It’s easy to have tons of suggestions, but remembering when new I can understand that at times so many things are offered it puts your head into a spin. Tho I haven’t been “new” for ages

I can honestly suggest simplicity is among the greatest advance towards your relationship with the Father. As far as holiness, we are all called to this and since that is truth then we can be assured that God, since he is the end of this call will provide a
beginning at each level we attain or strive for, because it is not a
one time effort on our part, but daily.
There were alot of things mentioned, St.John of the cross, St.
Theresa, the Interior Castle…Contemplative Prayer and Centering
Prayer. St. John of the Cross was writing from a confined space with no contact with others, he was writing from where he was, St. Theresa was writing to her sisters, St.Augustine wrote from a life of sin and his awakening to grace. Every dear saint or individual that has discovered how to come closer to God has done so through their own experiences, not to deny their endeavors were heightened by the Holy Spirit as well as guided in their quest, tho the same is different in their time and disposition and circumstance then any of ours. We learn from these more times then not after we have simply taken the invitation from Jesus to come to know him and his place in us, personally and let him lead us in our particular direction in him. St.Ignatius offers Spiritual Exercises that as well open our minds and hearts and even lead us into contemplation of the life of Christ, the Scriptures, Death, the importance and purpose of our existence, he too is good.
Simply put all of us before we walked, crawled, before we ran we
walked, it’s similar in prayer I believe…the perfect prayer is the Our
Father, this is the what, when asked of Jesus to teach them how to pray he shared, who better to know how to pray then to whom all prayer comes. Prayer is us communicating with the Father,
in all forms, in all concerns but in the midst of all our prayer is one undeniable truth, the Father knows our hearts, our needs before we even ask, what in our prayer we do is go to him, acknowledge our need of him and desire to allow him to be the center of our lives, he wants to have communication with his children, prayer is what and how we accomplish this. He doesn’t make it complicated and confusing, sometimes we do that in our fervor to achieve a greater closeness. Whatever the vehicle of prayer it is,
it is “God tirelessly calling each person to this myterious encounter with Himself.” Prayer unfolds throughout the whole history of salvation as a reciprocal call between God and man…Cathechism 2591. Keep it simple to begin with…Here I am Lord in Jesus name. The invocation of the name of Jesus is the simplest way of praying always, by a humble and attentive heart the prayer is not lost by heaping up empty phrases but holds fast to the word that brings forth fruit. This prayer is possible at all times.
God bless,