Struggling with Marian Prayers

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That may be technically true, but smacks to me of a minimalism that is simply not part of the Catholic heritage and experience that has been lived in the Church since its inception and has been preserved both East and West.
And this smacks to me of people who want everybody to do exactly what everybody else thinks they should do.

Just because I don’t practice any particular devotion to Mary on a regular basis, that does not mean I do not honor, respect and believe in the dogmas regarding Mary.

OP, pray as you can, not as you can’t. And don’t worry about what others think.
Marian devotion is a required component of being Catholic.
Accepting Marian doctrine is required but I think our Blessed Mother is patient. She does not demand that we talk to her. She understands the journey the OP has to make.
And this smacks to me of people who want everybody to do exactly what everybody else thinks they should do.

Just because I don’t practice any particular devotion to Mary on a regular basis, that does not mean I do not honor, respect and believe in the dogmas regarding Mary.

OP, pray as you can, not as you can’t. And don’t worry about what others think.
I neither said nor implied anything of the sort. I did point out that some kind of Marian devotion, without specifying any particular type or practice, has been part and parcel of Catholic spirituality throughout the ages.
I abandoned my faith for roughly 7-8 years and came back to the Church in August of 2015. Since then I have been reading a lot of Theology and Apologetics. After all of the reading and praying I am having a hard time with Marian Prayers. My parish has a Mother of Perpetual Hope devotion after Mass on Tuesday nights, which I stay for but I just feel awkward saying the prayers. I have no problems with the teachings on Mary, It just feels like a guilty conscience when i say the prayers. I continue to pray for understanding and growth about this subject so I thought I would reach out to people on the forums.

Thanks for the help!
Since Catholicism is a CHRISTian religion do not feel bad about having a Christcentric prayer life. Some of us, myself included, feel drawn to Christ and don’t feel the need to always seek intercessory prayers in their private prayer life. Obviously there are prayers for intercession at Mass, but you can choose not to pray them in private, pray only intercessory prayers, or have a particular devotion to a Saint. Or like I said just pray directly to Our Lord. It is up to you. I personally have always felt close to Our Lord, so I tend to pray directly to Him. I’m not drawn to any Marian devotions, but I do ask Our lady and other saints to intercede for me. I particularly like to pray to Saint Paul for intercession, but I don’t have any Saint devotions. I do try to say the Chaplet of the Devine Mercy, which is very Christcentric.
That may be technically true, but smacks to me of a minimalism that is simply not part of the Catholic heritage and experience that has been lived in the Church since its inception and has been preserved both East and West.
It has nothing to do with minimalism, it has to do with the definition of the word required. Saying it was required would put Marian devotion on the same level as devotion to Christ. Neither is this merely a minor semantic issue, as can be seen from the fact that there are still proponents of the so-called Fifth Marian Dogma that is dangerously close to heresy.
What Marian prayers are a part of the Mass? I know Mary is mentioned several times, but I can’t recall any prayers directed to her.
The Confiteor. Is it the mark of a faithful Catholic who says “Sorry, I don’t pray to Mary” and remains silent while the assembly recites the Confiteor? What if you’re an altar server in the Extraordinary Form, do you just leave it up to your brothers to cover for you?
The Confiteor. Is it the mark of a faithful Catholic who says “Sorry, I don’t pray to Mary” and remains silent while the assembly recites the Confiteor? What if you’re an altar server in the Extraordinary Form, do you just leave it up to your brothers to cover for you?
I’ll grant you that one, tho technically it’s not a prayer to Mary, but asking all the saints to pray. Unfortunately, we rarely get to say it at our parish. Most of the priests we’ve had over the last 15 years prefer to go straight to the “Lord have mercy.”
“and therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, All the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters…” is not what has traditionally been identified as a Marian devotion, such as Mother of Perpetual Help devotion, or the rosary. Mentioning her name in a prayer that is multi directed doesn’t even begin to qualify, and does not address the OP’s question.
  1. We are then, it will be seen, very far from attributing to the Mother of God a productive power of grace - a power which belongs to God alone. Yet, since Mary carries it over all in holiness and union with Jesus Christ, and has been associated by Jesus Christ in the work of redemption, she merits for us de congruo, in the language of theologians, what Jesus Christ merits for us de condigno, and she is the supreme Minister of the distribution of graces. Jesus “sitteth on the right hand of the majesty on high” (Hebrews i. b.). Mary sitteth at the right hand of her Son - a refuge so secure and a help so trusty against all dangers that we have nothing to fear or to despair of under her guidance, her patronage, her protection. (Pius IX. in Bull Ineffabilis).
  1. These principles laid down, and to return to our design, who will not see that we have with good reason claimed for Mary that - as the constant companion of Jesus from the house at Nazareth to the height of Calvary, as beyond all others initiated to the secrets of his Heart, and as the distributor, by right of her Motherhood, of the treasures of His merits, - she is, for all these reasons, a most sure and efficacious assistance to us for arriving at the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. Those, alas! furnish us by their conduct with a peremptory proof of it, who seduced by the wiles of the demon or deceived by false doctrines think they can do without the help of the Virgin.** Hapless are they who neglect Mary under pretext of the honor to be paid to Jesus Christ! As if the Child could be found elsewhere than with the Mother!**
Are there really Catholics who fully assent to all Marian doctrines and dogmas and liturgical feasts and yet have zero devotion to the Blessed Lady? They never utter a Hail Mary, they never lit a candle at her altar, they never gazed lovingly upon an icon of the Theotokos?

