Story: High school student sent home for wearing ‘homosexuality is a sin’ T-shirt, father says

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I think people are bright enough to know the difference. Catholics know things are sinful, and they do sin.
Really? I don’t think I would make such assumptions. Here is why:

According to Pew Research polling:
  • 46% of Catholics support same sex marriage
  • 48% of Catholics think abortion should be legal in all or most cases
Heck, even as it relates to the center of our worship, the Eucharist, 70% of Catholics either don’t know, or don’t believe in the Real Presence.

Based on this polling, as well as my personal experience as a catechist we should not be so quick to assume what Catholics or non Catholics know. We have a duty to be clear about what the Church teaches.
But the world we live in says it’s okay to have sex before marriage and to have sex with another man.
I don’t think for one minute that the father has the best interests of any gay school children at heart. This is a one man crusade. A guy who wants his voice to be heard.

But fair enough. I support the right for him to have such views and to have them heard. They should be made public. The more people who hear them the better. It prompts discussion. It throws some light on what people actually think. It’s a chance for some internal debate about what we find acceptable.

So Penkoski should take the opportunity to take his views to the public. He should print some leaflets and pass them out to the parents of the schoolkids. He should make a placard with some relevant biblical passages on it and stand outside the school gates and be prepared to listen to the personal feedback he gets. He should be man enough to put up with any abuse or ridicule that comes his way. But he should stand his ground and have the courage of his convictions.

And what are his convictions? Well, in order that more people are aware of them, here’s a snippet from his twitter account:

Lgbt always talking about children Here’s the link to my TikTok #lgbtq #pride #childmolesters
Preacher Threatens To Sue School After Daughter Was Sent Home For Wearing Anti-Gay Shirt | Michael Stone

Check out the last hashtag to see what he thinks of gay people. That’s what he believes. And is he man enough to stand up and be counted?

No. He gets his young daughter to do it for him. He gets his young daughter to put up with the ostracisation and the ridicule. He gets his child to do his dirty work.

The man is beneath contempt.
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I’m not judging anyone. I just think that raising your own kids is the better option. Am I not allowed my opinion?
Wow. You set up a false dichotomy between sending your kids to school versus “raising them,” in effect judging - regardless of what you claim - and shaming the parents, and then YOU’RE the victim? Amazing.
Being that the bible verse was also on the shirt the context is of the actions of homosexuality.
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I missed the part where the state is raising them…
Where I live if your kids go to school 7 hours a day plus bus rides to and from. Then there’s homework. The average kid, not counting any extra curricular activities, spends about 10 of their waking hours, 5 days a week, under the eye of the state. And you wonder whose raising them?
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but if you feel shamed over turning your kids over to the state then I guess that’s something maybe you should reconcile.
That’s LITERALLY not what they said. You’re twisting words and moving goalposts all over the place. :man_facepalming:t2:
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Welcome to Ruth’s world.
It’s a wild ride, for sure.
The show where everything’s made up and the points don’t matter.
Had the shirt had a picture of a firearm with “The 2A Matters” printed on it, they’d have called the police to come get the child too btw.

These infringements on free speech are absurd. When I was in school, it was common knowledge that “homosexuality is a sin,” and now we have this…after prayers were removed, the pledge of allegiance was removed or changed to not have “under God,” etc et al.

When my youngest, a girl, was in elementary school, she brought home a “sex ed” permission slip. I sent a letter to the principal stating that she could attend as long as they were not discussing birth control and lgbt stuff. Now, my daughter injects testosterone, says she identifies as a male, had an elective double mastectomy, and due to synthetic hormones often has more facial hair than I.
Fortunately my other child, a son, has it together.

I don’t have any children in any school now, but as a middle aged husband & father who has seen my share on this earth…parents please stand up to the schools if they violate any of your kids’, or your Constitutional Rights, else next thing you know, they’ll be no rights.

Just to be clear, being attracted to someone of the same sex is not a sin!
If the girl is truly interested in keeping her classmates out of sin, then an anti-masturbation and anti-fornication shirt would reach everybody, not just a small percentage subgroup.
But does the teacher have a pro-fornication and pro-masturbation sticker displayed?
If the girl is truly interested in keeping her classmates out of sin, then an anti-masturbation and anti-fornication shirt would reach everybody, not just a small percentage subgroup.
But does the teacher have a pro-fornication and pro-masturbation sticker displayed?
I don’t think the school has any stickers suggesting that fornicators and masturbators should have equal rights. If they did you’d have a valid point. As they haven’t, you don’t.
Yes but the shirt also included a bible verse which put it in the context of homosexual actions.
I don’t know what this has to do with my post.

Same sex attraction is not the sin.

If a person does not act on those desires and is chaste there is no sin.
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If the girl is truly interested in keeping her classmates out of sin, then an anti-masturbation and anti-fornication shirt would reach everybody, not just a small percentage subgroup.
But does the teacher have a pro-fornication and pro-masturbation sticker displayed?
I don’t think the school has any stickers suggesting that fornicators and masturbators should have equal rights. If they did you’d have a valid point. As they haven’t, you don’t.
They don’t have to.

Fornicators and masturbators aren’t beaten up on a regular basis.
Yes but the shirt also included a bible verse which put it in the context of homosexual actions.
And how many people are going to look up a Bible verse they see on a t-shirt?
Nor does it change the fact that the statement in the shirt is a lie. Which makes it absolutely appalling that there’s so much defense of it in this thread.
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If the girl is truly interested in keeping her classmates out of sin, then an anti-masturbation and anti-fornication shirt would reach everybody, not just a small percentage subgroup.
But does the teacher have a pro-fornication and pro-masturbation sticker displayed?
I don’t think the school has any stickers suggesting that fornicators and masturbators should have equal rights. If they did you’d have a valid point. As they haven’t, you don’t.
They don’t have to.

Fornicators and masturbators aren’t beaten up on a regular basis.
Next week’s shirt: Leviticus 20:13.
Nor does it change the fact that the statement in the shirt is a lie
Nope not a lie in the context of the scripture also displayed.
And how many people are going to look up a Bible verse they see on a t-shirt?
I bet this story has prompted many to look it up but If only a few still worth it if it prompts some to read God’s Word.
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