First, it is not only alcoholics who go into bars, nor are bars celebrating being alcoholic.any more than going to a bar supports being an alcoholic
Imagine if there were a parade of people celebrating alcoholism, asking people to accept them as they are, saying God made them thos way, showing how alcoholism is genetic… wouldn’t you wonder if someone who was trying to keep away from alcohol, knowing the effects, were to join in some event saying how great alcoholism is?
In part, because it is a great temptation for so many people, and in part because it is so easy a sin to slip into.why must some people be obsessed with bed room issues alone? As if that were the only or most important issue…
But in this day and age, because it is a sin that is denied, and denied on the basis of love itself.
The Church does not speak out very much on the sins of adultery or rape, because we all pretty much agree those are terrible acts to commit. Can you imagine someone preaching vehemently against armed robbery? No, because we all pretty much agree that this is wrong.
But it is different with sex. We celebrate sex, we publish how-to manuals, we have apps which allow people to meet for this purpose. People who speak out against pre-marital sex are ridiculed and told to enter the 21st century.
And that’s why we hear more about people “being obsessed with bedroom issues,” aka fraternal correction, spreading the Gospel, trying to save souls…