seems to be going from new age to making graven images of false gods and putting them on public display.
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GiftofMercy . . .
I see it as the continuing descent into the secular world and the resurgence of the popularity of false gods.
Yes. I think this is insightful Gift. I think you are correct.
We know of course, the demon behind abortion and child sacrifice, it is this one. Any exorcist will tell you that. This is the demon behind abortion, the child sacrifice of the modern age.

So here we are , with abortion a huge issue and now someone has made an idol statue of this demon and stuck it out in public in Rome.

All the pagan gods of the gentiles are demons. God tells us this several times in both sections of the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments.

As the Angel of Fatima cried, penance, penance, penance.
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And yet we are duty bound to point out exactly what this is, if we are practicising Catholics rejecting satan and his legion of demons.
As it happens, I actually did read the link. I don’t know what you are implying.
mrdrifter . . . .
You (@(name removed by moderator)) get the prize for not having read the linked story! Honorable mentions to Cathoholic (OP) . . .

I re-read the article and I still have no idea what you are referring to.

All these people here read articles.

@(name removed by moderator)?

That’s just him reminding me he doesn’t like LSN and a couple other things. But I’d bet he DID read the article.

Agree or disagree with these people you are accusing here, I just don’t know what you are alluding to.
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I cannot accept the honorable mention as I just decided to state what the demon of abortions is, and that demon is the one in the link.

I started to read the link and thought I really should be reading my homework instead. But then another Bishop youtube distracted me…
So this is a secular exhibit and folks are getting bent out of shape because having this statue offends their sensibilities? I don’t get it.
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