It seems to have escaped you that the very reason the rainbow flag exists is as a counter to those who think that, for example, getting your daughter to wear a t-shirt to school which denigrates gay people is a good idea.
There will be a time when gay parades and icons of gay support will not be required. Until then…if you keep demonising gay people then expect some visible support and solidarity from most of the population.
There may have been a time that it was necessary to counter a prevalently and systemically homophobic society, and the rainbow flag represented that.
But rather than having learnt the lesson of what a terrible thing it is to be intolerant, vocal parts of the homosexual now have the boot on on the other foot and are displaying exactly the same intolerance they were once subjected to. Hounding down people who have different opinions, kicking their kids out of school, punishing them for not baking their cakes. Ridiculing and denigrating religion.
These days, Christians are clearly the underdog in this dispute. It doesn’t take much courage to put up a rainbow flag any more, but it takes much more courage to criticize it.
And before you accuse me of being homophobic, all the gay people I know fully agree with me on this. They say the pendulum has swung too far and its getting ridiculous. But their voices are not heard. They say that if these people really care about discrimination, they should go to some of the dictatorships in Africa and campaign there. But children are easier to kick around than dictators I guess.