Story: High school student sent home for wearing ‘homosexuality is a sin’ T-shirt, father says

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Because it’s the starting point of a slope down a deep dark sin filled void.

First it’s ok to tell children that they can explore homosexual desires. Then they tell children that they can explore multiple partners of different sexes by being bisexual. Then it’s outright insults to God by claiming he could have gotten your sex wrong and that you should go on puberty blockers now while you’re young. Then when they get older it’s time to mutilate their healthy body organs to create faux genitals of the opposite sex.

There is a bright line rule on this issue for a reason. Sex is only appropriate between one man and one woman who have been joined in holy matrimony, period. There are no exceptions.

Teaching children anything to the contrary is abhorrent.

The Church teaches us that same sex attraction is not the sin, but the act of engaging in sexual conduct with a member of the same sex is a sin.

The Church teaches us this because it’s not our fault the devil tempts us, he even tempted Christ three times while he fasted 40 days and 40 nights for us in the desert. However, just like Christ, we must reject Satan’s temptations.
Because it’s the starting point
Sorry, that whole thing made no sense to me. Staring off with the slippery slope argument and apparently implying that homosexuality is the first sin. Nope, not buying it. Most people start with masturbation, then move to fornication, and the majority never even approach homosexuality or transgenderism. Again, it seems like those who yell the loudest and most often about “the evils of homosexuality” think about it more than regular folks, and possibly even as much as people who actually have the attraction.
Because it’s the starting point of a slope down a deep dark sin filled void.
I think the point being made is that if you think that sex outside of marriage is wrong, then why are the relatively small proporion of gay people who do it being constantly brought up.

‘Sex Outside Marriage is Wrong’. Get some bumper stickers made. Pass them out. The message covers heterosexuals and gay people.
You’re missing the point of my argument.

I’m not saying it’s the starting point for the individual, I’m saying it’s the starting point for the institution that uses it as a wedge to introduce more harmful ideas later on.
Much like how I don’t see your point as to why you’d want to preclude something which is as clear of a sin as any from being spoken out against.
I never said it shouldn’t be spoken against at all. I only ask why that particular sin seems to get all the attention from some people and the others don’t get even close to equal (or sometimes any) time.
then why are the relatively small proporion of gay people who do it being constantly brought up.
This. Exactly this.
Because some people need a scapegoat to feel good about themselves, and, until recently, LGBT people were a socially acceptable scapegoat, conveniently at hand when the old standby, antisemitism, stopped being cool. It has always amazed me how much the rhetoric of homophobes matches that of Goebbels and crew. It’s basically recycled waste that Europe flushed 75 years ago.
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Why did God destroy Sodom?

Why did he focus on just that one thing instead of destroying another city with many of sinful ways?
Because the inhabitants were evil. It was definitely not solely or necessarily even primarily for homosexual acts.
To argue that the destruction of Sodom was not even primarily for homosexual acts is entirely disingenuous.

I welcome the notion that it was destroyed for many different sins, but this attempt to minimize the sodomy occurring in Sodom as a prime motivator and differentiator from cities engaging in other sin is laughably deceptive.
We learn new things all the time, and increased understanding is a good thing. And it really isn’t very new, it is just that the homosexuality interpretation got the most press for a while, especially from the “hellfire and brimstone” preachers of certain sects.

The Catholic Study Bible I bought when investigating the Faith mentions in the commentary, including references to other books, three sins as reasons for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, none of which is specifically sexual in nature, much less specifically homosexuality.

So yes, both tradition and scholars of the Church.
I can summarize, but not retype all verbatim.

‘The “outcry” comes from the victims of the injustice and violence rampant in the city.’

‘Is 1:9-10; 3:9 sees their sin as lack of social justice, Ez 16:46-51, as disregard for the poor, and Jer 23:14, as general immorality.’

‘In the Genesis story, the sin is violation of the sacred duty of hospitality by the threatened rape of Lot’s guests.’

Yes, homosexual themes are present, but it is not the prime motivator.
They were in the Study Bible I bought, as I stated earlier.

The particular Bible was printed by Oxford University Press and edited by Jean Marie Hiesberger. Approved by the Administrative Committee of the USCCB and has both Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur.

Any more nits to pick, or can I get on with my day?
The individual commentaries don’t actually have authors attributed. And if you are going to only accept commentaries from Saints, and assume that any commentary from any Saint is official Church teaching, well then all I can say is that we have very different understandings of Church teaching. I am done here as I don’t have enough time left on this Earth that I can let it be wasted in this fashion.
Funny that the dad chose to have his daughter wear that particular verse, rather than “Love your neighbor”, which is what Christianity is all about.
Christianity is about loving the sinner.

It is not about condoning the sin.
In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire. Jude 1:7
And where does it say that “sexual immorality and perversion” is equivalent to homosexuality? My only point is and has been that there are a lot of sins for you to “admonish the sinner” over. Why pick on just one, or even a few? No one who has a habit of doing that has yet answered with a reason.
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