I am not the most hardcore Marian devotee. I have never undergone a consecration and I am slightly allergic to praying the rosary on my own. But these things are much to my chagrin as I love her dearly. Devotion to Christ is devotion to His mother. For me, these things go hand-in-hand and cannot be separated or detached or unlinked. It is the realm of Satanists, occultists and Protestants who hate the Catholic devotion to Mary, probably because they are acutely aware of her power and influence with both God and His faithful ones.

I should like to ask my Byzantine friends what they think of Christian faith without devotion to the Theotokos; they would probably regard me as if I had just grown two heads and turned bright green. You certainly can’t get through a Divine Liturgy without expressing deep devotion to her, it is thick and rich in their tradition, and to me it is quite mysterious how she has been reduced to a couple blips on the liturgical radar in the Roman Rite.

I think JM3 has adequately proven that love for Mary is not an optional part of Christianity. Nobody else in this shred who dissents has provided a shred of Scripture or Tradition that even so much as implies that we have the option.

I will leave you with yet another quote to bolster our position, this one from the [Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy.]( Five)
Indeed, “the faithful easily understand the vital link uniting Son and Mother. They realise that the Son is God and that she, the Mother, is also their mother. They intuit the immaculate holiness of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and in venerating her as the glorious queen of Heaven, they are absolutely certain that she who is full of mercy intercedes for them. Hence, they confidently have recourse to her patronage. The poorest of the poor feel especially close to her. They know that she, like them, was poor, and greatly suffered in meekness and patience. They can identify with her suffering at the crucifixion and death of her Son, as well as rejoice with her in his resurrection. The faithful joyfully celebrate her feasts, make pilgrimage to her sanctuary, sing hymns in her honour, and make votive offerings to her. They instinctively distrust whoever does not honour her and will not tolerate those who dishonour her”(208).
(208) CONGREGATION FOR DIVINE WORSHIP, Circular Letter Guidelines and proposals for the celebration of the Marian Year (3.4.1987), 67.
But these things are much to my chagrin as I love her dearly.
That’s nice for you, but please remember that love cannot be conjured out of thin air. Mary is the Mother of Jesus - no one is disputing that. I’ve said Hail Marys, rosaries, & I’ve lit candles. I do what I do because it is a part of being Catholic, not because I’m feeling anything special. And that’s just the way it is for some of us - perhaps for many.
That’s nice for you, but please remember that love cannot be conjured out of thin air. Mary is the Mother of Jesus - no one is disputing that. I’ve said Hail Marys, rosaries, & I’ve lit candles. I do what I do because it is a part of being Catholic, not because I’m feeling anything special. And that’s just the way it is for some of us - perhaps for many.
Mary is the Theotokos, the Panagia, the Immaculate Conception, Mediatrix of All Graces, the Co-Redemptrix, the Ark of the New Covenant. We honor her with hyperdulia, higher honor than any other human creature, because she is unique, a special creation on God’s wondrous Earth. The people claiming that devotion is unnecessary seem to imply that a good Catholic would refuse Hail Marys, Rosaries, candles, and anything else that smacked of Marian honor, and would not be any less of a Catholic for it. I take offense at this notion.

