I found these groups interesting!
I do like Carmelites.
I do like Carmelites.
CarmeliteGirl25 said:I know, for me, I am looking at only traditional Carmelite orders who wear the full habit with the wimple, mantle and the long veil. Fortunately, I’ve been able to find orders like this who wear the full habit but are still loyal to the Church. One such order is the Valparaiso Carmel, which I’ve heard is getting some new vocations. They celebrate the EF Mass, pray the Liturgy 7 times a day, and wear the full habit and veil. They are a 1990 Constitution Carmel, which is more traditional and closer to what St. Teresa of Avila wanted in her Reform.
I used to be looking at just Discalced Carmelite orders who had a habit, whether it was full or modified, but I discovered that the one I was looking at the most (Savannah Carmel) was a little too modernized. Their numbers are very small and they have had to take women from Kenya in order to increase their numbers. In fact, the 2 nuns that are already there have already been clothed in the habit, which makes me think that they transferred from another Carmel. When Sr. Joann (Prioress) told me that they were coming, I thought they were going to be postulants. Since finding out they weren’t, I realized they haven’t had a new vocation in years. All the nuns are 20+ years older than me. So I stopped discerning with them. (they are 1991 Constitution’s Carmel, which is more modern than the 1990)
I am now looking at these 1990s Carmels:
Valparaiso, NE
(they are so traditional that they don’t use the internet; but here’s a website that is from their diocese: dioceseoflincoln.org/mauve/carmelite.htm)
Iron Mountain, MI (Gorgeous order)
Cristo Rey in San Francisco, CA
Loretto, PA
Georgetown, CA
Sheffield, England, UK (even though I live in the states, LOL)
I also have these 1991 Carmels in mind too, because they are more traditional then their counterparts:
Arlington, TX
Alhambra, CA
Terre Haute, IN