These gals will definately be featured in the future!BarbaraTherese said:thesacredcross.org/main.htm
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For video of the Clothing of Novice…scroll down to bottom on above link.
The SSC have now established a community of live in (at this point) semi contemplative religious in Nova Scotia, Canada. They are still, being so new, ‘finding their feet’ as to their horarium.
The website is most informative!
Is God calling you to a life of prayer and service?
Some comments only on the SSC, and especially listed below are those by some of our Catholic heirarchy and Vatican officials.
**“His Holiness (Pope Benedict XVI) will remember you and the Sisters in his prayers, and he invokes upon you the sustaining grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.” **
The Vatican, Secretariat of State.
**"(We are) highly appreciative of the Community’s commitment to prayer for the oneness of all Christ’s disciples….such spiritual ecumenism is the heart of the search…" **
The Vatican, Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.
**"…actual movement for unity comes from within communities, and that seems to be exactly what is happening within your Community. I am moved by this knowledge…" **
Most Rev. Wilton Gregory, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Atlanta; former President of the USCCB.
**“I am very pleased that people around Australia are becoming interested in your way of life and I hope that you get more vocations from this part of the world. (The Sisters in Perth) are certainly giving good witness to people in their parish … and elsewhere, to Religious Life…….It is a joyful and prayerful vocation.” **
Most Rev. B. J. Hickey, Roman Catholic Archbishop pf Perth, Australia
"SSC can provide ways in which devout people can live their “normal” life in a “religious” one, enabling them to be more fully what they are and who they are… may be answering the need that was felt when the monastic movement first began."
The Rev. Canon Russell Elliott, priest and author.