It is exactly as if I were reading the Book of Samuel and the Ark of the Covenant entered Jerusalem and King David says, “oh, whatev, I’ve got a decree to write. There is no time in my busy life to greet the Ark of my Lord.” In fact David was afraid of it after Uzziah was struck dead and he delayed its entrance by three months. But he soon relented, because the Ark was legendary for its holiness. All of Israel recognized the blessings of the Ark because they knew what it contained. And likewise it is with the Blessed Mother, because she contained God incarnate. Nobody before or since has done such a thing, and for a Catholic to ignore the Blessed Virgin Mary is exactly like an Old Testament Jew who thinks the Ark is no big deal.
I have been reading a lot of Theology and Apologetics. I have no problems with the teachings on Mary, I continue to pray for understanding and growth about this subject
I implore God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit along with Mary’s most faithful and chaste spouse Joseph to open the hearts of the faithful and reveal to them all the truths of faith as it is lived in and through the family of God.

Nick, it seems too often when we study theology and apologetics that the idea of truth and public revelation reign supreme. The many errors of today and the warnings of scripture guide the repentant sinner to focus on the dogmatic teachings to rescue others and to aid ourselves that perhaps we do not fall so far away from the teachings as we have done in the past. To this day I think one of the greatest books on understanding of public and private revelation is Benedict Groeshells book “A Still Small Voice”. I have witnessed people who read that book, this includes myself, start to guard themselves against anything other than public revelation and even withdrawal from Marian devotions. That is a treacherous road to go down, and is one that the great theologians and apologist do not travel.

This is my prayer for you. To start taking all that you learned about the faith, and put it in the context of family. We are adopted sons and daughters of God through the eternal sonship of Jesus Christ, and the person par excellence in dignity closest to God is your adopted mother, Mary. I truly believe when scripture records for us that Jesus came in the fullness of time it is a reference to Mary being present on Earth. You may not often feel she is loving you as you would desire, but do not most moms have to spend more time on the children that need more help. That is not to say that if you do not engage her she will not give you the attention that you deserve.

When I am speak about Jesus to others I try to always say a prayer letting her know that I am woefully unprepared, but I do not want to say anything false about her son, or have anything less than everyone falling in lover with her son. She has never disappointed. Ask yourself why is John’s gospel so different? I know theologians etc will say the rest had been covered, but what do you think? To me the only thing that makes sense is the time John spent with Mary his adopted mother in Ephesus. Those truths she held close to her heart and pondered those intimate talks between her son when he shared with those deepest truths about himself and the faith are found in the Gospel of John which probably could be titled the Gospel of Mary in the same way as Mark to Peter.

