Oh yes, now I remember that conversation (how could I have forgotten??). Appologies for that, and congratulations on the confirmation!!! Isn’t the vigial mass beautiful? I’m ashamed to admin, this was my very first Easter (more accuratly Paschal) Triduum ever. I have no idea why I never went before… Well that’s not true, I never went b/c my family traditionally preferend the view point of “don’t you love how we catholics only have to go every Sunday and we’re done? No homework, no spending days at a time going to Mass”. Stephanie and I agree, our Catholic family will be a little more active than I was growing up lol.Thanks everyone very much for the prayers, though I’m really quite okay, feeling quite good overall, since I started therapy. I’ve just been spending much less time on the computer these days… really limiting myself as I got quite addicted to the forums and the computer in general when I was on sick leave. I needed to spend more time doing things in my face to face life, and still do.
No, I was already baptized in September - and it was wonderul, but on Saturday I was “only” confimed!It was also a fantastic experience. As was my first Easter Triduum. Congratulations to your fiance, I hope all went well and you are in my prayers!
BTW, if you have any pictures from the service you would be happy to share please check out my thread in this same forum:
Pictures from the Vigial