You say every Pope from St Pius V to Pope JPII when issuing a missal-it becomes the “Normative Mass” . The only problem with that line is that there was only One Mass with minor variations-until codified by St Pius V in all of church history-so there was only One Mass-that is until Pope Paul VI decided that the mass the saved mens souls and created Saints-not the 1000 that have been beautified under Pope JPII, more than all Popes added together for over 5 centuries-was not good enough no more and had to create his Own mass-and relied on a known Mason in Bugnini and 6 Protestants and countless liberal theologians. Is that something that we should be proud of? When you take a non-Catholic to the Tridentine Mass-it is like taking them to a Broadway show, there is a feeling of being a proud, pius Catholic, when you take them to the Novus Ordo Mass, it is like-well here it is, lets all hold hands and sing together and listen to that Priest who chances are 1 in 2 is homosexual. The church today believes that anything Old is bad and anything new is good. I read the reference that was linked by one of the posters earlier in the string from Latin Mass magazine written by a priest from FSSP, and it was pretty much dead on. To loose your traditions and 1960 years of history and replace it with all new doctrine and teachings that contradicts all past teachings-never with an explanation as to why the new teaching or encyclical is better that all the past by some very distinguished Saints and Popes is confusing and leaves the doors open to many questions.
Sean O L:
Sean O L:
Defensor Fidei quoted:
It is important to note the correct terminology for the post Trent liturgy of the Mass as being the “so-called ‘Tridentine’ Mass”!
NO Roman Missal has been printed describing the Mass as being “The Tridentine Mass.”
Every Missal printed from Pope Pius V to John-Paul II is simply known as “The Roman Missal.” Each “Roman Missal” authorised by the respective popes for the saying of Mass IS the “normative” Missal.
Upon any alteration to a printed Roman Missal - the new Missal authorized by the pope of the day becomes the “normative” Missal for the saying of Mass.
The Roman Missal authorized by Pope Paul VI is now the “normative” Mass of the Roman Rite. The so-called “Tridentine” Mass is no longer the “normative” Mass of the Roman Rite. It is permitted as a result of the Indult granted by Pope John-Paul II.
It is licitly and validly celebrated by those who are in communion with Pope John-Paul II through their lawful bishops. The SSPX are NOT in full communion with the the Pope and the Catholic Church.
Archbishop Lefebvre and his SSPX priests were suspended a divinis in the late 1970’s from performing the sacraments, including the saying of Mass. They couldn;t care less about the suspensions - nor being in a state of schism and excommunication.
The SSPX Mass is valid but illicit. So too are the Masses of various vagrant validly ordained priests who operate in “Independent” Chapels. They may ONLY be attended in cases of genuine necessity - and that does NOT occur when a parish so-called “Novus Ordo” is readily available.
Facts are facts!