Suggestions Needed For My Vocations Feature On My Blog

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This week:
The Community of Saint John

First week:
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

Second week:
Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles

Third week:
Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Fourth week:
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate

Fifth week:
Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

Sixth week:
The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter

Last week
Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecelia (Nashville Dominicans)

If you have any suggestions for orders or communities you feel should be highlighted for TCB’s “Vocations Tuesday” please contact us! @! Include “VOCATIONS TUESDAY” in the subject line please!
This week:

Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church

First week:
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

Second week:
Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles

Third week:
Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Fourth week:
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate

Fifth week:
Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

Sixth week:
The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter

Seventh week:
Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecelia (Nashville Dominicans)

Last week:
The Community of Saint John

If you have any suggestions for orders or communities you feel should be highlighted for TCB’s “Vocations Tuesday” please contact us! @! Include “VOCATIONS TUESDAY” in the subject line please!
are there any in Asia Area?? especially Franciscan and Carmellite? that I may contact them first??
are there any in Asia Area?? especially Franciscan and Carmellite? that I may contact them first??
Some of these groups are international and in Asia… Others you might want to share!

I am more limited to English language websites myself…

Where in Asia?
Sorry I have no idea, because the one OCD monastery that I know in Indonesia they don’t have the website:)
This Week:
Fathers of Mercy

First week:
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

Second week:
Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles

Third week:
Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Fourth week:
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate

Fifth week:
Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

Sixth week:
The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter

Seventh week:
Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecelia (Nashville Dominicans)

Eight week:
The Community of Saint John

Ninth week:
Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church

Last week:
Institute of the Good Shepherd

If you have any suggestions for orders or communities you feel should be highlighted for TCB’s “Vocations Tuesday” please contact us! @! Include “VOCATIONS TUESDAY” in the subject line please!​

Portsmouth Poor Claires

First week:
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal
Second week:
Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles
Third week:
Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Fourth week:
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate
Fifth week:
Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate
Sixth week:
The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter
Seventh week:
Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecelia (Nashville Dominicans)
Eight week:
The Community of Saint John
Ninth week:
Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church
Tenth Week:
Institute of the Good Shepherd
Last Week:
Fathers of Mercy

If you have any suggestions for orders or communities you feel should be highlighted for TCB’s “Vocations Tuesday” please contact us! @! Include “VOCATIONS TUESDAY” in the subject line please!
Awesomelinks and how fascinating and uplifting to see these different communities… Keep up the great work…(and yes I did actually send info on a community of interest [in my opinion]) Oh how I wish more diocesan websites and vocation directors used tools like this to bring vocations to the forefront

Pray Pray Pray for the harvest!
Have you heard about any Carmelite nuns in Wyoming? I know about the Mystic Monk coffee monks, but do you know of any nuns?

I am not sure how far along you are on your journey… here are some possibilities to help out
  1. I see many threads her asking about Carmelite Communities and spirtuality
  2. The Vocation Director of your Diocese
    Diocese of Cheyenne
    3 ) A fine website with all sorts of vocation materials]
    (I used their websites and found many many different communities of religious… might be a way to start your search)
  3. )www.Religious
    [A guide to religious ministries for Catholic Men and Women]
I could not find anything specific…hope this helps somewhat…
Of course you probably already know that some communites might be based in one area and have mother houses in another …
will give websites as the list and info may be to long

Peace :nun1:
Have you heard about any Carmelite nuns in Wyoming? I know about the Mystic Monk coffee monks, but do you know of any nuns?

I am not sure how far along you are on your journey… here are some possibilities to help out
  1. I see many threads her asking about Carmelite Communities and spirtuality
  2. The Vocation Director of your Diocese
    Diocese of Cheyenne
    3 ) A fine website with all sorts of vocation materials]
    (I used their websites and found many many different communities of religious… might be a way to start your search)
  3. )www.Religious
    [A guide to religious ministries for Catholic Men and Women]
I could not find anything specific…hope this helps somewhat…
Of course you probably already know that some communites might be based in one area and have mother houses in another …
will give websites as the list and info may be to long

Peace :nun1:
No, I’m not looking to join up yet, it is just that my college (Wyoming Catholic College) has scheduled a visit to a convent, and I cannot find it anywhere online! Thanks for the links though, I’ll check those out.
I have started a new feature on my blog - The Black Cordelias - called “Vocations Tuesday” where I highlight religious orders for men or women that are growing and worth consideration for prayer and support.

There are so very many good, orthodox and GROWING groups out there that I would be interested in highlighting…

What are some favorites worth considering from the CAF crowd?
Christ’s peace.

A very great idea for a blog. You may consider looking at this new website, which lists many orthodox orders, and includes links, pictures, and videos of them;
No, I’m not looking to join up yet, it is just that my college (Wyoming Catholic College) has scheduled a visit to a convent, and I cannot find it anywhere online! Thanks for the links though, I’ll check those out.
Make certain you share with us what you find out, please!
Have you heard about any Carmelite nuns in Wyoming? I know about the Mystic Monk coffee monks, but do you know of any nuns?

They plan to found a monastery of Carmelite nuns, but that is (I believe) a bit far in the future. The Carmelite nuns in Valapariso, Nebraska chant the Divine Office in the Carmelite Rite. The monks do the same. They are the only two Carmelite communities in the world (to my knowledge) who do. They also both seem to celebrate Mass in the EF, and I know Valapariso is the only Carmelite monastery of OCD nuns in US that has the Mass in the EF. The Valapariso Carmel has received many vocations and will need to make a foundation in the future. I believe Mother Teresa is waiting for more professed sisters (they have a very large novitiate and the community is young, having only been founded in 2000). I think (and this is just my thoughts) Valapariso’s future foundation may be the same foundation the monks are talking about being made in Wyoming.

The Ann Arbor Dominicans (Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist)

First week:
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal
Second week:
Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles
Third week:
Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Fourth week:
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate
Fifth week:
Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate
Sixth week:
The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter
Seventh week:
Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecelia (Nashville Dominicans)
Eight week:
The Community of Saint John
Ninth week:
Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church
Tenth Week:
Institute of the Good Shepherd
Eleventh Week:
Fathers of Mercy
Last Week:
Portsmouth Poor Claires

If you have any suggestions for orders or communities you feel should be highlighted for TCB’s “Vocations Tuesday” please contact us! @! Include “VOCATIONS TUESDAY” in the subject line please!
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