Joseph show me and speak to my heart on how to love God above all else, and how to love and imitate your beloved spouse, Mary. Mary thank you for all the times you have aided me and comforted me you are so beautiful mom.
Mary is the Theotokos, the Panagia, the Immaculate Conception, Mediatrix of All Graces, the Co-Redemptrix, the Ark of the New Covenant. We honor her with hyperdulia, higher honor than any other human creature, because she is unique, a special creation on God’s wondrous Earth.
The Fifth Marian Dogma has not been defined, nor should it be. The sense in which Mary can be called Co-Redemptrix, while there may be some valid sense in which is could be used, is so limited that it can apply to all the saints; likewise, she has not, to the best my knowledge, been spoken of as the Mediatrix of All Graces even in the quote by a former Pope, which one escapes me, that calls her Mediatrix.
The people claiming that devotion is unnecessary seem to imply that a good Catholic would refuse Hail Marys, Rosaries, candles, and anything else that smacked of Marian honor, and would not be any less of a Catholic for it. I take offense at this notion.
You have made a completely incorrect inference. It does not imply an disrespect to the Virgin to say that devotion to her is not necessary—necessity implies that there was something lacking in God to achieve our salvation on His own. St. Dismas, I imagine, didn’t even know who Mary was. He entered heaven because Christ alone is sufficient. If Marian devotion was necessary in the true meaning of the word, he could not have been saved.
Mediatrix of all graces?! Really?! What a bizarre title. Its funny I could have sworn the grace of God is dispensed to mankind through the power of the Holy Spirit. God is not Father, Son and Mary, he is Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

I think the Church needs to honestly cool down when it comes to Marian devotion. Let’s get our focus back to the Holy Trinity shall we?
Mediatrix of all graces?! Really?! What a bizarre title. Its funny I could have sworn the grace of God is dispensed to mankind through the power of the Holy Spirit. God is not Father, Son and Mary, he is Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

I think the Church needs to honestly cool down when it comes to Marian devotion. Let’s get our focus back to the Holy Trinity shall we?
Wouldn’t you agree that Mary is Mediatrix of some graces? Although I have not heard this title before, I would say that is sounds suitable. Since Mary is full of grace, she must be Mediatrix of all graces.
Mary certainly takes nothing away from the Holy Trinity, as she is the Temple of the Holy Trinity, and acts always in accordance to God’s will.
“Mediatrix” seems to imply that shes a necessary intermediary standing between us and the grace of God. This is nonsense. Nowhere is this found in scripture and to believe this would come close to idolatry, putting Mary nearly equal to God.

The grace of God comes to us through the power of the Holy Spirit, and through the sacraments instituted by Christ to be divine channels of grace. Mary is the most holy of the saints, yes, but she is not the intermediary of all grace, that’s absurd.

Quite frankly I see a big problem with some Catholics elevating Mary in such a way that it smacks of pagan goddess worship.
“Mediatrix” seems to imply that shes a necessary intermediary standing between us and the grace of God. This is nonsense. Nowhere is this found in scripture and to believe this would come close to idolatry, putting Mary nearly equal to God.

The grace of God comes to us through the power of the Holy Spirit, and through the sacraments instituted by Christ to be divine channels of grace. Mary is the most holy of the saints, yes, but she is not the intermediary of all grace, that’s absurd.

Quite frankly I see a big problem with some Catholics elevating Mary in such a way that it smacks of pagan goddess worship.
Mary is Mediatrix between God and mankind. Today, Sunday, along with Wednesday, we pray the Rosary and recite the Glorious mysteries. The fifth mystery is the Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth. God is who made her so. Are you saying that He made a mistake?
Mary is Mediatrix between God and mankind.
No, Christ is. 1 Timothy 2:5. Where on earth do you get this notion?
The fifth mystery is the Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth
I don’t pray the rosary so I’m not familiar with that. You do know God condemned Israel for worshiping a goddess figure they called the “Queen of Heaven” right? That he considered it an abomination? What you’re talking about sounds awfully similar to that.

I don’t see how Mary differs significantly from the other saints, who are rightly revered for what God has worked in them. Mary is to be revered in this same sense, not because of anything intrinsic to her, but because of what God has worked in her. Mary is a trophy of God’s grace, like all the saints, she is just the holiest of them all.
Are you saying that He made a mistake?
No I’m saying many Catholics make a mistake in confusing the proper reverence due to Mary with almost pagan goddess worship.
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